Schilperoord & Maes 2009

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Fron: Frecevile, cnneles, ReDacdo “ Heros. REARS (Eds), NeLTIREDAL Mer Arr. Reeliw: Soutew De GRuy TER oes: Chapter 10 Visual metaphoric conceptualization in editorial cartoons Joost Schilperoord and Alfons Maes batract Tic of magn in til aos ea they nly equi src "he mapping of ewes foe de eet oF daa To ante, a all metaphors 4h, thir interpretation ao includes «cra stance towards 3 parle ‘scopic sation, et parsan. We will argue hath “linet ee af etal cartoon maps eat st be acount or on the hss Fhe cxmbntan of to cogitiv intration srteis, schon > homie resning, flowing te two tapes of souree Samains ding by Shen (199) Inthe chapter, we argue that schema based esa ends 10 1 the veh vay of fre tobe mapped lm sauce to tag dnain, and ‘ha tnonone retoning is ohn the cra tage ierpeting the ees ey edit cons, ssa metaph, shea ther, rial vcwpoiny, categcea metaphor inepeuion 1. Intraducti “Meaphors are enployed to pursue a ange of communicative goals, for ex ample 1 expla thing o pepo ari ker motor) to persuade pao BE es curs as as ropa oto cary aay readers my though ‘are playing im my head tik young tons the evening sun). Sige the Seminal woek of Lakoff anc Johnson (1980), metaphors are onsered a cepa rater than a guste phenomenon, But, ths ar, lnguage hs bro the prvkeoed input madality wen i comes to suusing metaphoric onexptalization. Over the bs devas, ogmtive lings, cognive py ‘holst and philsophers ne sted the ways in which ferent ype oF 214 Joo Schdperordand Aton Mocs ‘metaphor are conventionalized in langage, what meaning operition are Involved, how new metaphors emerge an bow lngunge users process mete hors tigared by” linguistic cues (ey Bowe and. Giner” 2008, Deatsccr 2005; Gente, Bowe, WolR and Boront 2001; Gibbs 205, 2006; Lakota Jason 1980, 1999). Despite many diffe tect ‘Poston and claims with respect to metaphor intepetation theres boa gresment on the lass temple of metaphor. Its considered a rho figure in which one parca enty (an objector demain, Le the varge conceptualized in terms of another ety (objeto domain), i, he sure The processing of stator this impli the understanding or experiencing ofthe targer interns of the sour. This understanding and experiencing involves a dl process: the two ‘ates have to be Mei a5 source and target respectively, and este spondenses between te ets originating fom fo distinct domains hve {0 he found in eda a entablish wha aspects ofthe source alo apply othe target, The later process i sual called crose-main mpg This poe «38 underlies for example Getner's career of metaphor theory (owe so Gener 2008) a well as Glucsber's (201) clase inclsion ie, “The conceptual nature of maphor implies that monly language can be ‘sed a2 stoping stone for metapharicconcetuliation, Pictures, oul fand gestues can tigger metaphors as wal (e, Ciski and Miller 2008, Fareeile 2006%his volume, Zbikowski 2002) In recent years, we hie wines a rapidly growing fescarch inrst in isa rhetorical igi, Wit special fous om visual metaphors ad sie (Ferceville 1996, 2002 Keane and Scott 2003: McCarty and Motkersbaugh 2002; MeQuari an Mick 1992, 996, 1999, 2003a,200%b; MeQuarre and Philips 2003, 2008, Motherstaigh, Hubmann and Franke 2002; Philips 2000, 2003; Philips and MeQuarre 2002, 2004; Scot 199; Scott and Batra 2003; Teng 24 ‘Teng anil Sim 2002; Tom and Eves 199; Van Milken 2003, Van Mle, ‘Van Enschotvan Dif, and Hocken 2005) The research efforts inclode snlyses ofthe form-mcaing eationships ivohe in visual hetorie po> Psa fratypoloay of vs rhetoric, ste into reds" responses as0- iat wit diferent ypes of visual stor, and reflesthons on the mean {n)ependonce of isl stor, To oar Knowledge, the bater part ofthe ress ito visual metaphors {ales commercial advertisement asthe main contest of stay. Obviow, ‘sommercial advertsanents abound in metaphorical images (Philips an ‘MsQunri 2002) and theetne oles «vara Iie atl ich a om ‘ing resource of data ea visual meaphors, on how they are shaped an ombind with Verbal