2 Written Communication Practice

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What do you write?

1 As businesspeople often receive a huge number of emails, it is

important to ensure that yours will be noticed and read. Look at the
strategies 1-5 for getting the attention of the reader and match them
with the parts a-e of the email below.


./ 0






Emphasise key information or any action that is required (for example,

if you need a response by a ce1iain date).
Include a relevant subject line to clarify the purpose of the email.
Provide any necessa1y context or background information that the
reader will need.
Open with an appropriate salutation (Hi ... or Hello ... for people that
you know and Dear ... for someone you are contacting for the first time).
When consolidating contact, refer to when and where you met the


Teamworks lralnlng courne information


... Medium



!! T

[j] :: -


::: ~ ~


- -..;.1!-.....c.._ Dear Marie

11 It was good ta meet you at the presentation last Friday.

_ _.",~ As we discussed, Teamworks has an impressive record of achievement in corporate training.

fJ. ... ~ . . 1 ~

As !here is limited availability an both courses, please get back to me by the end of the week if you would like to
book places.

Task 1

Objective: Make a strong start

You work in the sales department of nTAG. Write an email to Mark
Curtis, who you met for the first time at a conference last week. He
would like to know what information can be included on the
badges and what the advantages are for conference organisers and
delegates. You are in his area on Friday; offer to visit his office and
give a more detailed demonstration of the badge. (For more
information on nTAG, look again at Unit 1.)


Writing 1

What do you thin k? Many people now work in 'virtual teams', which means that ali, or almost
ali, of their communication is via email. It is stili important to build a good
relationship with other team members even if you never meet them.


~ Bec:

A US company is working with a Japanese distributor to launch a

new model (the Titan) in Japan. The US export manager replies to
Yoshio Kurimoto about the launch schedule. Look at his email
message below. Do you think the tone of it will help to build good
team spirit? Why? 1 Why not?


- -

Subject: 1Pre-launch sales conference

~ Attachments:




(tJJI Verdana



!! T




1[1 = -=-= 1- 2~-

-~ ~

1-A ,. ~ 1


Dear Yoshio
The dates you've set for the pre-launch sales conference (12-13 July) are no good. 1 told you in my lasi email that
no one from here will be free to attend that week. You'll have to change it to the following week.
1received the photos and have passed them on to the communications team to incl ude in our newsletter.
Send me the new dates asap so that we can finalise our own schedule.


Wh at do you write? 2

Look at the suggestions 1-4 for making your emails to colleagues

more friendly and diplomatic. Match them with the phrases a-h.


Make requests polite and show

consideration for people's
Show appreciation for other
people's help or good work
Be fair and constructive if you
need to criticise or point out
Include some friendly
conversation and end with
friendly greetings or good

This is just to remind you that we

need to have your notes by the 13th
so that we can ...
b Have a good trip next week!
c I'm afraid there seems to be a
discrepancy 1 misunderstanding 1
slight problem ...
d Many thanks for sending ...
e Thanks very much for ali your hard
work on this.
f I realise you are very busy at present,
but could you ... ?
g I realiy like your ideas- they're great!
h I won't be at my desk next .week as
I'm off to the sales conference in
jakarta - should be fun!

Grammar refert:nce : Moda l forms, page 86

Task 2

Objective: Be friendly and diplomatic

Use appropriate phrases to expand the email in What do you think?
into an email that is friendly and diplomatic. Refer to the launch
schedule. Show consideration for the fact that changing the date will
affect other scheduled events, too. Wish Yoshio success with the ad
Writing 1 1!:1 19

Modal forms


Uses of modal fom1s include the following.

[;lj Which pairs of sentences have a similar

We may 1 ntight 1 could get more people
worhing on the project.
There must be good worlzing relatim1Ships
between team members.
The team should 1 ought to consider an the
positive: They're not bach home yet; they
must be worhing Late.
negative: He can't have received my message;
I'd have heard from him by now.



uncertainty about a past situation

The misunderstanding may have been 1
might have been 1 could have been catJSed
by a Lael~ of communication.
advice about a past situation
You should have 1 ought to have toLd tJS that
you needed heLp.
deductions about a past situation
positive: The team must have been very tired
after worhing an weehend.
negative: They can't have dane their research

Note: Some verbs such as have to and need

to are often used like modals, but are
regular verbs and so follow regular verb

We have to finish the project by Friday.
He needs to tJSe the phone right away.
absence of obligation
The team doesn't need to 1 doesn't have to
get pennission to buy new equipment.

