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Room 5 Stationery list

All of this stationery is in the pack that you purchase from school for
$35. (Please bring a cheque made out to Balmacewen Intermediate
or cash in a named envelope to me).

Please label your books as follows

 Writing 1B8
 Reading 1B8
 Topic 1 1B8
 Topic 2 1B8
 Homework 1B8
 Spelling & word study 1B8
 Technology 1B8, Yellow clearfile,
 Maths QB5 x2
 Spelling 3B1 notebook
 Art Project drawing book, 6B pencil
 Assessment Portfolio Yellow clearfile
 ASPIRE Clearfiles x3

Other (please label with your name also)

 Refil pad
 2 pencils
 Ruler
 Eraser
 Blue pen
 Red pen
 2 Glue sticks
 Pencil sharpener
 Black vivid
 12 Coloured pencils

Other things that you will need to supply yourselves (which don’t
come in the pack)
 Protractor
 Compass
 A pair of quality scissors
 Small basic calculator (optional)
 Highlighters
 Tennis ball (optional)

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