Ise-Ism 320 Field Experience - Candidate Info Sheet Spring 2015

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Teacher Candidate Information Sheet

Directions: You will need two copies of this sheet: one for Cooperating Teacher and another for your completed Field
Experience Journal. Provide a copy to your Cooperating Teacher on your first day of field experience.
Student Name: Jim Winkelman
Email Address:

Phone: 330-814-1225

Educational background, including academic major and previous fieldwork.

-Physical Education/Intervention Specialist majors
-Field Experience for various classes
-READ Alliance Tutor
-Camp Counselor
-Math Tutor
Experiences working with children with disabilities:
-Dream Days Ohio
-Camp Counselor

Personal interests (hobbies, family, etc.):

Description of what you hope to learn from your field experience:
-Classroom management
-IEP meeting setup and procedure
-Teaching in a SPED room

List or description of course required assignments and activities for your field experience:
Required tasks for our course include:
1. Observe the Cooperating Teacher completing a lesson and make note of key strategies. The
observation guide is posted on D2L.
2. Attend an IEP Meeting with your Cooperating Teacher.
3. Co-teach two lessons with your Cooperating Teacher.
4. Interview your Cooperating Teacher about Progress Monitoring strategies and collect samples of

Data Forms that can be used for Progress Monitoring.

5. Complete your Teacher Performance Assignment (TPA). Ask your Cooperating Teacher to identify one
student that you can work with for this assignment. This task requires you to pre-test the student,
teach the student three lessons, and post-test the student to determine learning impact. Remember
you must also videotape the lessons as part of this assignment. There is a video permission form
posted on D2L, if required by the school.

Contact information for my University Supervisor(s):

Course: ISE/ISM 320 Special Education Methods
Instructor: Jan Webler
Phone: 330-705-6886

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