86 ill Grammar reference


Past modals have the following uses.




Dermot mightn't be on time for the

Dermot could be late for the meeting.
We don't have to discuss the budget with
the finance department.
We oughtn't discuss the budget with the
fin ance department.
They can't have used any initiative.
They mustn't use any initiative.
You need to huny, the presentation has
already started.
The presentation has already started, you
ought to huny.
We mustn't forget our main objective.
We have to remember our main objective.

~ Complete the sentences with these past

shouldn't have can't have ought to have
may have must have been


asked for an extension to the
deadline. Then we wouldn't be overrunning
calculated the figures correctly.
They look too high.
agreed to this without
checking with me first.
The team - - - - misunderstood the brief.
She - - - - pleased to get the contract.

UJ:Jq JABl{ l SnlU S JABl{ l:?lli t

JABtj l,Upjno qs f J AEtj l ,UEJ 'l J ABl{ Ol HjJ3no I

z asp.1ax:3: Ol a)J
lB[!lli S

JBjlli S

t l U:ll :l.!J!P f l U;Jl:l.!J!P Z JB j!lli!S 1

1 asp.1ax:3: Ol A<J)J

{Mj What factors can make a report easy or difficult to read? Think

Whai: do you think?

about the last report that you read.


Did it have a clear, logical stmcture?

Was it easy to follow?

~ Look at the items 1-6. Which part a-c of a report would you
expect to find them in?


Main arguments, findings and evidence

Summary of the ma in conclusions
Recommendations for action
Appendices (section for supplementa1y information)
Graphs, tables, charts to illustrate key facts
Purpose of the report

a The opening paragraphs

b The body of the report
c The end of the report

Wh2t do you


1 It is a good idea to use visual clues to guide the reader and to

structure paragraphs. Look at the report extract below and match the
parts with the following.

(Numbered) subheading

4 Bold typeface

----~ 2.0


Bullet point

3 (Numbered) heading


Training budgets throughout the company were re-evaluated

during the last quarter, allowing department heads to focus
spending on the requirements of the ir staff. After consulting
with departmental managers, it was ag reed that seminars
would be held on:



c - - - -- -1

database analysis
effective use of Powerpoint presentations.

d-----~2.1 Database analysis seminar

The department intends to offer one full-day training seminar

in this area, although further courses may be scheduled if
required ." Two main trai~ing organisations were considered
for the semina lnfos and Headlamp lnc. After analysing
ontent, it was decided that ...

32 B Writing 2

What el o yo u write? 2 An executive summary is sometimes circulated independently of the ma in

report. It gives the gist of the main information and means it isn't necessmy
to read the entire document. An executive summary usually contains:

the purpose of the report

any necessary recommendations

ruJ Match the functions 1-4 with the words and phrases a-1

that you

can use when writing an executive summary.

Introduce conclusions or recommendations

Give ideas that show a contrast
Add a point or idea
Focus attention on a specific topic or idea


Regarding ...
Furthermore ...
However ...
Therefore ...


While ...
For this reason ...
Consequently ...
h Nevertheless ...


Concerning ...
j Whereas ...
k As a result ...
1 In addition ...

~ Look at this extract from an executive summary and underline

the correct word in italics.
Executive summary
The aim of the report is to explain why sales of the Demarco CX Printer failed to
reach expected targets. The product launch initially produced encouraging resu lts
in the domestic market, ' whereas 1 regarding the overseas market was a little
slower to respond ...
Market research carried out at the R&D stage suggested that this market was
oversubscribed. 2Furthermore 1 Neverthe/ess, we believed that the unique selling
points of the CX would lead to success in this market without the need for any
increase in the marketing budget. 3 Therefore 1 While other, lower-priced brands
were able to retain their market share, the cost of the CX proved ...
There are two main recommendations for improving sales of the CX.
conceming /In addition ta advertising, a new advertising campaign will be
needed to highlight the unique selling points. 5Regarding 1 Consequently, the
marketing budget will need to be increased by approximately 15% ...

Objective: Write an executive summaty


You have written a detailed report on one of the following topics.

Write the executive summary (maximum one page) for the report.

A project that you are 1have recently been involved with

A training course that you have attended
Main challenges for your count1y 1company in the next five years

Grammar refer2nce: Linking ideas 2, page 90

Writing 2

ll:l 33

Linking ideas 2


The following linking words and phrases

introduce clauses (no comma).

