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( SOLUTIONS (a): A space wave travels na straight line frm teasmiting antenna othe receiving ater | Space waves are wel for line eight commen | ‘tion ae wll a satelite communication | (0 stn nce tsion or fasion both energy a | (0): Number of tesion por sso Here total power = 100 W orgs = 200 a» 200 1 1410) 232410") fission rte santos (0): From figure | (a) : de brogite wavelength, 2 = ata Here m= 98 10 bg = 3 ond FE -gtea0 sto -14672 10” bg ® 10, ra o (a) Angular momentum = moment of intia seanguloeveocty = m3 Fy = (LP 9): Magratie moment, Meine mea=Bow? (oqo © (0): point mass aie placed ata helght 1 feom sttace of eat the potential energy gH safe) an) vot MED iy (a): To rade the ey currents nthe eet dette of motors the wie eee sound Svnumber of thin metal sheeis called Jamiation, © ua [1S () For mistuce of gases, 16. ” a. BR » 2. ” {9 sAesording to fie In of thermedynamice ageau ma AQ Is absorbed at constant volume, a= 0 (39) (37), or ideal monatomic gas ay ar"2 (a) Tongue 2 A Goode re sj-dater}-ah ieaeneko-9 2pezk (2) In physics (namely astrophysics), reds ‘appens when light oF ater electromagnetic radiation from a objet moving aay om he verer i incensed in wavelength or shied to the red ond of the spect, (8): Sky waves are of practical importance of large distance communication @ (0): Restoring fre is produced by inductor as Wace 22 source of eneey (a) Polaroid glans is ed insu glee bene Ft ede height intensity to all on account polaron (A foe neutron ie untae (> +24) Buta sila fece proton decay i ot posse since protanis(ighlyigherhan a reuteon (From Gaus’ Law, i independent of 7 (9: Using 0 na Here a= 500 bof. earn eae x10 C ber Od meV IS 00 ¥ 8108 o 2.0) (0): As simple pendulum perform simple = 78% 108 average veloety, RT TI Hore, Ean 3h) Using == sya see 25 10 He 000 5107 ma 20 me poet TF er solenoids self indutance Is given by, we: Sotutons 2019, guivaent cca, 3h (0): From crcl diagram, ouput ¥=358 ‘Thus ict tehave like NOR gate $5. (0 Using gt o Baten % According 1 fst case “ i) R=a2K o hesn-m Rowe 36, (8): For perpendicular vectors, ABeo @izsj-h.i-ajeah-o f-bvea-0 Sites oe 37. (@ seat required to melt of ce at OC to wate a8 "C= 1 8 Hea required nase temperature of of water from O° to 100°C = 11 100 = 108 cle Total heat eegured for maximusn temperature of 100% = 100 180 cl [sone gramofsteam goes 40 clo het when ft Its converted to water at 10%, theretore temiperstare ofthe inte ~ 10°C {0 The transition equation for Lyman serie is given by tay) for largest wavelength = 2. mate) ‘Tetransition equation for Balmer srs sven » @ (6): The modulation index in procteiskept, 1 to avoid distortion (4): Optica density and mass density ae not elated to eachother mate density ie mass Der unit volume. I snot possible hat mass flensty ofan optically denser mediums may be less tam that of an opialy rarer median (optic! density is the rato ofthe spd of ight Intwo medi} turpentine and wate, Mass 8. 2 as butts opin density ts higher o (©) When conductor is charged the excess change cam reside only on the surface. The {@ + Since the escape veloeity onthe surface Ste moon ie mach les han tat en ah {othe mater molecules ge evaporated faster (+ Tue moment of Ines Is ot a fixed ‘qamlty but depends onthe otetoion and oston of he su of rotate erpes 9 the body aba wate | (© The magnet fd nes form clos tops | stucco dln whch eiginate from the charge and end at charge: Mono | magnetic pate doesnot exit nature © (0) Tne emiion of yay by a SE maess ts subsequent to bets decay (Light refed the ase med Corp polos Tene of ig dos sot change