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Ashish Banjit

Ashish Banjit is a 40-year-old IST teacher with two children both in

Neutral Bay Public School. He was born in India but moved to
Australia at the age of 8 where his family bought a local fruit and
florist store to start fresh in a new country. Life was hard for Ashish,
as his family didnt have a lot of money. Ashish became hard
working especially for his passion for computing. Ashish worked for
many companies such as Coles and office works, designing and
programming websites. With 20 years of computing experience
under his belt Ashish decided to become an IST teacher because he
needed greater Job security as he was raising a family. Ashish went
back to University to achieve his qualifications.
Ashish in 2010 was hired by Redlands, Cremorne to be an IST
teacher as the school was expanding academically with computing.
To be a secondary school teacher at Redlands the employee (a
person who works for a wage or salary) (Chapman & Malcolm, 2013)
needs certain skill, such as; to the ability relate to young people,
have good communication skills, good organisational and
administrative skills, have conflict resolution and negotiation skills,
good ICT skills, exemplary learning and teacher skills, ability to
provide leadership to students via a supportive and caring attitude,
capacity to pay attention to detail, and time management skills and
good work ethic. (Redlands, 2013).
Today Ashish is still working with Redlands, Cremorne as full time
permanent, meaning that he has an on going employment with
Redlands and works on average 38 hours each week (Australian
Government, n.d.). The industry sector he works in is known as the
quaternary industry as he is a teacher and his industry is made up
of service industries involved in the transfer of information and
knowledge not to be confused with the tertiary industry that is only
the service to others. Ashishs contract working hours is 38 hours a
week, to be able to perform classes on time.
To get the job done Ashish has to actually work a total of 50.1 hours
a week (Greenwell, 2014) to plan, grade, answer emails, attend
school teacher meetings, deal with student behaviour e.g. make
home calls and hold parent teacher nights etc. (Murray, 2013). His
responsibilities in the school are; to maintain a sound relationship
with colleagues, achieve positive parent relationships, A pastoral
approach to learning which means with you each student you need
to support their academic, cultural, social, emotional, physical and
emotional needs.
Other responsibilities include: approaching teaching tasks
passionately and supporting other teachers in times of need,
communicating with honesty and supporting whole school events.
Roles other than teaching include supervising children in the school

environments during breaks and on out of school programs such as

camp and excursions (Redlands, 2013).
Redlands secondary school is stationed in Sydneys lower North
Shore at 272 Military Road, Cremorne (google, 2015).

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