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Plan of the study

Consumer Behavior in India- In this chapter we study about the behaviour
of Indian consumer. We will know about the purchasing behaviour of

Performance of white goods industry in India - This chapter will give
information about the white goods industry in India. It will also show the
changes and development in Indian white goods industry.

Literature review - This chapter will give knowledge about the different
researches on the consumer behaviour.

Purchase behavior and white goods with special reference to washing
machine- In this chapter we study about the purchasing behaviour of Indian
consumer for white goods with special reference to washing machine.

Research Methodology - In this part of the report we will discuss about the
type of data, sampling technique, research type, method of collection of data,
statistical tools etc. according to requirement of the study.


Interpretation & analysis - In this chapter we will interpret and analyze data
with the help of different charts, graphs, tables, MS Excel etc.

Conclusions & suggestions -This chapter will show the findings, conclusion
and suggestions of the study for future use.

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