Revision Qs For 3rd Yr Prep

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Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1) Samy______see his friends yesterday.

a. doesnt
b. didnt
c. dont
d. isnt
2) Mona and Ali _______seen the film that
a. have
b. had
c. has
d. did
3) They______ come to visit us tomorrow.
a. were
b. will
c. mean
d. did
4) Rania was because she didnt
pass her English test.
a. happy
b. sad
c. funny
d. pleased
5) While the man was crossing the street,
he to the ground.
a. Fell
b. Fall
c. Falls
d. Fallen
6) My house was white and made of..........
a. Spices
b. Suit
c. Silk
d. Wood
7) In the future, crops from newly reclaimed
lands..inside and outside Egypt.
a. Sold
b. Are going to sell
c. Are selling
d. Will be sold
8) We hope that Egypt willmore
cotton to other countries.
a. Trade
b. Import
c. Export
d. Buy
9) I dont like living in a big city because
there is toonoise.
a. Many
b. Much
c. Few

d. Little
10) My grandfather is a . He studies
the past.
a. Historian
b. Photographer
c. Tailor
d. Engineer
11) The police sent for the mancar was
a. Who
b. Which
c. Whose
d. Who's
12) Magda lost her money, so she was
a. Clever
b. Upset
c. Cheerful
d. Pleased
13) The computer is very good. It.. be
a. Must
b. Should
c. Mustnt
d. Can't
14) "I dont have many friends, only..
good friends," said Eman.
a. Much
b. Many
c. A few
d. A little
15) Ahmed has seen some films, but Samy has
seen..than him.
a. Many
b. More
c. The most
d. Much
16) Manal .made a cake. She didnt
have any sugar or butter.
a. Can't have
b. Must have
c. Can have
d. Might have
17) The policeman asked the man if he..
a. Have lost
b. Losing
c. Had lost
d. Lose
Good Luck
Mr. Ahmed Saad

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