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Gas Notes The 3 basie principles of Thermodynamics are © Any liquid absorbs latent heat from its surrounding to evaporate. * Boiling point of any liquid is directly proportional to its pressure. * Any vapour can be condensed if cooled or compressed. Process of cooling of cargo on board a ship Gas is loaded in liquid state at its boiling boint in the ship tanks. Due to heat ingress liquid absorbs heat and changes state to form vapour. The temperature of the vapour is the same ds the liquid as the heat absorbed is latent heat (energy used to change its slate).As liquid changes state to vapour the tank pressure will rise (vapour require more volume than liquid ~ 1 kg liquid of propane = 0.411 cub.m of vapour). As the tank pressure rises the boiling point of the liquid rises and hence the temperature of the liquid at the discharge port will be much higher than that at which it was loaded. To avoid this a reliquefaction plant is used. The plant sucks the vapour from the tank and compresses it ina compressor. If the heat energy or enthalpy in the vapour had to remain the same as, when in the tank, this vapour would have condensed on compression. However the enthalpy does not remain the same as there is a lot of enthalpy added due to friction and work done on the vapour by the compressor. Hence the vapour would have to be compressed to a much higher discharge pressure of the compressor in order to condense. On board ships the designed discharge pressure of the compressors is not very high but Kept at medium (approx 5 kg/cm2) (1) to avoid high cost of equipment (2) to reduce chances of breakdown due to high pressures. Hence the vapour does not condense on compression alone and requires to be cooled. The medium compressed vapour (5 kg/om2) is sent to a condenser where it is cooled by a cooling medium (sometimes seawater and sometimes R22) to its liquid boiling or condensing temperature at the condenser pressure of 5 kg/cm? and sometimes sub cooled or super cooled to below its condensing temperature. (depending on temperature/efficiency of cooling medium). Ata pressure of about 5 kg/em2 propane boils at 9 deg C. However when the liquid in the ‘condenser passes the expansion valve or the manual bypass valve its pressure drops from 5 kg/cm? to the prevailing tank pressures (0.02~0.20 kg/em2). This throttling of liquid causes some liquid to vapourise which absorbs heat from the surrounding liquid to vapourise (latent heat) thus dropping the temperature of the surrounding liquid to its oiling point at prevailing tank pressures (around 40 deg C from 9 deg C in the case of propane). This cooled liquid along with the vapour that absorbed heat to vapourise is then pushed into the tank via the condensate line. This vapour gives its latent heat to liquid in the tank and causes some slight rise in temperature. Hence it will be observed that the tank pressure to which the condensate is sent is always a litle higher than the other tanks. However in the full cycle more heat is taken out from the system at the condenser than that added due to ingress, friction, work done etc in the system. This causes temperature and pressure to drop. BOTTOM SPRAY: On loaded voyage we give bottom spray. The condensate (i.e. vapour which absorbs heat to vapourise at the condenser outlet and the liquid condensate) are fed at the bottom of the tank. The maximum evaporation takes place at the top of the tank and hence the liquid temperature at the top is cooler than the rest of the tank (evaporation takes heat from the top liquid to evaporate). However the vapour fed at the bottom of the tank rises through the liquid to the vapour above the liquid and while doing so sets up convection cycle in the liquid of the tank. This helps in mixing the liquid. TOP SPRAY: On ballast voyage we give top spray because the liquid level in the tank is very low. The temperature of the vapour above the liquid remains cool only to a limited height and as the distance from the liquid increases the temperature of the vapor rises. Hence the temperature of the vapor at the top of the tank will be high. To avoid this, top spray is fed into the tank. The liquid vaporizes on contact with the top of the tank, cooling the top and this cool vapor descends due to gravity gradually cooling from top to bottom of the tank. If during a ballast passage, the cooling plants are kept shut for a day, the pressures in the tank will rise to 0.25 from 0.02 kg/em2 within a day. This is because most of the contents of the tank is vapor and the little liquid that is left will vaporize, expand