English Department Meeting Agenda Feb. 3, 2010

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English Department Meeting Agenda

Feb. 3, 2010
432 Carl Wimberly Hall
3:50 p.m.

I. Roll Call.

II. Approval of Minutes –December 2, 2009.*

III. Reports and Announcements.

A. Chair’s Report.

Peg Grandmother
Dan Voiku has retired
Marie Moeller has signed her contract

IAS Pool Search closed/ Teri Hinds data-gathering:

Interviews upcoming—pass around signup

Diveristy Dialogues

We have a new student webmistress

Travel requests—coming shortly!

Reminder: March 24th UGResearch grant deadline. Now is the time to talk to your strong
students about starting to put together a proposal

Gen Ed assessment analysis….. upcoming

Rob’s talk on Friday!!!

Summer/Fall Schedule
Textbook Rental—deadlines, headaches

Online courses

B. Committee Reports.

IV. New Course Proposal: ENG 112 (discussion and possible vote).*

V. Old Business: Merit Policy.

VI. New Business.

VII. Adjournment.

*See related documents.

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