Phylosophy Statement 1

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Philosophy Statement

I believe that children learn when they interact with other children and
adults. Children learn through play and exploration, from discovery and
imagination. Children learn when they are encouraged to develop their curiosity
by providing them experiences that are of their interest. Children learn from
their environment, their family, and society in which they live. Children learn by
experimenting with real situations that help them develop their abilities, and
knowledge in the real life. When interacting with other children and other
adults, children learn to socialize, to share, to resolve conflicts and to use
appropriate vocabulary. When children feel safe and cared they will develop the
sense of security and they will have more confidence to explore the world.
(Dewey, Maria Montessori and Mary Ainsworth Theories).
I believe the environment of the classroom for children should be
attractive, clean and organized. Materials must be appropriate, be available and
be the interest of the child. Environment should be welcome and invite children
to the exploration, discovery and creative play. I believe the environment should
provide children a variety of real materials and age appropriate activities to help
them develop cognitive, social, physical, and language skills, as well as
promoting literacy.
I believe teachers should be organized and plan lessons to encourage
childrens emerging abilities and competence. It is teachers responsibility to
provide activities that support childrens interests and individual needs.
Teachers must interact with the children at their same level and focus their
attention on them. Teachers responsibility is to support childrens learning
process and provide the tools to enhance development skills. I believe teachers
should respect differences and culture of each child and support childrens home
language. I believe is teacher responsibility to support and identify children who
may need special services.
I believe that children learn from the family environment and from the
community in which they live. I believe that family involvement in the
education of the child is important and essential to maintain good
communication and keep parents informed of the development of the child.
Parents and teachers should work in partnership to meet childrens needs.
Lidia Sanchez

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