rhetoric. Bat eri cartons, 40, a a meaphoe nual metalic concetualeation mera caraons 21S teh communicative ara. For example, Wikipsiacbserves a moat eli torial eartoors) use visual mataphos and erates to expan complicated pola situations, ad ths sm up a current event ah humorous pi tore" The politcal eats fr the Daily Teepaph, Nicholas Garland (Gin Pam 2004432 telinly portray the fre of an tra caroon as teing derived “Tom the whic Half wich, ses caieatre, eqs Se of allo a misture of arcature, metaphor, distortion, surrealism, Je Irate misunderstanding a mockery The communicative fancions of ete cartons and advertisements ier considerably, whish kes i intresting to vestigate whether and how these dfrenes are fellate in the metaphoric eocptalizatioas found In this chapter, we wil dincoss numberof buna Mocks which we cider crucial im cnstauting cognitively plausible interpretation of Inetaphors in editcial carens, Section 2 briely characters eral ‘artons, Inaction 3, the Meth of sling and defining metaphors a ‘torial cartoons wil be deassed. Section discusses four cases of eit {al cartons, representing diferent srctral pes of ius mesaphoe. a Sesto 5, we wl presen wo inlrpretative igredicts which We conse ‘vial in metaphor eartooas an Which enable us to account ne aly for ther metaphoric conceptaiation, but ao forthe eral stance, On the fone and, mctaphorie carts tend to evoke scenarios and thus rogue Schema inerprestion of th surce dona, in which casters of (ahr tha intviual) attibits cr rclations are mapped. fom source to target bain. On the other ad they almost exclusively propagate eral ance towards certain tps, which a we will argue fequtes a cate {vl interpret of the source domain, We consid the chapter ith Adscusson on themida ate of era aroons 2. Metaphortal editorial cartoons Acsig Whip, nr en san fei Sip containing npial cr soca mesoge hat sual relies cae Spent o persons" For our purpose, we would spc this dfnon ina the soll mesage mpl Uterine peal vet rp Solty deed and conned en Tal way, an elt atom can tao hive a Gate and an evaae conmneatve fiction, Earl earns e wid sank pei a is sxe cya onal ox of bese sts fois on caro slo ea {Spar poll suas (ach ax psi action, word wars 216 Joon Schiperor amt Ate Mace or the cold var, eg, Becker 1996; Euvards 2001), particular courts, ‘uel asthe US, Japan or Austr, ©, El Refaie 2003; Feiman 1995) or Particular social sues (sch asthe oe of women in society e, Gli. {in and Brann 1998; Morison 1992) er they stdy the work of «patcular toons (,Phanb 2008). Although terol of mephor i often achnowisdaed in these stu, ad some of tem extensively explain metaphors within the asm (pole ‘context in which day thrive (eg, Edwards 2001; EI Refae 2003) 1 oe [nowkage there has ben ao att to account for the sea sac of ‘metaphoric coocepaiation a takes shope in eta croons As aleady inated, eral cartoons dif consrably fom com ‘mercial advertisements. Cartoons aim at allecting states of minds, bei, ints of view, and perspectives en socn-polial aais, rather ta st ‘hanging or inuencing behave, In addon, the processing and inept io of ertons requis a camples mx of pla, cultura, histor nd comet! knowadge. Most impocatly, however, they almost invariably xpress a particular crt, if not radally negative stance towards the ‘opie. Wheres commercial ads intend Yo evoke positive ates an Bk ings with respect othe targa. the reverse ote hoi for ioral erin ‘One goal ofthis paper ito demonstrat the seit of mehing this pot of cw explode o properly analyze the way metaphors operate in at toons (ef Groare 2002. Figure 1 The Mbit oi adseisanen (Fev 1996). Figures 1 and 2 may serve to ilseate these pits, Figue (ken fom Fereville 1996) shows a botle of Mobil mater ol posited upside Joven, with Hui pouring owt of. Topetlas wh de suse text Metamora, the following metaphors X15 scheme ein be drivel: MOBIL OM. 5 NI \ENoUS DP. Since the message is about Mobil motor ot conveation tl eal mth conspmateation etl contains 317 us tat this enti shoul! een as the target. The ad thas expresses the