Unit Plan Math Lesson 5 of 6

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Teacher Candidate: Chai Sanders
Grade Level: _5_
Title: Lesson 9: Division with Unit Fractions
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)

My Math Chapter 10 Lesson 5 of 6

Contextual Factors:
21 Students=9 males + 12 females
13 Caucasian; 3 Spanish; 3 Polynesian/Pacific Islander; 2 Native
American Navajo
3 ESL (all WIDA L6)
7 (IEP)=5 low level learners (1with ADD), 2 with speech disabilities
5 Reading Interventions (internal with a Specialist)
2 Math Interventions (external with a Specialist)
1 Counseling
Classroom environment: The classroom is set up with students desks in 5 groups of 4 to 5 students each.
There is plenty of room for all of the activities. Each group consists of a high level learner, middle to high
learner, middle to low learner, and low level learner where possible. This class has access to Chrome Notebooks
for online activities and a Smart Board System for teaching tools and presentations.
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)

State Standard/Objective:
Domain: Number and Operations-Fractions
Standard 7: Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by
whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.1
Obj. a. Interpret division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number, and compute such
quotients. For example, create a story context for (1/3) 4, and use a visual fraction
model to show the quotient. Use the relationship between multiplication and division
to explain that (1/3) 4 = 1/12 because (1/12) 4 = 1/3.
Content Walk-Away: I will be able to divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models.
Language Walk-Away: I will be able to write equations to divide whole numbers by unit fractions using
Vocabulary: Review-Unit Fraction
Unit Fraction-a fraction with a numerator of 1.
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have
learned the Walk-Away?)

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

The students are engaged and show understand during their participation
during explicit instruction and group activities.

ELL and IEP. Use of the

SMART Presentation with
interactive problem solving.

Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):

The students will be able to divide whole numbers by unit fractions using

IEP-Use the Dry Erase Board

to post several example
equations. During
Independent Work: Small
group sessions to work

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
The students will be able to write equations to divide whole numbers by unit
fractions using models.
Activate/Building Background Knowledge: Think back to the lesson on multiplying two whole
5 Min.
numbers. Is the product of the two whole numbers greater or less than either factor? (GREATER)
Write the example 12x5=60. Think back to the lesson on multiplying a whole number by a fraction.
Is the product of a whole number and a fraction greater or less than the whole number factor?
(LESS)Write the example 10x 1half=5. Now think back to the lesson on dividing two whole
numbers. Is the quotient of two whole numbers greater or less than the dividend? (LESS)Write the
example 25 divided by 5=5. Using logical thinking predict whether the quotient of a whole number
and a fraction will be greater or less than the whole number divided. (GREATER) Today we are
going to learn more about parts of a whole or several wholes.
Our objective today is, lets read this together (written on the Wall):
Review the vocabulary words from yesterday.
Formative assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will see a connection using
fraction tiles to solve whole number
and fraction equations.

Success Criteria
Students have each written the
definition of Unit Fractions in their

Assessment Strategy
Students show their participation by
raising their hands to answer my

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) ELL and IEP students will be able to view the presentation on
the SMART board. They will have a vocabulary list written on the front dry/erase board for easy referencing during
activities. IEP w/ behavior will have continued attention through proximity and eye-contact.

10 min.

Focus Lesson (I do it): (Using the My Math presentation on the SMART board going through
each slide.) I am going to use these fraction tiles to help me with my thinking. I need to take 2
gallons of lemonade and put them into 1 4th gallon containers. How many of these 1 4th containers
will I need to hold all of the lemonade. If I take these 2 whole tiles and start placing 1 4th tiles in
them until I cover the whole surface of them, I will be able to count 8, 1 4th tiles. This model helps
me to visualize these numbers and come up with a solution just as if I divided 2 by 1 4th. In
comparing what I know I can see that the 2 represents the 2 whole tiles. The 1 on the 1 4th
represents just 1 part of several pieces and the 4 represents the total number of pieces within a
whole. So in both whole tiles, there were 4 equal pieces and each piece is 1 4th of the whole. I have
4 gallons of lemonade.
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students will be able to use
fraction tiles as a tool to
understand that dividing whole
numbers by a fraction yields a
whole number greater than the one
that was divided.

Success Criteria
Students are following along and
watching as I work through the
equation using the box.

Assessment Strategy
I will be able to immediately locate
students eyes as they watch the
presentation and their body is
adjusted facing me, showing their
intent to pay attention.

Modification/accommodations: Students

will be asked to open their books to the example page and enter
in the numbers that I just worked out on the board.
10 min.

Guided Instruction (We do it): (Place 2 gallons of lemonade on the small group table and
ask) What strategy would I use to separate these 2 gallons of lemonade so that each of my students
have an equal share? (Think aloud as you process the information converting the gallons into cups
which is 16 cups per gallon and 32 cups for both gallons. How many 1/32 cups do I need to for my

students to have an equal share.) Each student will get 1 cup to start and more as needed with a
lemon cookie to snack on.
On the Try It page let's work together to solve the problem. Use the SMART interactive program to
create fraction tiles. As willing students to create the tiles and fill in the necessary parts.
Formative Assessment:
Learning Goal
Students are able to follow the
example in the book and
understand why the solution is
larger than the divided number

15 min.

Success Criteria
Students successfully enter in the
correct information and solve the
equation using the model.

Assessment Strategy
Proximity to table groups shows
students books are filled in
correctly. Students express

Modification/accommodations: ELL

students will be seated in groups with higher level learners to aid in

any comprehension issues. I will make myself available to help with give cues to produce creative
ideas and thoughts. IEP's will be assessed as I move to each table group.
Independent (You do it alone): For the next 15 min. you will work independently on pages 761
and 762. We will then check your work.
Summative Assessment: Students will complete the Practice It in class and will see immediate
results through SMART board grading. Home Work pages will be assigned to be completed and
turned in for grading on the next class day.
Modification/accommodations: ELL

5 min.

students will be seated in groups with higher level learners

to aid in any comprehension issues. I will make myself available to help with give cues to produce
creative ideas and thoughts. IEP's will be invited to sit in a small group with me to work out
each of the concepts and will be excused as they become comfortable with working on their
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Using a number line is a quick and simple way to identify where a number falls.
Vocabulary Review: Unit Fraction-a fraction with a numerator of 1.
Did we hit our objective today? Lets read it out loud together.
I will be able to write equations to divide whole numbers by unit fractions using

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22-Language skills:
reading, writing, listening, speaking
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson? Have 2 gallons of lemonade ready to be shared among 21 students. Be sure to teacher talk and think aloud
as you figure out how to make equal portions. This lesson just requires the students hand books and the My Math
presentation for Chapter 10 Lesson 1 to be used interactively on the SMART board.


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

The students always love to have treats when they are in learning mode. It even seems to rejuvenate them.
Today seemed especially difficult for several students. There was a disagreement during lunch which carried
over into the room. This tension made it unsafe for the students to answer questions because they felt they
would be made fun of or teased. This behavior was stopped immediately after speaking with several of the
students involved. Once the lemonade and cookies came out, everyone seemed to be friends again, or at least
their minds were busy on the present eating activity. Regardless, the lesson went smoother as the students were
able to comprehend the take in the information. This showed when we checked the work. the students had
traced the fraction tiles and labeled them correctly.
Our small group session had the same results aside from one student struggling to understand the parts of a
whole. We continued to work on this through recess and were able to come to an understanding that she needed
to use the models to help her see how the process worked. She had been disregarding the lesson demands and
trying to do it all in her head. (She was actually being lazy. She was one of the low level learners and had been
having a rough week).

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