Introhealthy People 2020

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Healthy People 2020

NURS 492- Community Health Nursing

Group Presentation

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to involve students in the comprehensive community
needs assessment. Students will develop/utilize tools to identify perceived factors (both
negative and positive) that impinge on the populations health. This information will then
be used to develop and implement strategies for health promotion. Topics have been
identified from Healthy People 2020 Objectives. Presentations should be developed
around one objective from the Healthy People 2020 focus areas.
Approach to the Assignment
A community was chosen from within the groups local area and research was done to
identify the prevailing health problems within the community. Once health problems
were identified, then education, local health resources and education plan was developed.
Reason for Inclusion
This assignment was both an assessment of community health needs, identifying health
resources within the community and an action plan to improve the health within the
targeted community.
Nursing Practice

Applies appropriate knowledge of major health problems to guide nursing practice.

An assessment of health concerns within the New River Valley and top diseases of the
community was defined. Once health issues were identified, plan was to educate 20-30
year old nurses to serve as education promoters and advocates for the community.

Accesses and utilizes data and information from a wide range of sources to enhance
patient and professional communication.

Each group member was responsible for researching and preparing individual
components of the presentation and collaboratively communicate within the group to
produce a finished product. The education plan to include nurses was specifically
developed because nurses serve as educators to their patients and within their community.
This approach led to a wider audience base for the education and incorporated members
of the local community so that teaching may be more accepted.

Produces clear, accurate, and relevant writing using correct grammar, spelling and

Presentation contained pertinent information directly related to community outcomes in a

easily understood language appropriate for all members of the New River Valley. APA
format used.

Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to communicate health

promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention across the life span.

Education of 20-30 year old nurses within the community facilitates education and
hopefully ease of integration of knowledge within the community. The presentation also
identified resources for better nutrition that would assist all economic levels within the
community of New River Valley.

Initiates community partnerships to establish health promotion goals and implements

strategies to meet those goals.

The plan was to educate nurses and community about available resources for nutrition
and health education to decrease obesity and obesity related illnesses within the
community. Technology Supported Multicomponent Coaching or Counseling
Interventions such as computers, video conferencing, personal digital assistants, pagers,
pedometers with computer interaction and computerized telephone system interventions.
Non-technological components may include in person counseling, manual tracking,
printed lessons, and written feedback.

Organizes, manages, and evaluates the development of strategies to promote health


Research identified successful programs in other communities to implement into the New
River Valley health programs. New strategies for providing Virginians with information,
tools and resources for promoting healthy eating and access to proper nutrition options
and encouraging and reinforcing active lifestyles and behaviors.

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