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Chapter 15 Summary: Broadening Our Perspective on Media Effects

by Mariah Miller
I. Timing of Effects
a. media effects can either be immediate or long term
b. timing of effects = focuses your attention on when the effect occurs, not on how long it
immediate effect = one that happens during exposure to the media message
ex: getting scared during a horror film
c. long term effects = show up only after many exposures. Long term effects happen after
a pattern of repeated exposure
d. immediate effects are easier to notice than long term effects
II. Types of Effects
a. most concern of media focuses on behavior of individuals
b. think beyond effects of individuals to macro-effects of societies and institutions
Cognitive-Type Effect
> media can affect what we know by planting ideas and information into our
> this could be the most prevalent effect
> we are constantly acquiring information during every instance of exposure to
> cognitive learning is not limited to factual information
Attitudinal-Type Effect
> media can create and shape our opinions, beliefs, and values
> attitudes can be learned immediately
ex: hearing a song for the 1st time, deciding its your favorite song
> media can also exert long-term attitudinal effects
> cultivation = developing an attitudinal effect after long-term exposure of the
same types of media
Emotional-Type Effect
> in short, media makes us feel things
> they trigger both strong emotions (fear, rage) and weak emotions (sadness,
ex: magazine pictures can make someone feel lust

Physiological-Type Effect
> when media influences our automatic bodily systems
> they are beyond our conscious control

ex: hearing a patriotic song may raise goosebumps on our skin

> over-time, physiological responses can change
Behavioral-Type Effect
> media can trigger actions
ex: seeing an ad for a product, buying the product
> long-term behaviors
ex: we buy a computer, and, at first, our time on the internet is short, but
gradually, our time spent on the internet increases.
Macro-Type Effect
> macro-type effects deal with units such as organizations, institutions, and
ex: institutions, i.e. politics, have changed due to the direct influence of
the media
III. Valence of Effects
a. The effect can be in a positive or negative direction. These terms are value laden.
b. Who decides what is positive and negative?
two answers: the individual or the society
c. individual perspective: a positive direction is one where the effects help you achieve
your personal goals.
d. a negative effect occurs when the media uses you as their tool to achieve their goals
IV. Intentionality of Effects
a. we intend for an effect to happen, so we consciously seek out particular messages in
the media to get that effect
ex: feeling bored > need to feel excited > watch action film
b. we can expose ourselves to media for one reason, but other effects that we are not
seeking can occur
ex: viewing primetime TV for purposes of entertainment, but we begin snacking
because of the amount of food advertisements appearing during commercials

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