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Lesson: 6

History: Captain Cook

Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will have an opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to:
1. Understand how Captain Cook discovery has changed history
2. Have knowledge and understand of how and why the first fleet came to be
3. Be able to locate credible information from sources to help with the assessment
(timeline) At the end of the lesson if time allows
Australian Curriculum:

Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to
Australia, and their experiences following arrival. (ACHHK079)

The journey(s) of AT LEAST ONE world navigator, explorer or trader up to the

late eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any
impacts. (ACHHK078)
Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital
technologies (ACHHS087)
Locate relevant information from sources provided (ACHHS084)
Use historical terms (ACHHS082)


Power point (with videos and pictures) of dates and events
History books on Captain Cook and the time period

Students Prior Knowledge:

How to do a test on socrative

How to do a poll on socrative

Learning goal:
1. Will be able to understand and recall fact about Captain Cook and his actions
2. Will be able to justify your reasons for answering a certain way
Lesson overview
In this lesson students will recap all the previous knowledge learnt so far. Then students will
be asked a series of questions/facts and they will have to answer it using socrative. We will
then have a class discussion about why the answer is wrong or right. Students will then
proceed to do a mini quiz on socrative. After this students will split into groups and come up
with their own question to ask each other and research the question they got wrong. To

conclude this lesson each group will present an interesting fact found.
Lesson Procedure:

Quickly recap last lesson
Quickly state the learning goals for the lesson (Hattie)
Main lesson
Ask the class about facts they have learnt so far and get them to anonymously
answer true or false and multiple choice questions on socrative and ask students to
explain their reasoning for answering a certain way
Student then will get into groups and research and review all the content so far

In their groups the students will present interesting facts they have learnt so far
and some newly learnt facts from their research (if time allows this)

Differentiation for diverse learners:

Extension Activities:

Students will work in groups and compare notes for key events and dates needed
for timeline assessment (build social, team working skills & helps students talk
about ideas with peers to understand content better)
If students finish this task early they can present their finds to the class
Assessment of Student Learning:

The polls on socrative

The tests on socrative

Evaluation- Objectives:

Do they understand the content?

Have I given the students enough time to review all the new information before
testing them?
Is this a fun, engaging way to test their knowledge?

Evaluation-Self as a Teacher:

Was this lesson engaging enough?

Do they understand what their weaknesses are through the test?
Do the results come up straight away or do I review it first and tell them
Is the extension activity valuable to their understanding and learning?

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