messnge thatthe profuct the “il-bead of one's car" (Force 1996: 159). The viewerender fs nvte o map postive) orente elements lke proesiona care and exper treatment Io source age. The test of medial care fated to the mutenance of one's car: MOAI OM ewe 2 The Nabil il caroon (rman Willem Halton, De Mewwe Li, in Now lok at igure 2: an tori cartoon dawn by the Dutch artist Hom Sa Wile Holnop (Wilko, which was bled in he rmngcive De Noe Linen 197. Tecra shows ln Sehr th omer Risan apart reine (eset Zima). Sth portayed a gies dela phyin coon, siting a hla and comet {> several bes faves dips thee Bo the aes of vrs Dat and malian expan ae shown, ankngst oes Modi We can paraphrase the meta hs canon 2 SIONATIONAL SOPOT OF SUS ReTRAWENOUS DRE, spect fo Mba oe ofthe sport Gr: MORI INTRAVENOLS DR, ty Mobis support of he Siege Shatin wht ici te a Now ews, pes! with his ag, iret by app the same Sct 0 the target objet asad by te Mab iad. Tat be en ht Maio He ath Sah rep, on see ois carton. The cal tt the meses oe ht he 218 ou Speroond amt Alfons Maes Rhodesian spanthoi regime can only survive by (an overkill of) exer {sentmen a i's no lngar able 10 stand om son, and ake eae of is fesintence isl. In ther word, whereas the Mail avertienon ini sms at cross domain mappings tha should led 10 8 favorable tide to wads Mobi figure 2 ais at precisely the opposite In cur vow, this shat amlsis suggests a systematic interpretative free between eal ‘cartoons and commercial advertisements and brings to light tat the sine ‘sual metaphor serves widely distinct purpases in these to communicate ewes 3. Sample and selection of editorial eartoons ‘We used two main sources o coll the sample fetal caro tht ve iscuss in ths chap. Most ofthe eroone were ake fm collections of ‘artoonspublsbed as separate books (containing work) By varios fans Dutch cartoon artists, such as Fri Beknend Oplamh Wille, Tow Janssen, os Cligho an Pater van Straten, Ou dsison to es ain) ‘on Dutch cartoons is practical si aes the het guaran tht we ae able to understand as precisely as possible the public evel al persons the ce toons eer to. I aio, we consled a numberof webses with coll tions of Giterationa) editorial cron Incolletng cartoons, we dl ot systematically contol cartons pra is, time pid, publication medium or type of public even saiaed, es we are no inrestd in (eprenenttive analyses of prtular eras, ats or vent types. Rater, We ited o characterize the dominant generis sore of metaphoric conepualiztions ia aerial cartons and t analyze the ‘say vista mtapor are employed to mike pin r express a viewpsi “Therefore our main crtrion a sleting cartons that hey sul contain 4 Visual metaphor, ora combination of visual and verel metaphor That the image is fo refer to (at least) two domuins x and ¥ that have a met hcl elatonship (ater dana Tera analogy) X'S Y, where one dana (0) serves as target and the ether (¥) as veil? This wa, we sample « xpus of 117 Dutch and 27 lateraations! cartoons, large ea 0 rhe sbservatons and cautious hypotheses about representative charatriic Features and soieraizations, Many ofthe slstd cartons obviously tain move than just a mstpbor. For example, many also consi carcates Utucencolphnt, Runsorn-bea) or her here figure, sch a by petboles. However, our analyes wil primarily focus on metaphor co ‘Sepusizations of target densa, oul metaphoric conception near catoons 219 Its obvious thatthe itepretation of cartoon metaphors i to erin stent driven by geneelate,pagnatic considerations, For example, view tr will more of less expe cartons to eieize or rile stations or sons, and they wil three most probably are at an interpretation of {caro to that effect. Abo the imterpreation of eartoots crucial dep ‘ahs sicwers” ality to recognize persons objets, and situations and 08 ‘ir ojwalge ofthe relevant fac, such as news evn, isrica acs, alr Habis, and the like, “his knowles dispensable fr afl ine Fretalon of the inked meaning esicatd wth metaphors in cartoons Hace, ia analyzing cartors, we take the postion of filly informed viewer that