I!U Complete the sentences with these linking




cause: beca.use, a.s, since

The compa.ny wiH benefit because the sta.if
will be more motiva.ted.
purpose: in order to, so tha.t
In order to impmve worhing conditions, we
need to invest in new equipment.
concession: a.lthough, though
Though the budget is tigltt, we ca.n still a.iford
contrast: while, wherea.s
Competitors invested in technology while we
did not.
similarity: a.s, lil~e
We must put more em.pha.sis on tra.ining, as
they do in other compa.nies.

The following linking words and phrases

can come at the beginning, in the middle or
at the end of a sentence; they are separated
by commas.

consequence: therefme, consequently, a.s a.

People a.re worhing long hours a.nd, as a
1esult, they me exha.usted.
contrast: however, on the other hand, in
contra.st, in spite of tha.t
Our sta.if ha.ve been worhing ove1'time for
months a.nd, in spite of that, we a.re stiH
behind schedule.
addition: in a.ddition, wha.t's more
When people are tired, they ma.he 1nista.J~es.
In addition, they SLtjfe1 more .from stress.
similarity: simila.rly, in the sa.me wa.y
Time is wa.sted when com.munica.tion brea.hs
down a.nd, simila1ly, when meetings go on
too long.

Note that these linkers are followed by a

noun: due to, owing to, as a result of,

although in order to smce so that whereas

it will take more time, 1 think we

should cany out a thorough survey.
we need to attract more staff, salaries
need tobe competitive.
We are proposing training for ali staff
____ improve efficiency.
We need to set up a monitoring system
____ we can check progress.
Managers have flexible working hours
____ production staff do not.

~ Choose the correct linking word(s) in

italics to complete each sentence.


We need to update computers in the accounts

department and, similarly 1 on the other
hand, in the personnel department.
Fosters have updated their technology and, in
spite of tha.t 1 a.s a. result, they are more
We are understaffed and, consequently 1 in
addition, evetyone has to work harder.
Last year we were celebrating success: this year,
what's more 1in contra.st, we have seen

@1 Choose the correct linking word(s) in

italics to complete each sentence.


Owing to 1Despite the increase in oii prices,

we have to cut back on fuel consumption.
In spite of1 Due to aur best effmis, the
situation has not improved.
1 have no doubt that this accident was a.s a
reSt.t.!t of1 due to carelessness.
In spite 1 Despite increased interest in aur
products, sales have remained low.

despite, in spite of
Despite the high cost, we've decided tha.t the
tra.ining should go a.head.
The long worhing h.ours a.re not due to heavy




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1 asp.1ax:3:

90 III Grammar reference




What do you w1i t e? 1 It is common for people to receive memos that are not especially
relevant to them. When writing a memo, therefore, it is important to
start with a sentence that makes the purpose clear. Look at the
following reasons for writing memos.

Give instructions or directives (e.g. to follow new policy 1regulations)

Remind people about deadlines ar dates
Respond to an enquity
Give a summaty of a trip or meeting

Match the reasons 1-4 above with the purpose statements a-el.
a This memo responds to your request to research ethical investment funds.
b This memo presents an overview of the visit to Jordan, 14--18 May.
c This is to inform you of changes in procedures for submitting budgets.
d Quarterly financial reports are due by 15 March.
What do you think?

Memos need to be short and concise. New information should be

highlighted at the top of the memo and not 'hidden' among
unnecessary details. In what order would you put the following in a
well-structured memo?


Supporting information: details, examples, further arguments

Key point(s): new information or instmctions
Contact details: email/ phone number of sender
Purpose of memo

Objective: Organise the infonnation

Task 1

Reorganise the information in the memo below. It will help your

readers to access the information more quicldy if you can use bullet
points for some of the information.
To: Ali Departmentaf Managers
From : Central Administration, Legal Department
Subject: New fire safety regula tions
Managers should check that ali fire-fighting equipment and alarm systems are of the approved
standard and that instructions for using the equipment are clearly displayed. Please give this your
urgent attention. You should also check that an emergency plan for evacuating the building is
prepared and that maps showing nea rest fire exits and escape routes are posted in each room.
Queries to Phil Deacon, extension 928, or email phildeacon@ashleys.com. Ali managers are
required to ensure that their department complies fully with the regulations. Following recent
government legislation, new fire safety regulations come into force on 1 July.

