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Student Name: _________________________

History: Journal Entries


Well Above

Historical Accuracy

All historical information

appeared to be accurate
and in chronological
order. Student used
extensive historical
language and concepts in
journal for authenticity.

Text structure

Demonstrates an
exceeding ability to create
an engaging text using
correct structure and
language features
extremely well to engage
their audience with a
cohesive text.
Journal entries describe a
extremely detailed event
from both perspectives,
considering emotions,
thoughts and impacts to
create an engaging text.

Different Perspectives




Almost all historical

information appeared to
be accurate and in
chronological order.
Student used good
historical language and
concepts in journal for
Demonstrates a good
ability to create an
engaging text using
correct structure and
language features well to
engage their audience.

Most of the historical

information was accurate
and in chronological
order. Student used some
historical language and
concepts in journal for

Very little of the historical

information was accurate
and/or chronological
order. No historical
language or concepts

Creates a text using

mostly correct text
structure and
demonstrates some
control over language

Very little to no
demonstrations over
control of text structure or
language features. Text is
very confusing to read.

Journal entries describe a

detailed event from both
perspectives, considering
emotions, thoughts and
impacts to create an
engaging text.

Journal entries describe

the event form both
perspectives considering
some emotions, thoughts
and impacts to create an
interesting text.

Journal entries does very

little to describe the event
from both perspectives.
Very little consideration of
thoughts, emotions and


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