ia viewer who nt only knows the conventions ofthe gem, at als cogs the relevent persons, objects an situations and ae Fe actual Kaowedge wo understand the gist ofthe ato. “This Being Sud, in analyang and discussing the cartoon metaphors, we the cole ater than a pgmatic pont of vin. We intend to acount fe th metaphoric eoncepta zation and eal stance of eral eartoons interns of wha is actualy showin the ge, eatbr than ters of he aura and general discourse content. This means that we fous om the Fnomiton contin in cartcos that Mises are to praces, eather th the pie, comeatualipeagmats hnoledg they bring 10 Bear ierpeing the cartoon Clearly such an approach has ts flaws. For example, a5 EL Refi (this vohume) demonstrates, contextual pragmatic knowlege varies fiom viewer to viewer, and this might cause intresting and compen inter pestton problems probes hata uly wort o be stuiin thir ow Fgh. Nevertheless, we will gnore such variation, snd concatrate on nea lng te source nan i responsible for te pe af conchasin we ae supose o dew on the basis ofthe image One famous Dutch cartoon (ne we aca allied in setion 5) comment o the masses tat the thn Dutch minster of Jus ‘ie, Donne, took upon hin to combat terrorist in the Natherlnds, The sartoon pits the minster asa smal igure, standing between two ars bask bod tht dogs, ams thts the ced trv wn Ho bach a the oer the word ant-erorim. Becaune the opposite forces the art main are lake 10 the come soutee domain (of blo, dangeroot Vinual msaphoric concptutation edn crmons 233 ops the cartoon expres the message hatin his eas the cure at est ‘staf asthe pain in ation, by depicting the owner of the a ‘eroran db as mach sale than hs dog, Dot fs presented ae someone ho no capable of wasterng bis own dag (et alone the oer one). Cor: tanta sa mess ivolsed in this cartoon ("with his now ante ism poi, the minister playing wth fr"), bat mach more important here isthe peraasive impact of the message fom (sameness, ig versus sal) tan the conclusions ve hae 1 draw fram These are dtermind bythe forkcal choles, especially the stratepc choice ofthe source demain, and ‘he val details prot ws with the consetulzaion ofthe proba and the rita posi ower That wa. We think thatthe imepeation oF Imcaphors i eter etoons nicely ikntates the pervasive free oF = ‘see fr in extablishing mening, 6.2 The multimodal naire of carton mstapbors late peocding, we dd ms explicitly aes the sue wher metaphors in editorial cartoons area mulinodslpheoamenon. EI Rete (this volar) shes ress this soe, she contends tht in the cartoons she has analyze, te viewer should probably succeed in Saying the target jets from he ‘arcane features of th plitins appearing in er cartons. Mareover, ‘owes il alo draw cn “broader somtest information” in doings. In eth cartons, she sates, the verbal messages alo play role npg the iewer towards the prods targets. Se has in mind the sha sigs tht sf pear on persons or objets depicted na cartoon asthe names ofthe ‘muitos i igure the sureame Thom apd the num new voting fom in gure et. So, Fido these eral sigs pit the ender towards the targa etn this wool! suggest the follwing metaphors: MULTI "TONALS ARE DRI, THOM! DE GHAAT Bs cHito, NEW VOTING SYSTEM BS To aves the question whether thee metapharical relations are eal roukimodal tapos, we sould fst ask ourselves hat mimo met Pos ae. Foreville 2096) states that uli metaphors are metaphors ‘ose target and source are each represeedexchisiely or ptemiatly infront modes, His ample ithe cosing of he metaphor EXT IS ELE ‘Max in an animation Fm. The designer cou do this by depeting a ct fn hve it make a rumovtng sound In this case he tart woul Be i ‘ed visually, and the bare by means of sound, And Because vision and 234 Jas Scperoond ant ons Macs ‘oun reife ods, the eesuking metaphor would be tly mime: re we apply this view to the cartoon inthis chapter one ay simpy con ‘lu that the above-mentioned earcoas wih verbal cues are mula reaphors, because visual and verbal codes are ferent representation ‘modes. But hist probably co simple. Look