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The group process recording assignment on the NA group meeting fits competency
2.1.10. Competency 2.1.10 is to engage, assess, intervene and evaluate with
individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. The group process
recording assignment on the NA group meeting is a great example of engaging,
assessing, intervening and evaluating with individuals, families, groups,
organizations and communities. In this assignment I was able to sit in a NA meeting
to observe and take notes on how NA meeting are conducted by a professional
social worker. I got to experience all aspects of the group meeting from beginning
to end. In this assignment I noted all of the behaviors observed during the meeting
and all of the key points of the meeting from beginning to middle to end. I learned
great deal from this assignment. This assignment taught me that anything can
happen during group, even if you have a set agenda it is easy for the group to drift
and guide the conversation themselves. Group participation for NA meetings is very
important. Group therapy is an intervention used to help the clients stop their
substance abuse, so it is imperative for them to be involved in group discussion and
lessons. The practice behavior of engagement which is developing a mutually
agreed-on focus of work and desired outcomes was met. This assignment shows
the beginning stage of the group and how the social worker engaged the group
members. Another practice behavior achieved was the assessment which I the
collection and interpretation of client data, strengths and limitations. The
assessment is done after the engagement. The social work asked all of the group
members to talk about how they are feeling and how their day is going to see where
they are as far as their progress in the program. During assessment mutually
agreed intervention goals are developed. The third practice behavior is the actual
intervention which is when the client initiates actions to achieve organizational
goals. The intervention in this case was the actual lesson of the group which was
about bad relationships. Interventions were done as the individual group members
shared their stories about their bad relationships. Lastly, valuation is the practice
behavior that critically analyzes and evaluates how well the interventions worked.
The evaluation in this case was done by the social worker by observing the
improvement made by the client by their responses and their nonverbal
communication. This assignment provided me with better insight of how to facilitate
a NA group from the beginning phase to the end stage of the group. It was very
helpful to see the responses the social worker used when asked questions by the
group members. All of the interactions were very interesting. Overall the group
process recording assignment on the NA group meeting fulfills competency 2.1.10
because it displays the actual engagement, assessment, intervention and
evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.
Applying competency 2.1.10 will ensure better practice when facilitating groups or
individual counseling.

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