46 Il Writing 3

What do you write? 2

If the purpose of your memo is to propose action (rather than give

instructions or information}, use the following plan.


Explain the current situation

Outline your proposal
Stress the benefits of following your proposal
Call for action

Put paragraphs a-d in the correct order to match the plan above.

1 therefore propose that we hold a meeting to review the schedule and

set new deadlines. 1 suggest Wednesday 9 April at 10:00 for this meeting.
b The project is currently three weeks behind schedule and it is clear that
we will be unable to meet the 1 May deadline. This is causing
considerable stress among team members. In addition, aur clients need
to be given a reliable date for completion.
c Please confirm that you are able to attend this meeting. It is important
that as many people as possible attend.
d Revising the schedule will reduce the pressure on staff and enable us to
give aur clients a more realistic completion date.

Task 2

Gram mar reference: Review of tenses 1, The passive, page 83

Objective: Write a clear proposal

Step 1
Look at the notes below which a manager used to prepare a memo to
propose reducing the frequency of meetings. Organise the points in the
notes as suggested in What do you write? 2.

Step 2
Rewrite the notes to create a memo of faur paragraphs.


Writing 3 47

Review of tenses 1


The present simple has the following uses.

WComplete the email with the correct


regular events and repeated actions

He aLways worhs Late on ThHrsdays.
permanent situations
They mcmufacture eLectricaL goods.
timetables and scheduled events
The CEO arrives on Friday.
newspaper headlines
Miram.ax signs deal with Disney.

present tense form of the verbs in brackets.

- .. _a~
Hi George
As you know Alcott and Eves C be)
a major player in the events ind ustry- a
recent news headline stated 'A &E
to go global'. Well,
(2 prepare)
Bev Andrews, their CEO, called me and she
that you work on A&E's
new account. The company ( 4 aim)
for a big launch campaign in March. Mike
( inform)
me that you
the Kays deal at
present. 1C not need)
to tell you
that this is more important. 1 (8 try)
to contact Caroline in Brussels. She can take
over the Kays negotiations immediately. Bev
( arrange)
a celebration lu nch for
us to go over the contract. Mike and 1
(1 think)
this could be the most
important contract of your career.

The present continuous has the following



things happening now and changing

We're waitingfor the chairperson to anive.
temporary situations
They 're closing the sta.ff restaurant for
future arrangements
I'm signing the contract next weeh.

The passive



~ Rewrite these sentences using the passive


The passive has the following uses.



when the agent is unknown, unimportant or

The photocopier is being repaired.
when the agent has already been referred to
]HLie compLained to her boss, so she WCI.S given
a Larger office.
processes, systems or experiments
FiTst, appLications are considered and then a
date is jixed for the interviews.
report unconfirmed information
Several people are alleged to have been
invoLved in the scandal.


Major employer makes 5,000 redundant.

The formula was stolen, they claimed.
The committee approved the designs.
The president was meeting the delegates.
We will give you a week to decide.

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Grammar reference 83

What do you thinl<? Choose the best answers to complete the quiz about business letters.
1 Experts recommend that Letters should use short sentences. More than
_ _ _ _ words in a sentence reduces clarity.



2 Whenever possible, Letters should fit on to

sheet of paper.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1

side(s) of a standard

3 It is nota good idea to include: colloquial expressions,

a) contractions
b) grammar
c) punctuation

or jargon.

4 If you start the Letter with a contact name (e.g. Dear Ms Wells) , then the
closing expression used is Yours sincerely. If you do not use a contact name
(e.g. Dear Sir or Madam) the Letter ends with:
a) Yours truly
b) Kind regards
c) Yours faithfully

rn If you deal with a problem on the telephone, it is sometimes

What do you write?

necessaty to confirm the call in writing. Match the functions 1- 5 to

the parts a-e of the letter below.


Offer further assistance

Apologise for the problem
Say when you spoke on the telephone
Confirm important infonnation agreed in the caii
Say why you are writing
Dear Mr Cheng


Further to aur telephone conversa tian on Friday 4 October,

I am writing concerning the rece nt problem that you experienced
when tryi ng to reserve tickets on aur automated booking service.

As agreed on the telep hone, I have now arranged for the tickets to be
sent to you by special delivery.

We are sorry for any inconvenience that this has caused.

If you require any further help, please let me know.

