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. TU iL COWWST hori Books by Phil Goldstein: ‘This offering contains a variety of different types ‘ of sagic. Sone of the material has been specifically : The Blue Bock of Mentaliea dorigned for close-up, sone for stage, and sone cen The Red Book of Nentalian ed for either circumstance, There are conedy The and streightforvard routines in the related ‘and nentalisa. These routines have audience's eyes. After #1), the prinary intent of work 1s to mystify apd entertain the lay publics cease As sath ny previous writings, the material here has ally released effects: been structured along logicel, lines, Tt is only by Rec basing one's magic on sich # foundation that the lay Fee ae audience wll be led to the classie "suspension of Tee Digg Giabelief. Othendse, the remults of our efforts Fiter's Denon je pussles, rather than magic ‘ polation seecueeesaeetias Pe itn « sincere Ei ter lesire for the latter over the formers I present ane desire for Keser ‘thir gethering of notions. fo : StL Felater 3 4, F ee gee sate snes crt 90 tna 2 cnetee VERY GOOD HAND ‘This 4s an ambitious packet effect, in which the ace of spades Smps around...until the audience is sure you've got five aces ‘This 4s an ambitious packet effect, in which the ace of Jonps arcond..,until the audience is sure you've, of spades. For « clinax, the cards chan KH, 108,45,AH. Hold the cards face domm and fan thea out a8 five. Square the cards. Double tumover the top two cards, to show the ace of spades. Turn the card(s) face down. Take the top card from above, and transfer it to the botton. Press the ‘top card of the packet, Turn the top card over, to chow the ‘AS 4s back on top. Tum the 45 face down again. Uike'to see At again. Now seemingly place the top card on the right hand again holds the transferred stock from tuasking the front edge and hiding the fact that ‘tre boing trancferre’. Prose the top cand of the packet. Do a double turnover, to show the AS 40 back on top. Tum the card(s) face dow aguin, the table ~ eis-calling it as the AS. Press on the packet, and turn up the top card to show the AS hes returned to the packets Turn the AS face down, and place it on the face of the packet. + "Tou suspect I'm'using more than one ace of spades...and of course, I axl" Turn the packet face up to show the AS. Tum ‘the cards face down, and use a Glide to renove the next-to-the- bottoa card which you place face down on the table. Turn up to show another AS. Glide again, placing the glided card on top of of hearts. Pick up the discanied card ~ it's [ote BROKEN ELEVATOR In 1966, I published » routine in* the Hew Jinx, called "Op & Down", | This fortared « clinar therein « card was "broken. Over the years E'bavo at various tines retireed to thet idea (for instance, in | ceted packet effect, "Time ‘| Out"). The following is a sxift Hiecpart elevator routine, Wilh “broken” climax. In addition to «|| deck, you will need « "broken" 3 of spades, as shown at dette the | deck 48 sot fron the tops indif~ ferent card; "broken" 3; normal 33s 25: AS) balance of pack Got & break below the fifth card from the top, Tura the block of five cards face up, and held then with the right hand from above. The Left hard holds the rest of the deck, face dow. The five cards left, deal the next card, calling 4t the two, end then the Rext, calling it the ace. Actuslly, the tabled row reade from right to lefts indifterents "broken" 3; normal 3. On top of the pack 4s the 2, beneath 4t the ace, Pick up the card at ‘the left end of the row, calling it the ace, Place this card on the bottom of the deck. Rap the pack with your kmekless ‘thon double-tarnover the top two cards of the pack as one, showing that the sce bas jumped to the top. Tum the double - card( of face Sovns Renove’ the top cand, aod place St. on the bottom of the deck. Rap the pack again, Turn over the top single card, shoving that the ace has sgein jumped to the top. Place the ace onto the table, face up. Pick up the can- tor card of the tabled row, calling 4t the deuce. Place thie on top of the deck, Rap the pack, then turn the deck over te show that the two hae come to the bottom. apparently redove the deuce - in fact, use a Glide to renove the card second- fron-the-botton. Place this card on top of the deck. Rap ‘the pack and then turn it over to show that the 2 has