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Nicole Fleming
Mrs. Barnes
English 112
6 April 2015
Saving the Stolen
Imagine a teenage girl walking down the street alone. She had just finished watching a
movie at her friends house and was heading home. As she is walking she is unaware of her
surroundings. She is clueless about who is nearby. An ominous man is lurking, closely following
without her knowing. He is the predator and she is his prey. All of a sudden, he goes in for the
attack. He grabs her, knocks her out and carries her away. When she wakes up she is confused,
dizzy, and in pain. The man had drugged and raped her. He takes her to an unknown location
where other suspicious men look her over and check out her condition. She is then sold to a man
she has never seen before. For many years she has been used for labor force and sexual
exploitation. For most of her life she had been kidnapped and been a part of human trafficking.
While this is a fictional story, there are many real life cases of women who have been through
situations similar or even worse to this example. All around the world human trafficking has
affected many females, children and their families, and strict consequences need to be enforced
by the law in order to prevent it.
Human trafficking is when a person kidnaps another and sells them for sexual reasons or
as a slave force. It is also classified as the illegal trade in persons by force, deception, violence,
taking advantage of vulnerability, or similar means, for the purpose of exploitation such as forced
labor, sexual exploitation, removal and sale of organs, and armed activities ( Tangible results).
In most cases, the females are the victims, age twelve being most common. Statistics show that

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Eighty percent of those trafficked are female, and 50 percent are children ( Protecting the
Victims). They are singled out and taken whenever they are alone or depressed. Many end up
dying, but occasionally they are rescued or found. Even though they have been saved, they will
always have those terrible experiences and memories that will haunt them for a lifetime.
Everyday women and children are being kidnapped and becoming a part of human
trafficking all over the world. Recently in Delhi, 165 children were reunited with their families
after they had gone missing at the beginning of 2015. All of these children were kidnapped and
placed in human trafficking and will have to live with that experience for the rest of their lives
(Delhi Police). The Department of Social Welfare and Development have also assisted
approximately 391 cases of human trafficking ( DSWD). Overall, there are many cases around
the world of people disappearing and being rescued from human trafficking.
Victims of human trafficking who have been rescued receive help and benefits from the
government. Not only do the victims receive these benefits but their families do as well. A
benefit that foreigners receive are visas, but recently these visas have been questioned in high
court. A problem had occurred where these visa holders were getting stopped by immigration
officials and getting their passports seized, disabling them to travel to their desired destination. A
ban has been placed on these visas due to a woman lying about her maids salary. Whether or not
the ban will be lifted is being debated on in high court ( Ban on Trafficking Visa ). There has
also been a protection act placed on these victims in order to help them and their families
continue the rest of their lives ( Protecting the Victims ). Although there are many benefits for
victims, the overall problem needs to be resolved.
The issue of human trafficking is constantly being debated around the world. There are
several laws that try to solve the problem, but these laws and not enforced properly. Human

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trafficking has become an ongoing issue in the Senate that is often being debated on. Yet the
problem has still not been solved. Recently the Federal National Council got together and
discussed this ongoing problem. This group discussed the importance of issuing legislation and
laws to protect women and children and supporting their rights along with other similar
problems ( UAE ). Another event that occurred was in the Senate. Democrats and Republicans
are debating on whether or not a bill on human trafficking should be passed. After months of
debating a minor bill was passed that was said to help the war on women but the bill is not
strongly enforced ( Senate dysfunction ). There doesnt seem to be a close end in sight on the
issue on human trafficking debates.
Many solutions have been presented in order to try to prevent the issue of human
trafficking. Some of the solutions presented are by pressing harder charges against those who
are guilty and by enforcing more strict punishments to them. Another solution might be to pass
more laws on the issue and make sure they are properly enforced. Since the issues on human
trafficking are constantly being debated these actions have still not been taken.
Organizations have been set up to help these cases as well. The DSWD (Department of
Social Welfare and Development) and the WEDC ( Women in Especially Difficult
Circumstances) are a few of many organizations. These organizations help rescue and provide for
victims of human trafficking. They give support to families and victims and also give them
special benefits ( DSWD). These departments and organizations help women and children
around the world who are victims of human trafficking.
Human trafficking and its victims needs to gain more of an awareness in society in order
for strict laws, enforcement and action to take place to help put an end to this issue. Many
women and children are suffering and enduring terrible events possibly causing death that will

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forever change their lives. The more knowledge people generate toward this issue can help put
an end to this inhumane problem that is occurring across the world. If laws become more strictly
enforced and correct punishments are given, more innocent lives will be saved and spared from
these horrific acts of human trafficking.

Works Cited
"Ban on trafficking visa challenged again in HC." Times of India 20 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in
Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
"Cebu court convicts 5 for human trafficking." Philippines Daily Inquirer [Makati City,
Philippines] 17 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.
"Delhi Police reunite 165 children with families." United News of India (UNI) [New Delhi,

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India] 23 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
"DSWD assisted 150,391 abused women in 2014." Philippines News Agency 21 Mar. 2015.
Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
"Senate dysfunction sinks to new low; How a bill to fight sex trafficking suddenly became
controversial." Toronto Star [Toronto, Ontario] 22 Mar. 2015: A1. Global Issues in
Context. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
"UAE calls on issuing legislation and laws to protect women and children." WAM United Arab Emirates News Agency 2 Apr. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web.
6 Apr. 2015.
"Tangible results in efforts against human trafficking in PH." Philippines Daily Inquirer [Makati
City, Philippines] 30 Jan. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 6 Apr. 2015.

"Protecting the victims." Sojourners Magazine Feb. 2008: 11. Student Resources in Context.
Web. 6 Apr. 2015.

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