Yours sincerely

Victoria Saunders, Customer Services Manager

;;fb Grammar reference: Reference :,ords, page 92

60 III

Writing 4

rtlJ Replace the underlined words or phrases in the letter with the
most appropriate alternative below.
a 1 After

2 In addition

3 With reference

b 1 subject

2 regarding

3 apropos

c 1 discussed 2 settled

3 acknowledged

d 1 regret

2 apologise

3 forgive

e 1 like

2 wish

3 need

Objective: Write a follow-up letter to a telephone caii

You work for ActiMedia (see Unit 12 Task 1). Write a follow-up letter
to the customer who had the problem with their whiteboard.
Confirm key information and any arrangements agreed in the call.
Remember to apologise for any inconvenience to the customer. End
the letter politely and offer further assistance if required.
1 Task 2

Objective: Write a formalletter

Step 1
Write a letter to your partner.
Student A: You work for a charity. Write a formalletter to your partner. Ask
their company to donate something to a charity auction {choose a charity
and an object). Give a reason why you chose their company.
Student B: You work for a local business. Write a letter to your partner
asking them to come and give a talk (choose the subject, location and date).
Give the reason why you have chosen them.
Say why you are writing

Say what you want

Give reasons (if appropriate)

Thank the person for their help

Step 2
Read your partner's letter and write a response, politely tuming down
the request.
Refer to your partner's letter

Politely refuse the request

Explain why

End the letter politely


41iJ 61


Reference words
The following are used to refer to previously
mentioned words, phrases or ideas.


the one, the ones

We are cunently developing a new range of
customer investment portfolios. However, we
can only o.ffer the old ones for the moment.
We\le had a substantial increase in
complaints from our corp orate clients
recently. We cannot allow sudt a trend to
the fonner, the latter
We advised our client to set up businesses in
Latin America and East Asia. The fonner has
proved to be a great success, wltereas the
latteJ' has resulted in very little profit.
this, that, these, those
Microfinance imtitutions (MFis) lend su111S of
m.oney to people in developing countries with
no collateral. That m.ay see1n ''ery rishy, but
loa11S are nearly always repaid.
The banhing sector has faur 1nain types of
imtitution: these include central and
comm.ercial bani~.

The ones can have the same meaning as

those, but is generally used in spoken

English and in less formal written English.


are the figures? You 1mow, the ones we

need to show to ouT client.

What do the words in italics refer to?
Memo: All buying departrnent personnel
Our customer liaison unit recently conducted a
survey into customer satisfaction and found that
there had been a significant increase in
complaints. 'This allows us to focus on particular
areas that customers are unhappy w ith and
provides us with valuable information. Although a
number of areas were highlighted, it appears that
delivery times and quality of materials are t he two
main problems.
The former was largely due to t he relocation
of warehouse facilities and has now been
resolved; 3 the latter is more complex and w ill
require urgent discussions of supplier contracts.
These w ill take place over the next two to three
Key personnel in the buying department may be
required to attend emergency meetings or to
rearrange existing schedules. 5Such disruption will
be kept to a minimum.
Thank you for your co-operat ion in t his matter.

Sd(Op;Jl(:JS ~UpS!JG jO lU;)lU;)~UTWe;Jl pue S~Up;J;JW

:JU;J~J;JW;J A:q p;~sne:> UO!ldlliS!P = u opdtU S!P l(:JOS !i
SUO!SSn:JS!P = ;!Sdl(.l t
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S;Jlll!l J;JA!(dP = J;JW10j ;:ll(.l Z:

(mo punOj ;JM lel(M +) ;JAJOS dl(l

= S!l(.l 1

l <IS!Jl<IJC3: Ol A<I)J

92 11 Grammar reference

Wh at do you think?

Which of the following statements do you agree with? Why?


The person who takes the minutes plays a key role in the meeting.
When taking minutes at a meeting, you should do the following.

a Write down eve1ything that is said


What do



Record only the information that is important for the future

Record any decisions that are taken
Write the statiing and finishing time of the meeting
Write a brief summary of each point
Record what action is to be taken and who is responsible for it

Good busi ness practice, page 80

Look at the extracts from minutes a-d and decide which parts ...


refer to an earlier meeting.

record important facts.
record opinions.
record a decision.
highlight action to be taken.