agein amped to the bottom. Renove the 2 and place it on the table face ups . Piok up the card at the right end of the row, call- ‘Ang it the 3, Explain that the 3 will travel from the center a PREDICTION perfect match - and can be kept as a souvenir. at . Peerage Tate deck ie ine blue cand Case. mendes ae cour ern mt ane Sucrose gaara ae aes old square the pack, and place it aside © py, Ss (Ce FRUITS CRSRASUNG Throe cards are displayed, blank on both sides, When passed through the hand, they develop both backs and Zaces ~ eax surfaces in all. Tive cards are actually used, At the start of the routine, they are in onier froa the bottom of the packets blank-faced card, face down (blank surface roughed) portal card, face dow: blank-backed card, face down (blank surface roughed) 1 blank-becked card, face dom (blank sur face roughed); flank-faced card, face up (blank surface roughed). Grip the packet from above, sith the right hand, ‘The Haman Back Count (a/k/a Flushtration Count) is used to the top card of the packet into the left hand, Again rotate ‘he right hand up and then down again. The left tnux> dare the next card tnto the left hands The last three cards are held’ squared. «3 one. Tho right hand rotates to chow the tp ‘& bottom of the card(s) it holds, then rotates paln-dowm again and deposits its card(s) on top of the two in the left hand, The order from the bottoa of the packet is now: blank~ race upt Dlank-backed card, face dom) blank race down} normal card, face dows}. blark-becked jun, Poeition the pecket in the loft palz as in lain that your left hand will act as « print= wo right hand takes the packet by its long edges point X in the draving, the index finger rest ing on the midle of the packet, the aiddle finger at the center of the opposite edge. The left hand rotates invard, to that the palm ie tovard you, the back of the hand to the iudiénee, Ae this bappene, the right hand drops the lower ost card of the packet (ubich 1 retained hidden in the Jett pals), and rotates the rest of the oards forvard to a vertical position above the left hand, Refer to Sigure tor Mich ds the performer's view. The left thind and the tip of the left index finger hold the raised packet, as you + paure to-display. 3 left hand, a back will show to the spectators. Done enooth- 1s tate tapoarance 46 very pretty. you now fan out, the packet, applying some pressure, the carde will fan as three, due to the roughing. These can'be shown backs and fronte having magically printed both backs and faces. been one of the cleanest ace asseablies pos: use of double-faced cards allows for quite In ny hendlings, I heve etmed for a very direct approach. You VAIL need threo double-facera, with ace 40D) and indifferent cards on the other. Those are placed at the face of the pack, indifferent side out, in order HCD, Make sare that the duplicates of the indifferent sides are not in ‘the botton stock. Start by openly reoving tho pack. Arrange these in order fron the four aces from 's stock. Leal the face card (AD) onto ‘the table, face up (it 15 « LF card), then the AC to ite right ‘and the All to the right of that. The AS 1s dealt next, but you must tum the left wrict inward to avoid flashing the next ecard of the packet, which is the legit AH. Flip the entire packet face down, and simply deal three face dow carde onto ‘each face up ace. The lest three got dealt onto the AS. You're: all sot. Have a spectator place his/her hand on top of the AS pile. You now vanish the remaining sces, one at a tine, a follows: Tako the three face dow indifferent cards, tum then face up, and place the AD on top. Fan to display. Close the fan, tam the packet face down, With the right hand, resove zy ‘the lowermost tuo cards, squared as one; fing a a3 gers on top, thumt belor, Rotate the rig hard pela and place the row Pasm up card(s) on top of the laft hand group, logged ts the Fignts ‘This double card 4s held with the left Riaaee a Tingertsp contacting the buck of the care) Dom Change, as follows rotate toe left hard pulscco ib, the left middle extend to place the Jog- faco down. In a contin- An the loft hand axe tates paln-domn, and the thinb pushes up on the card, so that, At, too As deposited face up on the table. Three indifferent ‘shed = there 1s an indifferent in its place. ‘The finel vanish again, arrange the DF at the face of the other cards. Fan to