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Zombie Apocalypse is Coming

American Scientist says that solid proofs of a masive infestation

were found
By Javier Guzmn

After series of detailed investigations

pathogen was spread around the world,
they say that over
60% of the
population is currently afected. Experts
says that the symptoms will get worse in
the next years, leading us to our feared

Scientists are concerned about this strange


Early studies indicate that the architects of this pandemic are Asian and
European, where the main suspects are China and Germany. Experts say that
their technologic supremacy has facilitated the expansion of the virus in an
amazing speed with no history.
According to the investigators, the virus spreads by
mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, which
continuous use causes an obsessive attraction that make
them impossible to separate from their cellphones,
burning their neurons until they lose their own will.
Experts say the virus is constantly mutating, now the virus can infect you even
by watching specific television programs, like Mexican soap operas or
Over than 60% of the
people is obsessed with
American reality television series. Studies showed that Jersey Shore and
their celphones
Miramar are the major sources of infestation.
The infected person will always carry his phone in
his hands, reducing his social skills to the point of
not being able to engage in conversations with
other people in the same room. Also they lose
almost all their mental skills, hindering the
consequence is the reduction of daily hours of
sleep to the point that they only sleep one or two
hours a day, increasing the somnambulistic state
in the one they appear to be.

Even the most youngest people

is been affected by this

Is feared that the disease will become a contagious sickness, so researchers

recommend people to refrain from frequenting people who suffer the above
symptoms. The only cure found so far is to increase the hours of reading, this

coupled with a significant reduction of television time per day decreases the
risk of contracting the disease.

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