The question of whether to hire recru itment
consultants was considered. Although costs
would be hig h, some members felt that the
experience of a professional firm would be
valuable. It was pointed out that, as the
project is behind schedule, using consultants
would save time. After some discussion, it was
agreed that more information was needed
before going ahead.

AG to research
suita bie
consultancies and
costs and report
next meeting .


Jack p~esented the accounts for the last quarter.
Key pomts were:

income from sales is up 3%

ex,pense~ ~re also up due ta the introduction of
ca our pnntmg
profit m~rgin has dropped by 1.5% but the
overall picture looks healthy.

74 ~ Writing 5



---------------**IMPORTANTI'* Everyone to submit their

expenses claims by 19th latest!

----------- ---------d
Minutes of Boreham 1
nvestors Group

Friday, 14 March 3pm

Present: AG, 80, FH, JS, PS, TW (Chair)

~ ~~ologies

were received from JK and PHS

mutes of the previous me .
approved and signed.
eting of 22 January were
3 Matters arising:
Matters arising were discuss d
agenda items.
e under the appropriate
4 80 presented a report on rec
key sectors. This was foll e~tbstock. market trends in
regarding further investmeonwe . Y a dJscussion
Technology sector Th
kts 1n each sector.
decrease of 2 per ~ente o~:r ~t has been faUing with a
It was decided that no fu r t e_ last week.
made in this sector at rther mvestments would be

Task 1

Objective: Record key information

CD 3 O 8

Listen to two short extracts from meetings and write a minute to

summarise each of the points discussed. Only record the key
Point 1: Petra reports
Point 2: Rasa reports

Task 2

CD 31

Objective: Record decisions and actions

List~n to two more extracts from meetings and write a minute to

summarise the result of the discussions. Only record the decision
taken in the meeting and/or the action point.

Point 3: What was agreed?

Point 4: Who should do what?

Objective: Record key information, decisions and actions

Task 3

Minute key information, decisions and action points from the

meeting you role-played in Unit 15, Task 1.

Gramrnar re ference: Reported speech, page 96

Writing 5 75

Reported speech


Speech can be reported using the same tense

when the fact is still true or we're repmting
soon after the direct speech.

fJ:! Report each sentence, starting with the

']an is leaving in a minute.'

_.. She said (that) ]an is lea.ving in a 1ninute.

We often change tense, time and pronouns

when reporting speech.
'They are auditing the accounts now.'
_..She confinned (that) they were auditing the
accounts then.
'We will1neet he1e tmnonow.'
_..They agreed (that) they would meet there
the next day.
'I ha.ve11-'t 1net her.'
_.. He told m.e (that) he ha.dn't met her.
'I can't advise you about that. '
_..She regretted (that) she couldn't advise us
about that.

Reporting verbs are used in these ways.


+ (tha t) clause, e.g. cmnplain, explain,feel,

point out, repo1i, suggest

'Tite advice wasn't very helpfuL'
_..She pointed out (that) the a.dvice WCI.Sn't
very helpful.
+ infinitive, e.g. agree, CI.Sh, decide, demand,
o.ffer, promise, nifuse, wa.nt
TII reduce the fees if you lihe.'
_.. He a.greed to reduce the fees.
+ abject + infinitive, e.g. advise, CI.SI~, instruct,
invite, remind, want
'You should lower your p1-ices.'
_.. They a.dvised t!S to lower our p1-ices.
+ gerund, when the subject stays the same, e.g.
admit, deny, mention, report, suggest
'Let's go ove1 the figures again.'
_.. He suggested going over the figures agCl.in.
"' when there is a change of subject, we use a
(that) clause
'Why don't you go over the figures agCl.in?'
~ H e suggested (that) I go 1we11-t over the
.figwes agCl.in.

Speech can also be reported by summarising

the gist of what the speaker said.
]acques stressed the impmiance of good design.
Gina mised the question of reliability.
96 Grammar reference

phrases in brackets.

'The oftice will be too crowded if we have two

more staff.'
(People felt ...)
2 'Can you please take care of the accounts?'
(I've asked Tim ...)
3 'Can you please remember to send your
reports in by next Friday?'
(The Chair reminded evetybody ...)
4- 'We heard the alarm at lOpm last night.'
(Witnesses repmied ...)
5 'Would you like to present the fi gures at the
meeting tomorrow?'
Qoy suggested ...)
6 'The engineers haven't repaired the
equipment yet.'
(He admitted ...)

