Cultural Event

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Date: 2/07/13

Student Name: Lidia Sanchez

Describe the Cultural experience you participated in and attended: Bosnian Restaurant
Sarajevo Caf.
Take Pictures and include in your summary report: Pictures included.
1. List five items that you were able to observe and identify the concepts of diversity.
Menus, all the food in the menu were listed with the name in Bosnian/English.
Music, the music was in Bosnian, sound it nice and interesting.
People, there was American couple, three young man wearing sport clothes, two
covered ladies in light colors cloths. The waitress lady had a Bosnian accent, but she
spoke good English.
Pictures, there were pictures on the wall that might be from some parts of Bosnia.
Tables were very nice with table cloths, very clean and nice, beautiful wood chairs,
decoration is so nice. The restaurant decor inside looks like a small village where we
can see the doorways. There are crafts that seem to be brought from Bosnia.
Food, we ask for the daily special, the lady said the Specialty of the house is the
Cevapi, Bosnian sausages; she also recommended Burek, Pita bread whit beef and
cheese, and Pileci, chicken sandwich.
2. Explain how the experience improves an understanding of:
Areas of anti-bias. The Bosnian culture is reflected in everything inside the
Restaurant, on the food, the decoration, the people who works there, the
customers, the music, the place is quite and clean, the food was good. The
waitress was polite and friendly; the place is for all types of individuals, families,
singles, young, old etc.
Promoting anti-bias goals. Visiting this place gave me the opportunity to try new
foods, to learn a little bit from another culture, to respect, to value, and be more
open mind.
Strengthening anti-bias skills. Anti-bias skills can be developed at any age and
providing experiences, like this one to children. we can promote those skills.
3. Describe potential curriculum activities based on this cultural experience that can be
deigned, planned and implemented in the classroom with children.
Planning activities to introduce this experience to children: We can add and
read books about this culture to children, We can post some pictures
around the classroom, adding some play food and kitchen items, in the
dramatic play and introduce names of the food to children, adding some

type of regional clothes from Bosnia, so children will learn there are
different types of clothes around the world, having a food experience with
kids to allow them to try new and different foods, in the music area, we can
have music from this country, in which children can hear the language, we
can have some words written in that language and introduce the meaning
to children, my co-teacher is from Bosnia so maybe she has more resources
available that we can use in the classroom, she can teach us some words
and provide us with more things.

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