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Research Project Guidelines

This assignment is to help familiarize yourself and classmates of the global

warming and climate change issues facing our planet. It will also allow you to
research and collect data which you may find interesting or informative.
There are many contributors to global warming and climate change, your job
as scientist is to find a known contributor to global warming and find
evidence to support your claim. You are required to find computational
models to represent any data you wish to represent your claim. Follow the
guideline; it will give you step by step instructions and directions.
1.) Find a group and find a research topic: Get into groups of no more than
three and begin exploring possible topics of interest. While in groups
designate group leaders and organize project assignments, (students are to
share the work load evenly, NOT JUST ONE PERSON DOING ALL THE WORK).
2.) Access the group project check list, and read the directions. Follow the
3.) Each group will be responsible for one report (3-5) pages in length, typed,
12 point font. Reports should include a cover page with the title, names of
each student in the group, date, teacher and class period. The content of
your report should reflect a cause and effect relationship (ex. Greenhouse
gases getting trapped in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming).
Also, a detailed explanation of the processes and mechanisms involved.
4.) Reports will include a minimum of one graph to represent your data, you
may download a graph with data already completed, but you must be able to
explain your graph in order to substantiate your claims. Any information
that is not your own must be cited! , refer to citation manager link
located under resources in our DUP for help.
5.) Turn your report in on the date assigned, late papers will be accepted but
will have points deducted for each day that it has not been turned in.

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