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College Supervisor: __Dr.

Susan Seidenstricker
Department of Education
Reading, PA 19612-5234
Phone: 610-921-7790


Student Teacher:_____Stephanie Bohn_
Student Number:__________________________________________
School:____ Whitfield Elementary______ Grade:___1___
Time In:_____1:45_ ________
Time Out:____3:10_______
Visit____ Observation__X__
Cooperating Teacher:_____Leslie. Aizkalns_________________________
OBSERVATION: Planning and Preparation; Classroom Environment; Instructional Delivery; and

Lesson Title_________Math: Measurement__________

Instructional materials were carefully prepared and placed on students desks prior to the start of the
lesson. As students returned from Library, SB instructed them to place their books in their desks and
sit on the carpet in preparation for math instruction.
SB reviewed measuring with cubes. She engaged children in making an estimate for the length of a
pencil drawn on the whiteboard. They added cubes until they secured an exact measurement. She
emphasized carefully lining up the measurement tool with the end of the object to get an exact
measurement of length. She gave instructions for individual measuring of a paper strip and then
returned them to their desks to begin work.
When children found differing lengths, she guided them to place their measuring tool straight, to line
it up more carefully with the end of the strip, and to include the connecting nub on the end of their
cubes. She showed them how to measure a longer posted by moving the chain of cubes, using her
finger to mark the end of the chain. Children counted cubes to assist her.
Evidence of Withitness: SB called the childs name when they needed to refocus, or when redirection
was needed. She was VERY aware of the level of engagement of all of her children. Energetic
delivery; SB effectively maintains their interest by varying the pitch and volume of her voice. She
occasionally did silly things with her measuring tool to engage the children in verbalizing the correct
process of measuring. Humor made the measuring tasks fun!
Children assisted her in measuring items in the classroom. Then they individually measured their
desks and chairs. SB moved around the room assisting children as needed. When assisting one
child, she referred to the number chart to help him count higher than 29.
Suggestion consider having the children help each other with the place-holding part of measuring.

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JOURNAL/DIARY: Competent use of reflective action plan; reflections are focusing on student outcomes.

TIME SHEETS: Completed as required

ASSIGNMENTS: Stephanie is working on her professional website.

LESSON PLANS: Carefully planned with a good level of descriptive detail. Plans include information about
differentiated groupings and accommodations. Effective emphasis on the mathematics vocabulary for comparing
length units.
STUDENT TEACHER COMMENTS: Normally, she and her cooperating teacher use differentiated guided math
groups during the math block of instruction. Today, differences in support and instruction will not be needed for the
measurement objectives.
NEXT SCHEDULED OBSERVATION: Wednesday, April 8 11:15 12:20 Writing
Stephanie conducted a well-managed whole-class lesson on measurement. Children were highly engaged. She was
very aware of students response to instruction. She provided appropriate support when needed.

Dr. Susan Seidenstricker

College Supervisor
Albright College

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