(M; Choose a reporting verb from the list to

report what john said.






'Shall I draw up a Iist of potential suppliers?'

'Why hasn't the project been completed?'
'I'm not going to fund your travel expenses.'
' I didn't take the documents out of the office.'
'You're right- it's too early to decide.'
appap 01 f:pE;J OOl seM 1! lEtjl paaJ~E uqo[ s
aJY:JO ;Jtjl JO 1no S1U;Jwmop atjl jju!>jEl p;J!uap uqof t
5dsuadXd (dAeJl AW/l!;Jtjl pullj 01 p;JSlljaJ uqo[ (
palaJdWOJ uaaq 1,UpEtj p;JfOJd atjl AtjM pa)JSE uqo[ Z
sJ;J!Jddns JEpua1od jO lS!J e dn ME1p 01 p;JJ;J.:l:!O uqof I

z asplaxa Ol a)I
'laA lUaWd!nba
a41 pal!Eda.l 1,upeq sJaau!jjua aq1 (lELJl) P;Jll!WPE JH 9
f:Ep 1xau alJl jjupaaw aq1
lE 5dmjjy atp paluas;JJd/ 1U;JS;Jld r (lEtjl) p;J1S;Jjj~ns f:o[ s
";JJOj;Jq ltjj'jJU
;Jlp wdQllE UllE[E ;Jtjl ~U!JE;Jtj p;JUOd;JJ SdSSdUl!M ff
'AEp!J:I ~U!MOJJOj a41 Aq
u! S1JOdaJ .qaq1 puas 01 f:poqA1;JA;cJ papu!waJ J!ELJ:J aq1. E
'SlUOOJJE ;:Jtj1 jO aJEJ ;))JEl Ol ill!l. pa>jSE JA,l Z
lJElS ;JlOW OMl peq AJ4l
j! p;JpMoJJ OOl aq pJnOM ;JJ!.IJO aq1 (lEtjl) lJdJ JJdO;Jd 1

1 asp.taxa Ol a)l

What do you think?

Pairs, whole group
5 mi ;1utes

Summarising in meetings
Discuss these questions with a partner and then report your ideas to
the rest of the group.


Why is it important ta have a summaty of a meeting?

Is it useful ta have an oral summa1y as well as a written record (i.e. the
minutes) of the meeting?
When is the best time for a chairperson ta provide a summa1y : during
the meeting, at the end, ar both? .
What should the chairperson include when summarising?

Good business
What do you say?
5 mi nutes

page 80

Look at the phrases a-g below. Which phrases are useful for:

summarising a discussion?
summarising information that you have read?


Sa, ta sum up ...

This case study is quite long, sa Jet me just give you a brief summaty ...
It says here that ...
We've discussed the question of ... and it seems that ...
Some of you think that ... Others are of the opin ion that ...
Basically, the main points in the report are ...
So, what we've agreed is that ...

70 fJ Unit 15


Task 1

Objective: Summarise points

Waste Materials Ltd is a medium-sized company that burns chemical waste
and recycles it to make new products (such as industrial cleansers).
Chemi cal recycling plants have received a lot of bad publicity lately with
environmental groups saying that they produce harmful pollution. The
company wants to project the image of a caring, socially responsible and
environmentally friendly company.

Smalt grou ps
10 minutes

Groups of 3
15- 20 mi nutes

Step 1 Brainstorming meeting

You are senior managers at the company. Holda meeting to
brainstorm ways of improving the company's image within the
community where your plant is located. After the meeting,
summarise your ideas to the rest of the class.
Step 2 Meeting
The company has decided to use a reserve fund of EIOO,OOO to
sponsor a local project that will improve its image in the
community. Discuss whether to use the money to sponsor a local
nature resetve, provide equipment for a local hospital or provide
funding for cheniistry research at the local university. Read your
information and be ready to summarise the main points for the
Student A turn to page 101.
Student B turn to page 102.
Student C turn to page 104.

Groups of 3

Step 3 Summary

5 rninutes

After the discussion, one person in each group should summarise

the discussion and any decision you reached. The other two should
listen carefully and correct or add to the summary if necessary.
Make sure that you are all clear about what you discussed.

5 minutes

How dearly did each person summarise the written information t hey had
Was your discussion effective? Did you reach a good decision, do yo u think?
Was t he summary of your discussion accu rate and dea r?
Gramrnar rEference: Repo rted speech, page 96

Reported speech
Speech can be reported using the same tense
when the fact is stiU true or we're reporting
soon after the direct speech.


