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Date and Time: Friday, February 13 , 2015
Class #: 4
Level and type of class: Groupe 120 -Seconday 1, Enriched, Sport tude
Number of Students: Approx 30


Targeted Competencies

Theme: Making Predictions

Trail (What will the students keep?): Students will have the chance to practice how to make
predictions in the future using Will and Going To
Material: Mini grammar quiz, PowerPoint, and projector.

Introduction (10 minutes)
-Greetings, roll call
-Agenda (What you will write on the board)
1. Grammar review (alone) Future Simple Will vs. Going to
2. Mini Grammar Quiz
3. C1 Predicting the future
4. C2 Predict What Will Happen.

1) Evaluation: Mini Grammar Quiz
Time: 10 minutes
Topic: Will vs. Going to
Evaluation: Summative evaluation worth 10% of C2
Materials: Quiz - Handouts
Preparation: Students will have to individually write the Mini Grammar Quiz. We have been
looking at Will vs. Going to in previous classes, making the role of the grammar quiz to check for
understanding of the concepts.

2) Activity 2: What are your plans for the spring break/summer vacation.
Time: 10-15 minutes
Topic: Making predictions
Evaluation: C1-Formative evaluation Listening to students and how they predict the future.
Materials: Canada Notebooks
Preparation: Students will write 5 sentences of what they think they will be doing during the
spring vacation or during the summer.
Once they have all finished, they will share their ideas with their partner. Teacher will walk
around listening to what is being said, participating in conversations if possible.
Then, they will share their predictions with the class to hear what their classmates said.

3) Activity 3: Mr. Beans Holiday

Time: 10 minutes
Topic: Predicting Mr. Beans Holiday
Materials: Pencil and paper.
Preparation: Teacher will first introduce the class to Mr. Bean in order to make sure everyone
has a general idea of who he is (British comedian).
Then, teacher will introduce the idea of Mr. Bean going on a holiday and must pack his luggage.
Instructions: (Individually) Students must write a list of objects that they think Mr. Bean
will bring with him (5 minutes). Then, students will compare with their partner and discuss why
they think he will bring the listed objects (5 minutes).

Show video

-Teacher will compare how many objects the students guessed right. For the student with the
most guesses, they are the winner of the activity and get a fortune cookie.

4) Activity 4: Mr. Beans prediction activity
Time: 15 Minutes
Topic: Predict what will happen next.
Materials: Video of Mr. Bean, projector, loose-leaf paper.
Preparation: After showing the video, ask the students to discuss with their partner what they
think will happen next. They can use this opportunity to give each other ideas that they could
Instructions: Students must write on a loose leaf (50-75 words) what they think will
happen next. They will have to use the form Will and Going to twice. It is encouraged that
students use their imagination as much as possible.

Conclusion: For the students who have not completed their prediction handout, they will
have a chance to complete and correct it during the next lesson. If students have finished, the
end of the Mr. Bean video can be shown, and students predictions could be shared.

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