Classroom Management Plan

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Jeffrey D.

Classroom Management Plan
In order for me as an instructor to build a classroom in which all students can be successful I need to
design the classroom management system to reflect the vast array of needs that can be present within a
given classroom. To this end I plan on utilizing several strategies and classroom management models that I
have learned through the reading of professional development texts as well as from my own personal
experience working with a diverse population. For most in this plan is that I have to include my students
within the creation of parts of the management plan so that they can own the rules and expectations and will
thus feel that the classroom belongs to them as well as to their fellow classmates.
It is important that the students feel a sense of ownership for their classroom environment because it
creates a sense of pride and responsibility for the students and thus encourages them to begin self regulating
their behaviors. Students are more likely to follow rules and expectations as well as except consequences
both negative and positive if they feel that they were a part of making said rules and consequences. This
way the students see the instructor as on their side and working with them instead of as an enemy that is out
to get them. It also serves as a social contract between the student, the teacher and their classmates and sets
up a culture in which the students know that when they are in the classroom these are the rules I must
adhere to in order to be successful.
The second part of my plan is both the inclusion of social skills instruction as a part of the regular
class material and the use of a visual reference system for the students to monitor their own behavior. By
including social skills instruction as part of my general curriculum I will be able to proactively target
problem behaviors and prevent them from manifesting and/or be able to handle the behaviors in a more
ready manner. Having a visual reference that shows their fellow students providing the appropriate as well
as inappropriate behaviors serves as a reinforcement of the rules as well as a visual prompt for what the
specific desired behaviors look like in action. This would allow me to use gestures to the visual prompts to
correct a behavior more so then taking time out of instruction to verbally correct a problem behavior.

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