0:: Report each sentence, starting with

']an is leaving in a minute. '

~ She said (that) ]an is leaving in a minute.

We often change tense, time and pronouns

when reporting speech.
They a1e auditing the accounts now.'
~she con.finned (that) they were auditing the
accounts then.
'We wiU meet he1e tommmw.'
~They agreed (that) they would meet there
the next day.
'I ha.ven't met her.'
~ He told me (that) he hadn't met her.
'I can't advise you about that.'
~she regretted (that) she couldn't advise us
about that.

Reporting verbs are used in these ways.

(that) clause, e.g. complain, explain,feel,
point out, report, suggest
'The advice wasn't very helpful.'
~she pointed out (that) the advice WC!S1t't
very helpful.
+ infinitive, e.g. agree, asl~, decide, demand,
o.ffer, promise, Tejuse, want
'I'll reduce the fees if you w~e. '
~ He agreed to reduce the fees.
+ abject + infinitive, e.g. advise, ash, instruct,
invite, remind, want
'You should lower your prices.'
~ They advised us to lowe1 our pTices.
+ gerund, when the subject stays the same, e.g.
admit, deny, mention, report, suggest
'Let's go over the jigures again.'
~ He suggested going over thejigures again.
"' when there is a change of subject, we use a
(that) clause
'Why don't you go over the jigures again?'
~ He suggested (that) I go/went over the
jigures again.

Speech can also be reported by summarising

the gist of what the speaker said.
]acques stressed the im.portance of good design.
Gina mised the question of reliability.

96 ll1 Grammar reference


phrases in brackets.

'The office will be too crowded if we ha ve two

more staff.'
(People felt ... )
'Can you please take care of the accounts?'
(I've asked Tim ...)
'Can you please remember to send your
reports in by next Friday?'
(The Chair reminded evetybody ...)
'We heard the alarm at lOpm last night.'
(Witnesses reported ... )
'Would you like to present the figures at the
meeting tomorrow?'
Qoy suggested ...)
'The engineers haven't repaired the
equipment yet.'
(He admitted ...)

ffi Choose a

reporting verb from the list to

report what john said.





re fuse

'Shall 1 d raw up a list of potential suppliers?'

'Why hasn't the project been completed?'
'I'm not going to fund your travel expenses.'
'1 didn't take the documents out of the office.'
'You're right- it's too early to decide.'
dpp<lp Ol AJlE<l OOl seM l! lElJl p<l<lJ~e uqof s
'<l:>!:l:JO <llJl JO lno Sl tt<lwn:>op <ltp 3uppn P<l!U;Jp uqof v
'S;JSU;JdX<J jdAI?Jl AW/J!;Jl.fl pury Ol p<lSilj<lJ uqof (
p<ll<lJdwo:> tt<l<lq l,ttpeq P<lfOJd <llJl AtJM p<l>JSE uqof z
'SJ<l!Jddns Jt?!l tl<llOd JO lS!J E dn MeJp Ol p;JJ;J.fJO uqof I

'l <IS!Jl<IX3: Ol A<l)l

'l<l lU;JWd!nb<l
;Jl.fl p;JJ!Bd;JJl,ttpeq SJ<l<lU!~u<~ <~ql (retp) p<lH!Wpe <~H 9
.\-ep llGU <lljl ~U!l<l<lW <ll.Jl
li? S<~m8y <~tp p<~lU<lS<!Jd/lU<lS<lJd I (lEtp) p<!lS<~38ns .\of S
'dlOJ<~q l4P!U
<ll.Jl WdQilB WJI?(E <ll(l pU!JE<llj p<!UOd<!J S<lSS<llil !M v

'AEPP.:I Pli!MOJIOJ <ll.Jl q

tt! Sl.JOdJJ J!<llJl pu<ls Ol ApoqA.r<~A<l p<~pU!W<lJ J!t?l.J:J <~lJJ. 1:
'SlUnO:>:>e <llJl JO <Jll?:J <l>Jl?l Ol W!J. p<l)jSE <lAJ Z
lJElS :UOW 01>\l peq <ll.Jl
J! p<!pMOJ:J OOl aq pJnOM <l:l!:l:JO <llJl (lt?ql) ljdj <lJdO<ld 1
1 <IS!Jl<IX3 Ol a)l

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