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H Tobey


Devlopement Log



Sent an email letting Onyx know"Looks like I am your girl for this project. :) Look forward to getting


She reposnded with "Yeah! And I am glad. You have both school and private contacts to reach me."
Sent email "Hey Onyx- Can you send me all of your documents? I cannot pull them from your eportfolio."
Sent email "I need these documents before I can start :) Thanks"
She responded "Here you go Heather, please let me know if you need something else." and
prvovided the needed documents.

4/4/2015 9:30am

Printed and started to review all documents. Also started shell. Snet email with comments "Ok I have
started the shell and reviewed you script. Here are a few things i noticed.
1. Your pre-quiz. I don't think you should make it to where they have to answer everything correct if
what you are quizzing them on you plan on talking about. This should be more of "Let's see what you
know" then you can explain the correct answers within the lesson. Now the final quiz I do see it as
needing to be at least 90%
2. Some of the quiz questions you have selected within each of groups may need to be modified. You
are asking questions that have not been talked about or reviewed such as 1.8 All of the answers you
have selected have to be guessed because you do not mention nay of them in you food groups. 1.13
you do not mention cinnamon buns so we might want to change that to say fruit juice which you do
mention. 1.21 the Question This is the smallest unit of a carbohydrate- We need to mention this
somewhere within the information. 1.25 you do not talk about veggies verses salads so it may be
unfair to ask a question about it. We can either add that info or create a different question. 1.26
question 4 and 5 need to be explained some where so they understand before quizzing them on it.
3. I have moved just a few things around so when I post the shell let me know if it works for you- Are
you using Storyline or Captivate?"


Her response "Thanks for your observations. I am ok with the modifications to the quiz items.
I have storyline.
Word version of the script? Have to check."

4/6/2015 5:30pm

Needed to go through and make sure all of the branching was in tact. I reviewed and made several
adjustments before posting the shell. Had a hard time with a few slides going where I wanted them
to go. Next step will be to addd in graphics and adjust wording.


Logged some more time to getting all of the branching to work. I took it for a test run and everything
seems ok. I published it and wrote a short description of what 's happenening. Sent email to Onyx
"Hey Onyx- I just posted the draft. Take a look and let me know how you feel about it. Also I wanted
to know if you want people to be able to go back and review the material if they do not answer the
questions correctly through out the lessons. Should there be more than one attempt allowed?"
4/7/2015 5:30pm
Started looking through storyboard to get list of images and backgrounds needed- Could not find
4/9/2015 6:25:00 PM much with info from Designer that I was comfortable using.
Started working on wording, images, details of background, foreground etc. Emailed Onyx: Asked her
if she really wanted a picture of a foot ulcer on the first slide and also sent a picture of it. She
reposnded no not really- use something else. I also sent her an this email Here is the latest version.
Please review and let me know what you think. I will then adjust what needs to be and start on the
audio and animations.





4/11/2015 10:15:00 AM Heather


H Tobey

Devlopement Log

Started working on audio and animations- get a response fro Onyx:Hi Heather,
Thank you for being so on top of the project. Looking nice. Visually appealing work so far. Thanks
I have a few comments:
The script has the pre-test before the objectives but I think that has been switched around. I wanted
to assess what the learner knows first.
The onscreen text for objectives has additional words like be able... and on the second objective,
there is an error as that repeats. The on screen texts are on the storyboard, and if they are to
change, I would prefer less words rather than more.
Tabs: Can the tabs say what they are about (title) rather than tab 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?
Again, I prefer few onscreen text: Also instruction is spoken rather than let's do some exploring...
Also food choice is Pasta not paste...I know it's just a typo.
Also cannot select London Broil- the button is not functioning.
If there are changes to the audio script, can I see the changes?
4/12/2015 10:15:00 AM Thanks Heather. Great job so far! I hope these suggestions serve to improve the project.
Responding to Onyx's comment- The reason for the pretest move is to not blind side the user by
what is going to be asked of them. I am more then happy to move the objectives to after the test if
you prefer.
I will adjust the wording also on the objectives.
I have not figured out how to change the tabs- I can however substitute the wording on that slide to
what each tab is- would that work?


I do not have a written script yet as I am creating it as I go based on your script. Some wording has
been changed to give it a more personable feel instead of rigid. I can adjust if after you listen to it if
you still feel it is off.

2:00:00 PM Let me know.


Calling it a day- sent Onyx updated version and what I still need to work on. : ROUND THREE
Ok I am finished for today. I got a lot accomplished so I am happy. here are a few things I know need
1. 3.2 Quiz if giving me a hard time so I will need to adjust it.
2. 5.1 I need to get animations and images to go along with audio.
3. 7.1 same thing- need animations to go with audio
4. I have to have a final quiz (it cannot be optional as your paper has stated) so I am working on that
too. The question bank I had was not working like I wanted it to.
Other then that let me know what else you would like to see adjusted.

5:17:00 PM Thanks


H Tobey

Devlopement Log

Received response fro Onyx "There is a final quiz on slide 1.26

You will not have to source from a question bank" I sent an email back explaining what I meant: "okWhat I meant by a question bank is- it takes all the questions previously asked and randomly present
them to user. That way new questions do not have to be created. If you would rather we use the
questions on 1.26 I can do that too. I just wanted to ask at least 5 so even if they missed one
question they could still pass.
Let me know if there is any other things you notice- I would like to get this completed by the end of
the week so I can spend the weekend working on my ePortfolio and reflections.

7:30:00 PM Thanks Onyx"

Starting to work on the last few items I have. Also reviewed a reply and will work on some of the
6:30:00 PM comments. I appreciated the effort to review what I did.
Started workng on the things I needed to fix with the quiz and recording audio. I finished it up and
sent a copy of this to Onyx, my mother and father for them all to review it and give me feed back.
Email to Onyx: Here is the final project. Please review and let me know by Sunday if any changes
need to be made.





6:30:00 PM PROJECT


reviewed email response from Onyx: Hi Heather

Thanks for your work on this project. Looks like you put in yons of work and pushed your software
abilities far and beyond. I can tell you enjoyed doing this because you inproved each version you sent
to me :)
On the simple and complex carbohydrate quiz. I dragged the correct responses to the right section
but still got the incorrect prompt. Perhaps it was just a one time error as I suspect. Great job!
9:00:00 AM Onyx
sent a reposne about the quiz giving me some issue but would review it one more time. Started
working on my reflections as well
Got the final ok from Onyx- also for usability I created a survey and put the eLearing module along
with the survey on my facebook to see what else I could adjust. Also sent it to several people in my
email. My mother had a problem with the match of food groups but I walked her through how to do
it. My dad had an issue as Onyx did with the simple vs complex carbs. Other then that a few people
8:30:00 AM reviewed the module and survye. I will get all my documentation together today and post. :)

Total hours



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