and thus cause the pressure to rise, However during a loaded passage, the vapor at the top of the tank are cooled from time to time by the liquid during the rolling of a ship. The vapor thus remains coo! and the temperature of the liquid may rise by a little but this does not cause any change in pressure as there is very litle expansion of liquid due to temperature rise unlike vapors and hence risefThis cooling of vapor and oF tHe ship is called roll over of the (Groping of pressure from cargo. SPECIFIC HEAT of substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature ‘ofa unit quantity (eg 1 kg) of that substance by 1 deg C or K or F (depending on what unit is used for the qty). ENTHALPY is the product of the specific heat ofa substance and the difference temperature (ie. the difference between the temperature to which the substance ‘temperature is to be raised and the temperature at which enthalpy is noted to be zero for that substance (-129 deg C is noted as zero enthalpy for propane)).. LATENT HEAT is the heat required to change state (i.e. vapour to liquid etc). It may be absorbed or given out. It is hidden and does not cause any rise in temperature of the substance. VAPOUR ENTHALPY is the sum of Liquid enthalpy and Latent Heat. SATURATING VAPOUR or LIQUID are when they are at their boiling/condensing temperature. DRYNESS FRACTION is the ratio between vapour quantity to the total quantity of a unit quantity of a substance, usually quoted as a percentage. If dryness fraction is 1 or percentage is 100 then it is called SATURATED VAPOUR. Any further increase in heat will make its temperature to rise and is called SUPERHEATED VAPOUR. The degree of superheated vapour is the amount it is raised above its boiling point. PiVVT; = P2V2/T2 Where Pi= Tank pressure V, = Volume of vapour in tank that will be condensed in 1 hr T= Tank vapour temperature P,~ Compresser inlet pressure (will be the same as tank pressure) = Py V.2= Volume of vapour swept by compressor in 1 hr ‘T)= Temperature of vapour at compressor inlet ‘Therefore PiV/T; = P,V/T2 Therefore Vi = RyV2TVT2R = V2TvT2 Now if Total volume of vapour in‘tank known it is possible to calculate the time required to condense the total vapour in tank. (i.e. the time required to cool the tank and bring the pressures down) Every vessel is designed such that 2 cooling plants should be able to cope up with heat ingress into the system and maintain pressures when conditions are harsh (i.e. ambient temperature is equal to 45 degs C and sea water temperature is equal to 32 degs C.) However while loading the volume of liquid being loaded will have to displace that volume of vapour ‘ois ‘keep the pressure constant. Thus this volume of Vapour will Rave to be condensed. By using the, above aula ‘V,_= V2 Ti/T2 we can calculate the Volume ‘ur third Compressor can sweep and hence we can calculate the loading rate ratio (2 rate at which we can load). Hapecae aca To further increase the loading rate ratio we can keep the tanks at a higher pressure whereby the boiling point of the cargo will rise and hence will give off less vapour at the prevailing temperature. Also the suction pressure of the compressor will increase thereby increasing their efficiency. This will help further increase loading rate ratio. Therefore we have 2 settings for tank pressure PV valves (ie Sea setting at 0.25 kp/ems; and harbour setting at 0.40 kp/em:). This increase in tank pressure will cause a very slight increase in temperature of the liquid cargo, DPV capacity loading depends on the capacity of the Pressure vessel. No vessel is loaded ‘more than 98% of its full volume. It also depends on the temperature that the cargo is loaded. The worst condition that can take place is that the temperature of the DPV will rise to 50 degs C. Now if the temperature of the DPV rises to 50 degs C, the liquid will expand and since liquid cannot be compressed it will occupy more volume, From the tables we can find the specific volume of the cargo at 50 degs C and the specific volume of the cargo at the loaded temperature. : ‘Now volume of cargo to be loaded is such that the volume of the cargo at 50 degs C does not exceed the 98% volume of the tank. For volume of cargo at 50 degs C (x).. ..the volume of cargo at loaded temp (y) For 98% volume of DPV...... --uthe volume of cargo at loaded temp = ? Therefore volume of cargo at loaded temp = (y) X 98% volume / (x) Which is specific volume of cargo at loaded temp multiplied by 98% volume of DPV and divided by specific volume of cargo at 50 degs C.

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