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Observation form used by University Coordinators:

CMU Student Teacher Observation
Student Teacher: _Tiffany Smith




Classroom Teacher: __Jamie Hawkins__

Date/Time/Grade_03/13/14 9:50AM 5th Gd._

Social Studies___

Lesson: __Language Arts_/

Objective: __TLW: proofread and edit writing in a social studies context.__

Observer: __Glenn Solowiej___
Planning uses state and local standards to plan instruction, develops
lesson that build on students background, integrates educational
technology, plans for all learners
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: An outstanding plan was provided the
observer that masterfully integrated two standards (English Language Arts and
Social Studies). To effectively integrate content areas in a meaningful way is a
powerful strategy to address the awesome task of addressing the seemingly
daunting amount of identified standards. The lesson plan includes all essential
elements. The lesson, by design, was accommodating for all students.

Teaching teaches the core concepts of the subject area, relates learning
to the real world, integrates subject matter with other content areas, uses
a variety of teaching strategies, helps students become self-motivated and
self-directed, enthusiastic
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: Students were invited to refer to a posting
of the learning target for the observed lesson and read in chorus.. Outstanding! A
short video clip was shared with the class that creatively introduced the lesson and
communicated key content. A review of proofreading marks was conducted.
Directions are clearly communicated and re-communicated. Activities are wellpaced and varied and engage the middle level learner beautifully. A text selection
was projected and students were challenged to first edit the piece individually and
then as a class using the consistent editing marks. A second practice piece was
assigned using the same format. Students were directed to share their thinking
with peers and then challenged to correct the projected sample as a class. Due to
the multiple experiences orchestrated by this student teacher she has a right to
expect that students have a solid understanding of identified content. Students
were reconfigured into groups of four and assigned the cooperative task of round
robin editing. Specific roles were assigned after thorough instruction and
demonstration and modeling. One has the right to expect what one has taught and
re-taught. Students had the benefit of multiple reference tools that might be
accessed in addressing the task at hand. At the end of the observation, the student
teacher passed out a sticky note for students to write down some self-evaluative
reflection comments regarding a success and a goal experienced during todays
lesson. QUESTION: What do you intend to do with this information? How will it
inform your instruction?

Learning Environment maximizes academic learning time, manages

classroom effectively, builds rapport with students, treats all learners with
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: The relationships this educator has
nurtured with her students has provided her with an impressive level of compliance
with routines, expectations, policies and procedures. Her attention getting signal
was completely successful in earning her the desired response. Learning is
enhanced through the effective monitoring by the student teacher, her cooperating
teacher and a para-professional assigned to her during the observed period.
Students receive and benefit from immediate feedback. The level of student
engagement throughout the observed lesson was high if not entireno easy task.
The student teacher has directly benefited from all of the work done by her
cooperating teacher in setting the stage with logical and powerful routines and
expectations. She has done well to support what was already in place, experiment
with applications and make it her own.

Assessment uses authentic assessments, uses assessments to guide

instruction/reflects on student learning, adapts assessments for students,
reflects on student work and modifies instruction
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: The student teachers lesson allowed for
several opportunities to assess student understanding. A final product (culminating
activity) will serve as an authentic assessment as students write, edit and publish a
piece given a topic from their grade level content. Outstanding!

Professionalism behaves ethically, collaborates, participates in

professional growth, demonstrates understanding of multiple perspectives
and individual differences uses technology to organize and manage the
classroom, responsible citizen, appearance
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: Perhaps no higher recommendation was
received by the observer regarding Ms. Smiths performance to date than that of
the school secretary. The relationships constructed between this student teacher
and all partners is impressive and an indication of one who values all roles. Ms.
Smith presents herself professionally in all areas and is recognized by the students
assigned to her as a viable partner in their education. This student teacher has
benefited from an outstanding cooperative teacher mentoring her. Her open mind
and enthusiasm for growing as a teacher is perhaps the greatest and most
attractive characteristic of professionalism.

Communication relates information about students progress to

appropriate stakeholders, communicates effectively in writing, effective
oral communication, communicates in a professional manner
Observations, suggestions, conclusions: This educators verbal communication is
engaging and a model for students to emulate. Written communication is thorough
and models what is expected of the students as well. Her communication is further
enhanced by appropriate use of humor. The message clearly communicated is that
learning is (or should be) a joy.

Overall Potential: Observations, suggestions, conclusions: The observer looks

forward to visiting this classroom and seeing this educator in action. She
motivates, engages, and facilitates educational experiences for students fortunate

enough to be able to work with her. The observer would be able to highly
recommend this future teacher and advocate for her as she seeks her own
classroom and strives to embrace her professional goals. Outstanding!

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