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Subject: ELA

Topic: Guided Reading

Standards: RL.5.1, RL.5.2, RL.5.4, RI.5.1, RI.5.2, RI.5.4
Objective: Students will demonstrate and develop their knowledge of
inferences by practicing it during their reading and responding to questions
after in small DRA leveled groups.
Leveled LBD books
Readers notebooks
Before Reading: Discuss students responses to weekly reading in leveled
novels. Activate prior knowledge by asking students to explain the
differences between inferential and literal questions. Give students examples
of each type of question.
During Reading: Students will read LBD books in small DRA leveled groups.
As they read, students will focus on implementing this weeks
comprehension strategy.
Group 1 Dark Blue (Instructional level 80): Book: Creature
Features pages 42-54.
Group 2 Yellow (Instructional level 60): Book: There Are Things I
Dont Know pages 36-48
After Reading: Students will answer questions and demonstrate their ability
to implement this weeks comprehension strategy.
Group 1 Dark Blue (Instructional level 80): Students will develop
their own inferential questions based on todays reading. After writing
their questions down on post-its, they will switch post-its and answer
the question on the post-it they received. After students have finished
responding, they will share with the rest of the group.
Group 2 Yellow (Instructional level 60): Students will choose one
of five teacher-made inferential questions to answer. They will share
their responses when finished.
1. What do you think Manny was talking about when he told his
abuelo, I can see there are things I dont know about you.
Explain your thinking.
2. Discuss your thoughts about what Manny learned by the end of
the story.

3. How do you think Manny felt about Patricios reaction when he

was visiting Texas? Compare Mannys first impression of Texas to
4. Why do you think Manny refused to tell Mama and Papa that he
was glad to see them? Describe how you think he was feeling.
5. By August 28, is Manny feeling better about moving? Summarize
how his feelings have changed during the story.
Centers: Students who are not meeting with their guided reading group will
work in spelling and computer centers.
Spelling Center: Students will study their weekly spelling words
through various activities.
Computer Center: Students will develop knowledge of language and
reading skills through various computer activities.
o Keyboarding Without Tears
o Raz Kids
Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their responses to the
inferential questions.
Group 1 Dark Blue will also be assessed based on their ability to create
meaningful inferential questions.
Differentiation: Guided reading groups are leveled based on DRA. Group 1
Dark Blue will be creating their own inferential questions and then respond to
them. Group 2 Yellow will choose 1 of five teacher made questions to
respond to.

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