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Solar Panel!

Can you guess who I am, Im blue, I go on the roof and I

use the sun to make energy and power things up, I am a
solar panel. Let me tell you about my past and about my
use and how will I be in the future, but first let me tell you
about my basics. I was born in 1767 in Switzerland By a
man named Horace benedict; he was born on February,
17, 1740, in Geneva Switzerland. I only have sons their
names are solar cells.
Let me tell you about my history and how have I
developed. In 1767 I was a box that was covered with
three pieces of glass, I was called a solar oven back then,
In my box it reached 230 degrees woo that hot! In 1839
they used two pieces of glass instead of three. Then in
1876 people discovered that selenium ( a type of crystal)
can produce energy. In 1893 my son was born he was
called the solar cell he was a small baby. In 1947 I was
popular in the U.S.A. because of world war two which
made the U.S.A more eco friendly or that what I think. In
1958 I was used in space station and that was my first big
adventure. In 1970 the first efficient solar panel ( which is
my other son ) and he was a big baby trust me. In 1977
the U.S.A. government sent good research to other
government that made me more popular. In 1981 solar

cells ( my sons ) where used on an airplane. In 1982 the

first solar car was invented. In 2008 the spanish
government posted bad things about the me, that hurt
my feelings and that made business slow for solar panel
sailers. In 2012 I got famous and people used a lot. Now
you about my history.
Know let me tell you how was I made and why I was
made My purpose was to use the sun to make electricity
and my creator achieved his goal. When I was invented
my creator thought of energy and how it will run out one
day and that the sun is always there for us and that if he
used the sun he would be eco friendly and he would
discover a new source of energy. People make me by
melting a special type of rock called polysilicon at 2,500
degrees fahrenheit then they form it to a big cristal and
then it cools down on 300 degrees fahrenheit thats all I
have to say.
In the future I think that I will be famous and people
would use me lots because people will think of me as a
good object and I am a good source of energy to use and
I will stop electricity payment, I can be the key to the
future because without me they will not get curious and
try to invent new form of electricity and flying houses.
I think that I had an impact on the world. I am a clean
energy and a natural one too. I am eco friendly and I

would help the earth. If you use me than I can save up

fuel. I made a huge Impact in the world If people use me
more I can help the world.

Question and Answer

1.Q: why were you invented?
1.A: I was invented to turn the suns power into electricity
2.Q: what has your impact on people and societies?
2.A: I think that I had a big impact. If people didnt use
me then they are wasting fuel and they will get more
electricity bills and without me electricity might run out.
3.Q: how are you made?
3.A: they melt spiceal rocks called polysilicon at 2,500
degrees and then pour it into molds and cools of on 300
degrees fahrenheit.
4.Q: What was the reason of why where you invented?
4.A: My creator was thinking of energy and how it will run
out one day and the sun is always there and that if he use
sun energy then we can save up fuel.
5.Q: what do you think will happen to you in the future

5.A: I think people will use me a lot in the future because I

am a clean and natural energy. I can get people to be
curious so they can invented other sources.
6.Q: Tell me some fun facts
6.A: Did you know that enough energy hits the earth that
it can power up the plant for a year.

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