William Sheldon: Sheldon's Theory of Body Types

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Sheldons Theory of Body Types

William Sheldon was an American psychologist from the early to mid 1900s who spent
his life observing the varieties of human bodies. As a result, he came up with three
types of human bodies: ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs.
Ectomorphs are thin and fragile. Their body is described as flat-chested, fragile, lean,
lightly muscled, small shouldered, and thin. Celebrities that could be described as
ectomorphs include Kate Moss, Edward Norton, and Lisa Kudrow.
Endomorphs are considered soft and fat. They are described as having a soft body,
underdeveloped muscles, a round physique, and they often have difficulty losing weight.
John Goodman, Roseanne Barr, and Jack Black are all celebrities that would be
considered endomorphs.
Mesomorphs are muscular and athletic. Their body is described as hourglass shaped
(female) or rectangular shaped (male), muscular, has excellent posture, gains muscle
easily, and has thick skin. Famous mesomorphs include Bruce Willis and Sylvester
Stallone. Mesomorphs, according to Sheldon, are the most prone to commit crime or
deviant behaviors.
Y Chromosome Theory
The extra Y chromosome theory is the belief that criminals have an extra Y
chromosome, giving them an XYY chromosome makeup rather than an XY makeup,
that creates a strong compulsion within them to commit crimes. This person is
sometimes called the "super male." Some studies have found that the proportion of XYY
males in the prison population is higher than the general male population (1 to 3 percent
versus less than 1 percent), however other studies dont provide evidence that supports
this theory.

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