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Stephanie Brown

Grade 1

Guided Reading: Plant a Seed

Students in guided reading group H will participate in a series of guided reading
activities that will test each students reading comprehension, their ability to
sequence events in the book, as well as their ability to use words and pictures in
order to analyze and understand the book.

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Students will be able to infer meaning using only images in order to build prior
knowledge. Students will also be able to identify the sequential process of how to
plant a seed by drawing and labeling the steps on a worksheet. In addition, I will
be able to asses the comprehensions, vocabulary, and word solving skills of each
individual students through observations and a series of questions and activities
about the book.






Students will begin the activity by analyzing the picture on the cover of
the book, as well as the pictures inside the book. During this analysis I
will ask each student what they think the book will be about using only
the images to infer meaning. This will allow students to build prior
knowledge about the book that they will be able to access during the
Set a goal for the students as well as a guiding question. Example: After
reading I would like you to tell me how to grow radishes.
One at a time each student will read the book. As each student reads the
book I will assess their word-solving skills, vocabulary, understanding of
punctuation, and their comprehension of the text. I will also give
students certain reading strategies during the reading in order to help
them when they run into difficulties.
After reading, students will discuss what they learned about growing
radishes. I will guide this discussion and ask them questions such as:
What do you need to do before you plant the seeds?
What equipment do you need to plant a seed?
What materials do you need to plant a seed?
How far apart should each seed be?
How long should you wait to pick the radishes? How many days?
What steps are involved in planting a seed?
What do you have to do to ensure that your plant will grow?
I will ask the students about the steps involved in planting a seed in order
to assess their ability to sequence the events of the book.

Guided Reading: Plant a Seed

Activity: Using the How to Plant

a Seed worksheet, students will
use a numbered grid in order to
draw and label the steps that are
involved in planting a seed.
Activity: I will bring in several seed
packets for the students to read and
look at. Through this students will
be able to understand that different
types of plants require different
planting procedures.
I will make a word list of all the
difficult words that students
struggled with during the readings
and discuss them with the students
as a group. I will also discuss high
frequency words with the students.


Book: Plant a Seed by Joanne

How to Plant a Seed worksheet
Pencils and pencil crayons
A variety of different seed packets

Through this guided reading I will be able to

Reading comprehension


Visual comprehension (ability to

analyze images and infer meaning)

Word-solving skills
Sequencing skills

Notes and Reflections

Guided Reading: Plant a Seed

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