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PYPX Script

(Matthew, Can, Vladimir, Lorenzo, Davina, Hamdan, Dimash, Zara and

Scene 1: Primary
Characters: Lily, JJ, Vladimir, Victo
Setting: KG Playground riding on tricycles and licking lollipops.
Song: I love you (Barney)
Advertisement: Poster- Lily, Logo- Mete/Dylan,
Lily: (Screams!) The PYPX is coming!
Victor: Whats the PYPX?
Vladimir: PYP stands for Purple Yummy Pancakes. Duh.
Victor: Well what does the X stand for then?
JJ: Maybe that big word at the bottom.
(Everyone tries to pronounce exhibition)
Victor: Well it says at the top to say that word for more help
JJ: On the count of 3 we say the magic word. 1, 2,3
Everyone: Pink Fluffy Unicorns
(Hamdan the genie appears)
Hamdan: Hey guys, do you know what the PYPX Exhibition is?
Victor: No what is it?
Hamdan: Well, its the biggest project you will ever do. You have to go
through all of these years of schooling that prepare you for this
project. Its like being hired for a real job.
JJ: A real job?
Hamadan: YES! But to get to the PYPX, you have to work hard
throughout all the years of school. But, you guys are still young, so you

will have to inquire a few more years before you are ready to hear
Vladimir: Oh man, I cant wait to grow up.
JJ: Maybe when we are older, we will find out more.
Vladimir: Alright guys! Lets go!
Scene 2:Middle School Script
Characters: Kevin, Dylan, Mete, Dimash, Davina
Setting:Middle school hallway/classroom
Song: Taylor Swift- Blank Space
Advertisement: Email blast- Raamiz
(bing sound/e-mail sound)
1. Dylan: Ohhh Ive heard about the PYPX.
2. Kevin:Yes it seems really exciting.
3. Mete: I remember a PYPX genie telling us a little bit about
this last year.
4. Dimash: Well lets click on the link for more details
Hamdan: Hello (in Arabic), now that you are older, I believe you are
ready to learn more about the PYPX.
Davina: Hey! I remember that guy from a few years ago! He popped out
of a poster!
(Everyone agrees and nods)
Hamdan: The PYPX is the chance for you to build your own Unit of
Inquiry based on a topic you are passionate about. Dont you want to
make an Inquiry lesson like these super hero teachers do?
**Grade 5 Super Hero Teacher pictures pop up**

Everyone: Ohhhh, ahhhhh

Hamdan: Yes, I know. Its impressive. You guys are getting older, which
means you're ready to know a little more about PYPX. First identify a
topic, get in groups of 3 and find a mentor to coach you as you create
your own unit.
Kevin: This PYPX seems tricky but I am getting excited to learn more!
Scene 3: High School Script
Setting:In the car driving to school
Characters:Lorenzo,seongyeon,mikhail,sirine, Gleb, Matthew
Song: Fancy
Advertisement: Radio Ad-Gleb
Lorenzo: Is he talking about the pypx?!?!
Sirine: Its such a hard project I never want to hear about it ever
(Matthew pulls out his phone to call) **add a ring in** Hamdan comes
Matthew: woooooow who is he?!?!?!.
Mikhail: I remember him from a few years ago! He popped out of an
Seong Yeon:Guys I think I am hallucinating
Hamdan: Yes, I have returned. Now it is time to start building your
lines of inquiry, central idea, and key concepts. Then start writing your
different unit of inquiry lessons. Its tough, so make sure you apply to
the right University that will prepare you for your future.
All: To PYPX University we go!

Scene 4: College Script

Setting: Coffee shop/Job Fair
Characters: Zein, Heba, Raamiz, Anna, Marzjan, Can
*everyone looks like hippies*
Advertisement: Facebook
Heba: Guys, I am ready for this! Ive been preparing for years!!!
Raamiz: I wish I knew those last few details of the PYPX
Anna: Lets click the advertisement and see what happens!
Marzjan: Lets do it! We need an internship position ASAP
Zein: Maybe that PYPX genie will pop up and help us out again!
Video pops up of Hamdan in skype screen.
(Hamdans line - Woah, you guys are all grown up and a ready for a
real job. Now it is time to use all of those inquiry skills youve used over
the years and put them to work!! This internship is an unpaid 8 week
position where we will test your ability to be a PYP leader. You will have
to create a lesson in groups of three and then share them with
students. So hold on to your scales, this is going to be a wild ride!)
Can: This is a big job. I am glad that I paid attention all of those years
and understand that questions, key concepts, lines of inquiry, central
ideas and a Theme are all important elements of the PYP lesson and
makes learning successful for kids.
Sghiho w`ehih ho war4e
Setting: Conference Room

1 cene 5- Professional Job

CEO- Josh
Receptionist- Lily
CEO Assist.- Hamdan
Josh: Welcome to PYPX! Congratulations on being the top selected
students in the in the world.This internship is a personal project
opportunity that your teachers have been preparing you for without
you even knowing. Now I am going to turn it over to my trusty partner
to explain the details.
?- During this experience, you will pick a topic that interests you, form
teams of 3 and from there you will venture all around school scheduling
your own private extra time in ICT, Art, the Library to bring your Unit
of Inquiry to life! You will also be responsible for scheduling two
meetings a week with your mentor and working with your team build
multiple inquiry lessons that help build your unit. You need to create
WALTs, reflection opportunities AND a summative task! So whos
ready to PYPX?
Everyone: YEAH!!
?-Before we get started with Take this time to get to know your new
colleagues and form your group of three.
(Everyone starts walking around and forming teams
Lily: Good morning and thank you for calling PYPX, what is you inquiry?
(pretends to listen)
Lily: Woah, woah, woah. Slow down! Let me talk to my boss. One moment
*Breaks into the conference**

Lily: Excuse me but there is a Grade 5 teacher on the phone that says
there has been a Genie advertising the PYPX all around Gems World
Academy. Theyve seen posters, email blasts, social media ads and even
heard us on the radio!
Davina: I know that school, I went there as a kid!
Lily: Well thats interesting. Anywho, its Ms. Ryans class and they have
a music video advertisement they promise to be well worth our time.
What should I tell her?
Hamdan: Lets see it!

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