Passive Voice

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- La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo "to be" (is/was/have been etc.

) + el participio
pasado; tanto de verbos regulares e irregulares (done/cleaned/seen etc. Véase tercera
columna del listado de verbos irregulares.

*The sculpture is made of glass and plastic.

*That toy was made in China.
*All staff have been informed of the changes.

* La transformación de activa a pasiva, ocurre cuando el objeto ocupa el lugar del

sujeto, porque se refiere a lo que le ocurrió a esa persona o ente.

e.g. (for example)

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492

(Subject) (Object)

America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 - Voz Pasiva

(Object) (Subject)

*Note: Verbos intransitivos como sleep, die, fall, or arrive, no llevan voz pasiva.

- Al señalar lo que una persona o ente realiza, se utiliza un verbo activo:

* My brother built his own house.

* We all speak Spanish.
* The man is repairing the fridge at the moment

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