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Lauren Holiday

I feel like Im working with the best students in the University, Mark Hall,
director of the University Writing Center and University of Central Florida
professor, proudly claims when asked why he enjoys his job. Since his first
experience working in a writing center as an undergraduate at Emory
University, Hall knew the family business of retail management wasnt for
him; teaching was.
And taught he has.
Universities across the nation have benefited from Halls
teaching and administrative contributions to their English
and writing and rhetoric departments. He has even taught
a writing for public relations course, an experience he
believes prompted his excitement and curiosity for creating
spaces for learning diverse writing practices.
So, when a long-time friend offered Hall a directing position
at UCFs UWC, he couldnt pass up the opportunity to be
part of a program with so much support and enthusiasm for writing. As
director, Hall has been able to transform the UWC environment from a workstudy job that students simply came and did, to a subject of inquiry and a
gateway to the larger writing and rhetoric field. In fact, tutors are now able to
participate in a semester long course on theory and practice of tutoring
writing taught by Hall.
One of the chief joys of this job is to see former students achieve things that
I never couldve hoped for.
Which is saying a lot given Hall holds a doctorate in rhetoric, composition
and literacy studies. When hes not managing the day-to-day operations of
the UWC, Hall travels to local and international conferences for presentations
on writing center theory and practice, as well as collaborates and writes
research pieces for journals, newsletters and books. And, somehow, he finds
time to enjoy the sunny Orlando weather while kayaking.
The president of UCF has even taken a special interest in the UWC, a factor
Hall cites for the success in merging the organizations mission so cleanly
with UCFs goals. The great thing about working in writing is that it matters
in every field. Thats why the growth of the UWC into each academic
discipline at UCF is an important task Hall has taken steps toward
accomplishing. If UCF stands for opportunity, its hard to imagine a better
lead-in for students than a strong writing center.

Dr. R. Mark Hall | | 407-823-2197

When asked what career hes interested in outside of writing centers, Hall
comes up blank. I decided my first year of college that this is what I was
going to do, and Ive been single mindedly focused ever since. Its this focus
that will be the driving force behind the University Writing Center for years to

Dr. R. Mark Hall | | 407-823-2197

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