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kelly S. O absences Letter (first day) ¥+ Research Report ¥ Post 1¥+ Post 2 ¥+ Library HW ¥+ Post 3 V+ Draft 2/10 V+ Draft 2/17 ¥+ Participation = 29/30 Midterm: What strikes me most about your midterm is that it does the job well and efficiently, and also that it’s honest. | think that being honest is the most helpful thing you can do for yourself when you're reflecting on your work. | was little surprised at your disinterest with your research because your blog posts including #4, are thorough and interesting, | also think that your contributions to class discussions are invaluable! Regarding research, | wouldn’t discount articles just because you don’t like reading on the computer screen. Articles are often more current than books, and with your topic, | think that current research is important. Perhaps print the articles that you want to spend time with? As for your 3" paragraph, you didn’t actually discuss multi-modality there. How might you revise to incorporate that? If grades were due today, you'd have a low A. -SI Things to work on: revise 3% paragraph of midterm -Read Straub essay and watch peer review video (on Moodle) to prepare for more peer review in the second half of the course. Remember, nobody is commenting on you: they are just responding to your writing, and it’s hard to write anything perfectly the first time (that’s why we draft and review revise and edit). -Make an appt. w/a librarian or a WRC tutor to discuss your research. An 5° appointment with an expert might help you find the motivation you're lacking. IV's wot tnad T don’t necessarily hove a Simterest in Wy TeGedech, becauge T do Find it interesting, L just Deccan PeSsion bout i+, Tym not passionate abovt Hf and {loretere T don't want 40 sgend as uch po it. My true pagsion 1S in fos but my fee HW pe with m forever fo L pon't wa og WTA out early. Than yer for fur Ceedback, anh typ, glad wy Mawesty iS et ©) [aby Gusti

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