display. Now openly reverse the order of the face up carde ~ so that the AH goes to the botton of the face up packet, Announce your intention to cause the Ai to vanish ~ with one hand..instantly, Hold the face up packet in your Left hand, in a deep grip. Move the left hand towards the body, and’ae you do co, the left little finger pulls down the rd at Ste dnner right comer. The right fore= @ center of this card. With a quick fore eae aan ate gr Scrat, elle Gta STS ot ea obscured by the overall motion of the action, As they land, Serio tows al ea tar he stat so 3 diag ta AS pt amie it Stan Bt Se! 8 MATES An extension of an old gagi the performer displays « large Ploce of cardboard. On the other side, he explains, there is « word in the English language, which he will try to “telepathically transmit" to a spectator, A meaber of the audience is chosen, "Tell ne the truth,” asks the perfora~ ery "do you have any idea what vord is on the other side of this board?" The spectator responds, "Ho" - to which ‘the performer oxclains, "you're right!” - and tume the board around. On the other ide 4s the word, MIO"... When ‘the laughter bas subsided, the performer tume the board back to hinself, and continues, "This doesn't slvays work. Last week, I did a show where the fellow in the audience had seen this thing before...a0 when I asked hin if he kmew the word on the other side, he said TES!" The perform er turns the board around,,,and At no bears the word "IES" \ Q THE BOARD \ < “THE, FLAP a oF _. taness AT POINTS t A+B aS Ad s ght-geg I came up with ‘Take two skinny balloons How prepare the other so that At will inflate in the © When it cones tixe to perform, pala the bubble in the right hand. The baloon is held at its "neck" in the your palned bubble. ‘the balleon, to trap the butble at the center. How use the right hand to stroke dow the balloon, Release the air trom the balloon, to eliminate the babble - and simultaneously drop the palued bubble, allowing it to float to ‘the floor. You have apparently stroked the bubble right off the center of the baldoont ‘The promise of the "Birthiay Card™ effect has been adapted by several inventors, in a nuaber of clever ways. Sactealiys the perfofaer introduces an envelope An which he explains there 18 a birthday card, There 4s a play on words here, as « spectstor As asked to correlate his/hor birthday with « playing gard- The envelope 4 opened, and glued to the inside of the grosting card therein 45 a junbo duplicate of the preper playing cade Most nethods involve the use of dlartes, the spectator looking up the proper date to find « notation of a card. Waile trying te work out « simpler approach, I hit upon this notion whichs while not quite adhering to the original plot, produces essen tally the sano result with minimm of effort. A spectator 13 and asked his/her birthdate ~ for instance, Febraary 2b that date as a guide, the perforner slowly and deliberate— Jy counts to the 2th card from the face of the deck. In this ways a card te arrived at - say, the 7H, "This indicates that the 7d 4s the appropriate card for your birthday!" gays the por former. The envelope 48 opened - inside is the 7H. ‘The methoc? 4A rough-and-mooth forcing pack, and sone showsnship. 10 TWE COUPOL ‘The performer displays 3 envelope: ‘explained that each envelope cont. ‘of a coupon, which can be traded 4 frecly chooses an envelope, andr ‘that paper 4s read, the two un for example, the spectator choo! reads, "YOU WILL NOT PICK ENVELO! $100." Envelope C's message roads LOPE C, THIS COUPON TS WORTH $41 ope's nossa ‘THIS COUPON. heavy weight of the mantle stock of the envelope). There 4s an ins messages are placed the mantle inzert pi tucked inte the onve: sage in back. The accessible ness envelope __: This coupon is wort The second wessage offers the ron $500 for envelope By $1000 for er of each envelope beers the approy the routine, display the envelope propriste envelope. Instruct the ‘ed paper inside the envelope, but ‘the "lockes" nature of the envelc ‘the "applause" message. At Nprovel! thet the spectator's enve 1 of message by the sp ator rotein the ne: "Tho two unchoson enve! untack the flap, reach behind the the paper (which wl] be 2 noney At. Do the care with the other ur materiels, and have the spectato: ‘Accept your applause graciously.

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