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sna etiane + poste E Classified od ae My audience for this project are parents of teenagers. They have the biggest impact when it comes to how teenagers spend their free time. Parents typically want the best for their Chitderr ay) child(s), and with this information, they can help their teenagers better his or her future. My argument is that the more a teenager reads, the better he or she has of getting either rd job right out of high school, or getting into a college, thus getting a better job after college. | was one of the few students from my high school who normally enjoyed the required readings, but even | didn’t care for some of the books we read. | have fantastic grammar and writing skills compared to most of my peers from high school. | am from a redneck community where skills that don’t have to do with hunting, fishing, or farming are not valued as much as they should be. | want the people | grew up with to succeed, but if they can’t put to use the skills learned in school, then they will never get out of Rockingham County. | want the attitudes about the importance of reading to change in schools, so my sister doesn’t grow up with the same bad habits as the people | graduated with. The sources | used came ina variety of different formats. | checked out three books from the library, conducted my own survey, and the rest came from the internet: My internet sources came from databases and pdf articles, produced either by the government of a country, or doctors. Three of my sources guided my path to my final argument: It started with @ book checked out from the library. In Parents Who Love, Kids Who Don't, Mary Leonhardt says, “Students whose main language input s oral language will write these same loose, slightly awkward structures, They have’ hon exposed to enough win anguage— saturated with 9 eae Ce a) enough written language - to acquire sophisticated written-language areal was something | had never thought about. A few days later, | found an article produced by the U.S.

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