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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Ericha Brauer

Date: 4/18/2015

Grade and Topic:

5th grade science

Length of Lesson: about 1.5 hours

Mentor Teacher:

Murdock and Phillips

School: U of M - IDT 7061


This lesson is part of a unit on plant and animal cells.

TSW work collaboratively to research and take notes on a specific part of a plant cell using the given website
with 100% accuracy.
TSW create a PowerPoint presentation with their group about a specific part of a plant cell with 85% accuracy.

Tennessee State Standard: GLE 0507.1.1 Distinguish between the basic structures and functions of plant and
animal cells.
ISTE 2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others
ISTE 3. Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

Think Sheet for research
Computers with internet and Microsoft PowerPoint (rap video on plant cells)
Play dough
Plant cell labeling worksheet

Technology is being used to show a video to help the students remember the parts of the cell. It is also being
used for research on parts of plant cells. The computers are also being used to make a PowerPoint presentation.
This digital presentation will help the students relate back what they learned and found important about a
particular part of the plant cell.
The key concepts for this lesson is for the students to recognize and explain the different parts of an animal cell.
Another key concept is for the student to create a PowerPoint presentation in a group.
Academic language that will be addressed in this lesson is cells, structure, function, nucleus, cell membrane,
cytoplasm, ribosomes, vacuole, chloroplast, cell wall, and mitochondrion.
This lesson connects to a previous lesson on the introduction to basics of cells and their purpose. The lesson the
previous day is creating a plant cell in a zip lock bag with food to show the basic idea of the plant cell.
This lesson will be built on by introducing animal cells and their structure.
For this activity, it creates an assignment that is great for differentiated learning. The students are able to do
hands on activities during centers in between computer time. Then they are doing some writing on the Think
Sheets given. They are also working with visuals when creating the PowerPoint. There is also auditory learning

through the use of a cell rap played at the beginning of the lesson. This lesson meets the needs of different
learners in these ways.
Introduction: You are a scientist on a mission to solve the cure for a special cell disease that is killing all of the
plants. Before you can determine the causes of this disease, you must figure out what each part of the cell does.
In groups, you will research different parts of a plant cell and create a PowerPoint presentation, so all of the
other scientists can combine their research. Once you combine the research, you will be one step closer to
discovering what is killing all of the plants. (2 mins)
1. TSW have a short discussion reviewing important information about cells discussed in
the previous days lesson. TTW ask probing questions, such as, What can you remember
about cells from yesterdays lesson? Does anyone remember the importance of cells?
What are the two types of cells and their purposes? (5 mins)
2. TSW watch a brief video that is a rap of the different parts of a plant cell. TSW take notes
on the different parts of the cell that they hear. TTW write down the different parts of a
plant cell on the board as they are mentioned. (3 mins)
3. TTW split the students up into groups of three, and allow each group to pick a part of the
cell to research. (3 mins)
4. TSW use the internet to research their particular cell part and its functions. The students
will take notes on a given worksheet (making sure the entire worksheet is being
completed). The worksheet will help them create their PowerPoint. (30 mins)
5. While the students are taking turns on the computer, they will work in stations that will
help them expand their knowledge on cells, the different parts, and their functions. The
stations will include: labeling a plant cell, building a plant cell out of play dough, and
writing a short story of yourself as a cell. (during computer time)
6. After each group is done with their research, they will take turns at the computer again
creating their PowerPoints. TTW make sure each group is staying on task and assisting
students with using PowerPoint if needed. (40 mins)
Closure: To close the lesson, TSW tell the class one cool thing they learned about their part of the plant cell.
TSW write down one thing that they will remember the most about this lesson. (5 mins)

The formative assessment is the observation of the students during centers and collaboration with students during
The summative assessment is the PowerPoint created by each group that explains a particular cell part and its functions.
PowerPoint Rubric
Below Average
The part of the cell is identified, but
there is not a picture included.

The part of the cell is specified and
identified with a picture.

The function of the cell is not correctly

described or not described at all.

The function of the cell part chosen is


A cool fact about the chosen cell part is

not mentioned.
The PowerPoint is not well organized
and/or contains too many special

A cool fact about the chosen cell part

is mentioned.
The PowerPoint is visually pleasing to
the eye and well organized.

Above Average
The part of the cell is specified and
identified with a picture of both the
cell and particular part (i.e.
The function of the cell part chosen is
described in great detail in relation to
other parts of the cell.
A cool fact about the chosen cell part
is mentioned in relation to its function.
The PowerPoint is visually pleasing to
the eye and well organized. It also
includes some slide transitions and

There are 3 or more grammatical or

spelling errors.

There are 1 or 2 grammatical or

spelling errors.

special effects that is not too

There are no grammatical or spelling

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

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