Ashish Banjit2

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Ashish Banjit

Ashish finished hes secondary education at Northern beaches

secondary college, Manly Campus with an ATAR of 85 (NBSC, 2015).
He was offered an apprenticeship (training and education in a trade)
in floristry by his father but decided to go to university instead to
follow his dreams. Ashish went to the university of western Sydney
where he studied for the Bachelor of computer science and the
Bachelor of Design and Technology for 3 years, both full-time
(University of Western Sydney, 2015) while doing the Australian
Government ICT cadetship (professional job training in a full-time
job, with time allocated to attend university or TAFE) Program
(Australian Government, 2015).
The Bachelor of computer science required an ATAR of 70.00 and
offers three majors:
Systems Security Learn fundamental security concepts and
the implementation of security programs.
Networked Systems Acquire Thorough technical
understanding of modern networked computer systems, how
they work, and the principles that govern them.
Systems Programming Learn strong system programming
and system administration skills, focusing on programming at
the level of the underlying operating system. (University of
Western Sydney, 2015)
The Bachelor of Design and Technology does not require any specific
ATAR level and the subjects this course covers are; design
methodology, design innovation, product design, ergonomics,
management, marketing, manufacturing technology and design, 2D
and 3D computer aided design and technical illustrations (University
of Western Sydney, 2015). Ashish paid for both degrees with a
government student loan scheme called FEE-HELP. FEE-HELP
covered Ashishs tuition fees until Ashish reached an income above
A$53,345 (Australian Government, n.d.).
After working for 20 years programming and designing business
websites and other applications Ashish decided to teach ICT. Ashish
returned to the University of Western Sydney to study for a Master
of teaching (secondary). This course does not require an ATAR score
and lasts 4-years, part time study. The course covers the generic
skills a teacher needs to be successful; teamwork, leadership,
communication and organisation skills (University of Western
Sydney, 2015). Ashish studied hes master degree part time, so he
could still work and have an income to support his family and tuition
fees. Ashish is not planning to undergo any future courses, as he is
content with his position as an ICT teacher with Redlands,

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