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Universidad Latina de Costa Rica- Centro Internacional de Postgrados

Maestra Ciencias de la Educacin con nfasis en la Enseanza del InglsLanguage Acquisition Course- Licda. Melissa Gonzlez Castro

How do you acquire a


Learners motives, needs,

attitudes and emotional states
filter what they hear affecting
the quality of language.
integrative motivation
instrumental motivation
social group identification

It guides the acquisition

process, limiting what can be
learned and rejecting material
which does not fit yet into the
emerging system.
Transitional constructions
Errors in speech
Order of structures

Learners consciously formulate

sentences and to correct or edit
their speech and writing.
Learners age
Verbal task being performed
Learners personality

Emotional stages
Filtering determines:
Target language models the learner
Parts of the new language the learner
attends to first
When language efforts cease
How fast the learner acquire the

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