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Sample of Inquiry Project Reflection

My inquiry project was unique in that there were 13 people working on the same
assignment. Our topic focused on how 1st-6th year teachers developed teacher leadership in their
school environments. Our methods included surveys and interviews with novice and veteran
teachers, as well as administrators. We ran into scheduling issues and the number of interviews
we planned on conducting was cut in half, but we still feel that our findings are conclusive since
this is a qualitative study rather than a quantitative study. This inquiry project gave me a lot of
practice in research skills that I had not used previously. I had to conduct an interview with an
administrator and measure his responses based on the parameters we as a class had set up. In
addition to the skills I learned, I also think the topic we chose will be very beneficial to me as a
future teacher. Becoming a teacher leader is very important to me and I feel as though the
findings from this project, accompanied with my leadership class, have given me a solid
foundation for how to approach leadership opportunities in my future.

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