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Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns point to something specific that can
be either near or far in distance or time.

The demonstrative pronouns are:


(singular to point out something that is near in either

distance or time).
that (singular to point out something this is far away in either
distance or time).
these (plural to point out some things that are near in either
distance or time).
those (plural to point out some things that are far in either
distance or time).

Circle the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence.


This is my favorite teddy bear.

Would you like some of these?
Those years at the lake were the best times of my life.
That is the toy I would like to buy.
These are absolutely delicious!

Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence.

6. ____________________ (These/This) are the shoes I like.
7. ____________________ (This/That) car over there is the best one.
8. ____________________ (These/Those) books right here are mine.
9. ____________________ (That/Those) store across the street sells clothes.
10. ___________________ (Those/This) students over there are my friends.
11. Ive been looking for a turkey, and Id like to buy________(that/those) one.
12. __________________(This/These) is the year well win the championship!

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