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Literature Circle Roles

You will be assigned a group of your peers who you will remain with as we read The
Scarlet Letter.
Each group member has a specific role each week. They are as follows:
o Discussion Director:
Formulates 5 deep-thinking questions for the group to discuss during
their meeting that pertain to the chapters we read that week. These
questions must be rooted in TEXTUAL EVIDENCE (i.e. you need to
include page numbers/quotes). You must also take notes on each of your
group members responses to your questions.
o Tweety Bird:
Taking the point of view of one major character or several different
characters, this person will write out tweets of 140 characters or less
describing a characters inner thoughts/actions/etc. Dont forget relevant
hashtags! (Must have a minimum of 5 tweets.)
o Illustrator:
This person will choose an artistic medium through which to express the
main events of the chapters assigned that week. This can be hand-drawn
illustrations, a Pinterest board, a collage, a Tumblr, or something more
creative. Consult Ms. Semroc if you need more assistance.
o Lyric Lover:
This person will choose 3 different songs that describe the tone or
emotion of certain events that occurred in the weeks readings. They
must highlight the lyrics that express the particular tone, as well as
select a textual quotation (with a page number) that justifies their choice.
o Historian:
This person will connect the reading from The Scarlet Letter to popular
culture or current events. You must submit a written response (2-3
paragraphs): stating the connection between TSL & your choice, explain
what was chosen, and explain why it was chosen
You group will meet every THURSDAY for the next 6 weeks.
At the end of the hour you will turn in all your group materials in order to get credit.
If you are Tweety Bird or the Illustrator, you must either print out screenshots of
your work, OR you may email Ms. Semroc your work/links to your
Tweets/Pinterest/Tumblr. Send to
You will also be given an evaluation sheet in which you judge your own performance
in your Literature Circle, as well as your peers performances.

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