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Lesson Plan

Unit: _____Geography________

Lesson #___7__

Level: Foundation/Prep_


Inquiry Question: What is a pictorial map? How do you create a map?

ACHGK001: The representation of the location of places and their features on maps and a globe.

ACHGS003: Represent the location of features of a familiar place on pictorial maps and models.
illustrating the location of their home in relation to school, the local shops or other features in
their local area on pictorial maps or by making a model

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to:
1. Represent features and objects within the playground with pictures.
2. Represent the locations of such features and objects on a pictorial map.
3. Label the features of the playground on the map representation.
4. Reflect on their class map, through the accuracy of their placement and representation of
the playground features.

Student Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, I will have:
Helped make a class pictorial map of the playground.
Created a Pictorial Map with my group.

Compared the group map to the playground and make changes if needed.

Students Prior Knowledge:

Understanding of the features of different locations.

Ability to identify the features of a particular location.


Introduction & Motivation:


10 mins



20 mins

Teaching Approaches &

Students will be seated on the carpet area.
Teacher led whole class
Teacher will introduce a pictorial map to the students discussion.
on the interactive whiteboard of a familiar place.
Students sitting on the carpet.
(Undercover area)
Pictorial Map of
Students will investigate the features of the pictorial
Undercover area.
map and identify the location.
Interactive Whiteboard
Teacher will open discussion on how this map is a
Whiteboard Markers
representation of the location and how it can be used.
Teacher will discuss the perspective of the map and
detail the birds-eye view. Teacher will show images
taken from a birds-eye view for students to see.
Students will then be ask to close their eyes and
imagine places from a birds-eye view. Teacher will
list places (e.g. their living room, the local park, their

Main Content:

Teaching Approaches &

1. Teacher explains the students will now be making Class/Group Work
their own pictorial map using the images taken of
playground in the previous lesson. Display images
Pictures from previous
on interactive whiteboard.
2. Students will create a class list of the features of
the playground area. (Including undercover area,
slide, soccer field etc.)
3. Teacher reminds students that the picture need to

represent the features of the playground.

Support and/or Extension
effectively so others are able to identify the
4. Students will suggest images/pictures which could Students can be given already
written labels which they can
be used on the pictorial map. Each feature will
then have a corresponding picture to use on the place on the models/maps.
Students can be given pictures to
5. The teacher will then ask the students to help
place the pictures. Asking for volunteers to place represent the features to create
their map. Students need only to
the pictures in the class decided location.
6. Students will be moved into the groups and sent position the images to create
back to their desks. The groups will then create their map according to their
location within the classroom.
their own pictorial map of the classroom, with
each student drawing one feature and label it.
Students should add as much
detail for those who require
extension. Students include
more than the obvious features.


10 mins

1. Teacher will take students and map to the
playground. Students will review the map
compared to the playground. Was the map
accurate? Did the locations affectively represent
the playground?
2. Students will review their group map and change
anything they feel is necessary to make their map
more accurate.
3. Class will discuss what they changed and why.

Teaching Approaches &

Whole class discussion of the
accuracy of the map compared
to the playground.

Class Map
Group Maps

Assessment of Learning
Student involvement in class discussion and class map.
Group map.
Refection of group map and changes made.

Did the students enjoy my lesson?
Did the students maintain or follow the behaviour expectations?
Did I monitor student learning during group work and individual work?
What was effective in this lesson?
What could I improve on?
What will I do in the next lesson for those that were unable to do this?
What will I do next lesson for the students who easily grasped the concepts?
What will I do in the next lesson?
How would I summarise my teacher presence? (Confidence, voice, pace, time management)

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