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The Dark Void of the Night

By Isabella (Grade 10)

Heavy clouds weigh down the sky,
as lights perpetually flicker by,
in the dark void,
in the dark void of the night
A figure traipses slowly yet,
the night encases his silhouette,
and leaves not a remnant behind
of a man abandoned, a man resigned
His way to travel seems close to end,
we wonder - was it foe or friend?
that led the figure to the void
surely only to be destroyed!
Short breath finally makes him halt,
he looks inside and finds all fault,
in the dark void,
the dark void of his mind
So soft beneath tired his feet,
the grass withers, dies where metal meets,
the choice - the tracks - to set him free,
though still he asks: must it, must it be?
The metal lines now begin to shake,
the heartless monster alive, awake,
poised to devour with gleeful spite,
it advances on the figure trapped by the night
Wind screeches - it sneers at his fear,
careless release is coaxingly near!
the figure trembles, filled with dread,
yet thinks to himself: release, release is ahead!
With rumbling thunder - a deadly storm,
blinding light consumes the form
of the figure lost in the void,
bereft to be, at last, destroyed

When the monster pounces, hungrily - wild

it leaves not a remnant behind
of a man abandoned, a man resigned
by a world who swept his dreams aside
And as heavy clouds weigh down the sky,
as the lights perpetually flicker by
we ask - is it freedom we will find?
in the dark void,
in the dark void of the night

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