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Math 202, 1st Midterm, March 14 2012

Time allowed is 80 minutes.
6 questions worth a total of 60 points. Show all your work and give
1. [Notions](6 points)Classify the following equation as to its order, whether
or not it is linear or nonlinear, and whether it is homogeneous or inhomogeneous:
y 00
x 2 (y 2y 0 2) + y 000 = 0; x > 0:
Order is:
Linear/ not linear:
Homogeneous/Not homogeneous:

2. [Decaying solutions](10 points) Consider the dierential equation

y 00 + ay 0 + by = 0;
where a and b are real constants. Show that if a > 0, b > 0, then every
solution y(t) tends to zero as t ! 1.
Hint: Treat the cases a2 > 4b; a2 = 4b; and a2 < 4b separately.

3. [First order](12 points ) Solve the initial value problem





1)y + 2(x + 1);

y(0) = 6:

4. [Modelling] (10 points) An 1100-gal tank initially contains 200 gal of

a chlorine-water mixture containing 40 lb of chlorine. Water containing
9 lb of chlorine per gallon enters the tank at a rate of 4 gal/s, and the
perfectly mixed solution in the tank ows out at a rate of 1 gal/s. How
much chlorine will the tank contain when it is full? (Leave large constants
as they are).

5. [Second order](10 points) a. Solve the initial value problem

y 00 + y 0

2y = 0;

y(0) = ;

b. Find (if possible) all values of

we have y(0) = 2:

y 0 (0) = 0

so that for the solution y(t) in part a.

6. [Exact](12 points) Consider the equation


4xy + 3y 2


+ 2x2


6xy + 4x

(a) Find the value of a so that this equation is exact.

(b) Use this value of a, and solve the equation.

dy = 0:

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