Trabajo Final de Ingles

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Nombre : __________________________________________________ Grado : 7

Elige la repuesta correcta
1. This restaurant is _________ than
the other one.
a) more big b) bigger
2) My uncle is _________ than my
a) more old b) older
3. This movie is _________ than the
other one.
a) more boring b) boringer
4. The meal that Marta made is
_________ than the one that John
a) more delicious b) deliciouser
5. I can't come now. I will come
a) more late b) later

6. Can you come _________?

a) more soon b) sooner
7. You have to be _________ to your
a) more polite b) politer
8. This song is bad, but the other
one is _________.
a) more bad b) worse
9. This test is _________ than that
last one.
a) more difficult b) difficulter
10. You have to drive a little
a) more far b) farther

Cambia las palabras a superlativos.

1. cold

7. hot

2. wet

8. good

3. nice

9. rich

4. heavy

10. long

5. clean

11. ugly

6. wide
Escribe oraciones superlativas con las palabras dadas.
Bod is tallest student in the

2. Life is Beautiful/is/interesting

Bob/is/tall student/in the class

3. Gino's Pizzeria/has/good pizza/in


1. Sharon/is/nice person/I know

4. Paul/is/funny person/I know

7. She/is/bad cook/in our family

5. Helen/is/beautiful woman/I know

8. That/is/small car/in the parking lot

6. Fred/has/big house/in our


Utiliza las palabras dadas para escribir oraciones comparativas.


4. This book/important/that book

Bob is taller than richar

5. Your house/old/my house

1. Tea/cheap/champagne

6. Harry/funny/Paul

2. Movies/interesting/TV shows

7. Karen/young/Alice

3. Sharon/beautiful/Raquel

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