Virginia Shipman Information System Summary 1 January 3, 2015

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Virginia Shipman

Information System
Summary 1
January 3, 2015

In chapter 1 we learn that Information systems and technologies are vital

components of successful businesses and organizations. AN information system is a
combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, data
resources, as well as policies and procedures that stores, retrieves, transforms, and
disseminates information within an organization. We should focus on five key areas
throughout the book.
The first is foundation concepts. These are fundamental behavioral, technical,
business, and managerial concepts about the components and roles of information
systems. The next is information technologies. This is the hardware, software,
networks, data management and internet based technologies. Next is business
applications. It supports processes and operations, decision making by employees
and managers, and supports strategies for a competitive advantage. The fourth one
is development processes. This is how the planning, developing, and
implementation of information systems is done to meet business opportunities. The
last, but one of the most important is management challenges. You have to be able
to effectively and ethically manage information technology at the end-y=user,
enterprise, and global levels of business.

In chapter 2 we learn that information technology helps support many competitive

strategies. They help cut costs, differentiate, and innovate products and services. A
key strategic use of information technologies is to build a customer focused
business. Information technology is also a key to reengineering business processes.
They also help a business to become an agile, virtual, and knowledge based

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