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Valeria Suarez 03/16/2015

Write an outline for your Micro Ethnography:

Teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL)

1. Introduction:
- Thesis Statement: As students, we all know what the job of a professor is. We have
gone through so many different teachers that we cant really count them. And that
means that we have also seen many teaching styles, some betters than others. But
what if the teachers are not just regular professors? What if they have to deal with
more than just a regular class of students that understand the same language and that
come from backgrounds that are alike? ESL teachers have a different mission than
regular teachers. They need to reach out to people that dont share anything with
them. Teaching a new language to someone can be a really complicate goal to
achieve. However, I know from my own experience that it is possible and I think that
we can learn how this works and how the teachers manage to deal with a large
mixture of cultures to teach the same thing.
2. Main Ideas:
-Points consulted in the interviews
- Experiences abroad influence the teachers
- Love for education
- Class organization
3. Conclusion:
- What are the factors that allow teachers to teach a new language to people with
whom they dont share anything yet and what do they learn from their own students
4. Appendix:
- Field Notes for each class
- Interview questions

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