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Ben Bauer 3810 E. 56% St. Minneapolis, MN 55417 952-465-5419 To Whom It May Concern, Itis without hesitation that ! recommend Caroline Davidson for a teaching position. | got to know Caroline as her supervisor during her Summer Teaching Fellowship with Breakthrough Twin Cities, where | worked as the director for the site she taught at. It was apparent from as early as her interview that Caroline would be a phenomenal teacher in our program As part of the interview, we ask candidates to teach a sample lesson using task analysis to break down a concept into more manageable chunks, We also ask them to create a cheer to show their spirit and energy. Even the most successful interviews tend not to break the steps down far enough and tend to separate the energy and enthusiasm of the cheer fram the sample lesson, Not only did Caroline do everything we asked, she combined the concepts to teach an engaging lesson, break her cheer down into easy to follow steps, and remain engaging for students of any age throughout the entire time. During the summer, Caroline was consistently one of the first to arrive and the last to leave, She was never satisfied even when she was well ahead of her peers in terms of teaching knowledge and ability. 1 talked with her about her drive, and she knew she could not be content with where she was at, even ifit was a good place, because of what was at stake for her students. This commitment was apparent from the way she visually transformed the room into a warm, welcoming place, and her presence in the classroom, We ask a lot of our teachers at Breakthrough Twin Cities. Just like in any other task, some respond better than others, Caroline was asked to plan and teach English/Language Arts lessons to 7" graders in St. Paul Public Schools, tackle issues of race and identity in a very complex novel, lead a homeroom of students, teach an elective class, act in a daily teacher skit, work with a committee to write scripts and ‘build program culture through the skits, lead recreational activities, and do all ofthis with a smile and Breakthrough spirit and positivity. From my perspective as her supervisor, she excelled and stood above her peers, While many complained about the difficulty, missed deadlines, or let their fatigue show, Caroline persevered and didn’t just complete all of these tasks, but completed them well. She worked hard, but | never felt that she was burning out, as I did with some of our other teachers. Caroline also contributed positively to the staff culture throughout the summer. At the beginning of the summer, she shared her “story of self’ with the rest of the staff and was willing to be vulnerable and share what it was that made her want to teach a group of students from low-income schools in St, Paul This led her to be able to form strong bonds with other members of the staff, which strengthened our team and our support for our students. She truly understood that being a teacher is more than just delivering content, but forming bonds with all stakeholders in the work During the summer, | asked Caroline about what she wanted to do in the future. She was committed to ot just teaching, but to working in schools with students that needed the most support. Her commitment to equity and belief that all of her students could succeed with the right support was clear tome. Caroline will be anew teacher, but she will be far ahead of her graduating peers in terms of experience, knowledge of the profession, and overall professional maturity through her time at Breakthrough. This is not why | believe you should hire her. | believe you should hire her because she has the natural talent, knowledge, drive, and mindset to eventually become great. | know if | were running a school! would hire her without thinking twice and try to help her get there. Sincerely, a Bu Ben Bauer Director of Operations: Hiawatha Leadership Academy ~ Morris Park Schoo! of Education Drake ee UNIVERSITY T ss-2n-3726 F sisearinasse wna drakeedy/soe March12, 2015 To Whom in May Concern, Please accept my support for Caroline Davidson for a teaching position within your school. Over the course of the last three years, in my role as faculty at Drake University, Caroline hhas been a student in three courses that I have taught: (1) Primary Literacy Methods; (2) Literacy Assessment and Instruction I; and (3) Literacy Assessment and Instruction II. ‘Therefore, | have come to know her as a pre-professional quite well. | feel that Caroline's strong communication skills, ability to establish a rapport with children through the development of clear and consistent expectations, and ability to reflect and improve upon instruction make her an exceptional candidate for a position within your school. Specifically, | was able to observe, and work with, Caroline as she provided tutoring for a child over the course of one year in Literacy Assessment and Instruction I and II. During this. time, I was able to witness Caroline develop a relationship with her student. She was consistently respectful, timely, and positive in her communication. Further, she was regularly willing to try new instructional approaches, and used feedback meaningfully during tutoring sessions. Additionally, Caroline has demonstrated professionalism in her coursework. She is willing and able to demonstrate knowledge of literacy practices and committed to continuous learning. She works well with others and contributes positively to the groups that she works with. Finally, Caroline's commitment to the profession is evident. This commitment would be a clear asset to your school community. Therefore, | highly recommend Caroline for this position within your school. { would be happy to further discuss Caroline's qualifications with you. Please contact me by phone or email if] can provide any further information. Sincerely, boca tie- Beth Beschorner, PhD. Assistant Professor of Early Childhood and Literacy Education Drake University Beth (515) 271-3006 March 12, 2015 To Whom It May Concern: Caroline Davidson is an extraordinary young woman. As her cooperating teacher | have had the pleasure of working with her in my fifth grade classroom for the past 7 weeks. | have seen many examples of her talent and am continually impressed with her strong work ethic. For example, Caroline joined our class a week before her required student teaching began. This kind of ‘commitment is exactly what our students need. tional skills. She has taken responsibility for her lessons and Caroline has excellent organi: always comes to school prepared. It is clear to me from observing her lessons that Caroline puts a great deal of thought and effort into planning them. She has incorporated a wide variety of strategies to make her lessons interactive and appropriate for all learners in our classroom. ‘Caroline has also shown the ability to reflect on her lessons and seeks out advice from. ‘experienced educators. If you are seeking superior candidates Caroline is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face. If you have any further questions regarding Caroline's ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 515-242-8417. Sincerely, Lipo, Vado Fifth Grade Teacher king Elementary Des Moines, lowa JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER of THE GREATER ST. PAUL AREA SS To Whom It May Concern: » _ Itis my pleasure to recommend Ms. Caroline Davidson as a candidate for a ncroriyem — teaching position in your school district. As Youth Programs Coordinator at the =" JCC of the Greater St. Paul Area, | have had the privilege of seeing Ms. Davidson grow into the talented and capable young adult she is today. | was so pleased upon learning that she was pursuing a career in education. As a tae community member and staff member, Ms. Davidson is a valued part of the JCC team. The JCC is a fully inclusive environment that includes Families from jemitresesss diverse backgrounds and students of various ability levels. Ms. Davidson has “demonstrated the ability to connect and inspire all here. sr oInecrORS secu’ Ms, Davidson has honed her skills in group management and lesson planning Supiaseehwss — through a variety of positions with the JCC over several years, in all of which she has excelled. Beginning as a Counselor-in-Training during the summer torr months, Ms. Davidson has progressed to the roles of first Junior and then wesc Senior Counselor, taking on more responsibility with each successive step, and proving herself a leader and role model to both her children and her peers. cs Based on her performance and skills, this summer, Caroline will be taking ona Pyne leadership role as a Program Director in the JCC summer program, where she will be responsible For over sixty children as well as the supervision of ten staff, onus” a role we know she will excel in, Ms. Davidson will be missed at the JCC; however, | am excited for her to parry continue her work in education. | wish her all the best for her Future. | am sosnsies certain that Ms. Davidson will be a great asset to your school or whichever ‘answer institution she is hired at. haere Very respectfully, LiFe BOARD . Members tun oral jen Savin nana Youth Programs Coordinator St. Paul JCC | 651 + 255 4767 | EXOFFICIO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AFFILIATIONS Martin & Esther Capp Building 1375 St, Paul Avenue St. Paul, MN 5116-2828 651 + 6980751

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