atthe fit cook figure 81h the viewer misses the necessary facta! knowdae aa doesnot hnow ho secretary De Graal i, the sure abel (hom) oath trousers will tbe hpfl and will not make his metaphoric sonceptualizaton muita, Sa, we shoul ed and apply Forcevill'schracteriation ns tare tht ‘muleooal oa if dhe dentiiation of metaphorical tn relly depends on dhe presence ofthat label This exact the ease inthe (CAV IS ELEPHANT exapl- The removal of one of th odes (either the im age o the sound) would spy ease the metaphor to evaporate, Al tn ‘would remain isa picture of cat or the sud of an cept, onthe ‘ter hand the proper name Tom is removed rom the testers of heck ing child this would not destoy the metaphoe De GRAAFF IS CHILD. So, ‘woul! Seem tat the \isual maaphors wth proper nou libel ae not aio matically multimodal. All the peoper name does, of i inendsd to do 0 Provide the viewer with an adtiona sd to make sure thatthe person recogni ‘Nat all vral labels have the same funtion. Take the MEASURE/POLCY IS COOKING POT metaphor in Figure 8. At Test sight, this metaphor appeals {fo be truly muiodal (albeit nota very encting one, a there senso be only one way of ening the source (ihe visual sigh) and the fas (te ‘erbal label sign on the cooking po). Nonthless, we beheve thee ae t least two reasons to dou this chiracerztion, The fis hs odo withthe metaphorical scenario itself. AS soan asthe viewer ef the nage ‘metaphorical (an aspoc of iteration tht evel tigere by rae ‘atc conidetions and knowledge of the geae) he would have hale ‘wouble Mentiying the cooking pt a5 “some poly,” eon the Basis of straightforward einen: if this secretary i pottayel i cook, then the ooking pt atthe sl eis preparing st be his poy The exact identification wil of course, depen! on various extemal sources of knowledge, such sth tine of publication an! broad conte infemation, for example te context of the onging public discussion in news media about the new ving system. This prajnaic knowlege should slit the viewer a the prose tng (the ne voting sen) bt a Ue ‘pe of target (policy making. siace the ater isto be igual ut on the bass of the seaario evoke. And sive tha imaate cones evoked Views maaohric conception er cntons 235 sual a5 well, the metphoe NEW VOTING SYSTEMS COOKING POF at ‘es not entirely munca ‘Our second ean fer dobting themida ature ofthis cartoon has todo with the possi thatthe cooking seni satu roa isl ‘anetaton of one his conceptual metaphor in the sense of Lakof IDEAS ARE FOOD, which sania the more general conceal metaphor IDEAS ARE PHYSICAL ORIECTS, Verbal epresions tht relate ews to ood ‘sc omnipresent and ell documenta (sce eis 2005), hich wages tha ths fe of metaphoric conceptualiation is cognitively anchor. We tue only begining to ak questions regarding the way basic and complex ‘sl metaphors are anchored copie, but it does no soam 10 fa Fetch to Iypothesize tat making food (cooking), s0 often employed in ‘caro, particularly wel sit to mtaphoricly conceptualize absract eogeps suchas political coalitions snd policy waking If 0, tay wel be tthe verb label in Faure 8 5 merely secondary supperting Fate Sesgnating the ena type of policy hid at rather Un esrb pt te mulmodal metaphor To conch, we ae cobvnced that thee ssh a thing as “mimo retphon” but Ks peste delineation aaits ftir (psferbly epi resent Af the very fet, soe foo hasty to conclude that since mt thors in eiorl cartoons we bh sul and ver signs, they ae mals. pa |. See en ihipeia owed cartons, conse 207-0219, 21 Thesdifrnce Ronan shoe ten pe eno umpesemati, as me HEE in wih oecile’'s 206) deta a multimodal maaphoe 4M the analyses fo flo, we ado the theres farvor ropes by Shon (1999) where two kinds sure deans ate dstngsed Ge next ‘ions This ds nt moan tha Shor famewod the nly ae uae fr the analysis of meaprcal conceptions dtr cons, One ‘tious aleve Sending They (eg. Cun a ably 2001 a ‘Stoner and Tamer 203), Many earns cn int conse nse te ond fa lena sal input pes, repssnting parte ‘Spl dais. 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