in pariation {0 Aloe la highly monociromstic anne pert pre! bn of ghd a eich the eb en be focssd by a converging ens 0 | vey sal spt Aa tient f te tat | ieton high econ dil ols trough meta | "het eve i the power 02 W. Bat oven 3 torlight f 10001 power emt del ks inoue metal sent oc eh et iScnse sod the Bem wat pal (8): Esromagntic wave taniort eee ‘somnun ad infrmatin.Eetomagnete sroves eet radaton presto on suo © (0) 2 The sum ofall the corsent directed Stead ptt in ict ie fo he rn Saltese sy fro at oie ik banc on cnsreton of eer erry. (0) «This bocaserfeaction through the | {lean ayers of atmosphere (a) Cae of eo of» body i 2 point ‘roves hon extra fee af app on he | TiGyetouge el the oan concent ta | | ibe aus ExeLoneR pointand whenexteral forces wereld hee sa 58 (2) An undamped spring macs sytem isthe fimplest fre vibration system. It har one depres of freadom a) 0.0) 61. 2A stag tine plot [A}ost wih negative ‘dope i for a rention af ororder (62. (€Ds Ga hae fest molting point Because it has treat enthalpy of stombation (a het fouled to Break the etl late to gt fee ‘toms among the elements, Entalpyofstomiaon: 430 416 397 9 alm) se ast co ey? 7 Ye ag ° Te er 5 Fo a 4 (6h (@)ENa, hig. Al apd i ape in prod 3 and as ‘we move acroe the period, the atomic wine increnues So the onder ie Nave Mg © AL eS once, [E of Al ie greater than that of Mir G3? kifesl) snd lower than that of Siizs6 tye) ee: Ni Helge 20H OH tg ent ‘Cle a Bo Ho 6 20, (olakeroayorstoay Reap =p) epseean) “Tay, hore fe toa 6 eleteons in antibnding 67. a): In B,, tere is back bonding in beteen {rine ad boron due to presence of ert in boron SSR et ning imps dnt harass ‘BF orm ect the bk bonding m0 tee “ect tad as dea Song tintin alappnrss_ Hens, ton | ‘tSomers ange an sar 67302 | (6): Onan sae of tn in hoemogbin | a {0 tytn of 4, not aedoccacton ‘tz ac lent with te bo sae iyais by ninonphene oar gies Aisin sei ed | cee Me icon a Parl hycbaljats of Ke Silds WBE, an | Xion. Ae no > nor, 2H SEAS Me (©: Lor is he mos base ae the ‘Spt stmt sie ALOE, vapors Tas Bhocting ponder: mina of aon ‘octets Coch ad tt cone | CES HS wai soma Jota ine CoH Ga) ¢ tcept Ag, ll fons form sabe | ape out Gays Cu dees nt exit because beng Song eecing age resus Ca 1 ee uly —> 20a econ eee | (0) carbo doe, metre, wae ape, | Se Sad none een us | pn aoe ao Skates SE pen set Coc at a ‘Aromatic aly esand toes ares racine or than coreeponding aliphatic aldehydes ond toner duc to ello of beneene rng ‘Aromatic aldehydes are ore entivetan ky fy! ketones wich in turn ate more renctve than diary ketones. Since Ct ore electronegative than carbon, itinoresios the eset Pane Se namo ee com Ose sum | 80.) : res tesa gs te as roa ty ae 1 @: 2 a: ‘ont on {COON bt {cool 88, (8): NANO, + HCI —y NaCl + HINO, Grint, o-me fro (2): Only primary amines wl iveesbylmine CHAN, + CHCl, KOH —> CH SC {ottensive sme) Wee ams enones enirofsaonee a aioaawan net ze rma {tit ta Sa eon in we ah diperet petd Spon moon at ‘ha % 92. (a) Given 6810-4 Be ana Ze 3 Acodf dog quien woKa = ako 5. (4): th mnebut ee, the pode of By Savion i opty tnacive Gow ths {ormatan of synmetic mest sompounde. “ ey — chy ar Bs i a ent Oo TT | tata 22I Tena one Me AS ty CHS 91x10) 8% net amine oe neoxiiedhy KAO, etic (@ :Chloral hydrate is stable due to yragen bonding 88.) For nel sation aM, and #0. O% G):T8 38829 Ky - 18 W305. 388T K Kel astig mot ‘aye T,—Ty'= 35421 ~ 35029 = 085 K go MAK 1000 _1.8%259 1000 ea, 08890 2575 258 g mo 90. (2): Suppose number of M atoms ~ ‘Then number of tetrahedral sites = 2 Teo 2168521 ag Acta! mats of retton is 1.6993 = 10°? kg. Fence the parce is nectron (0: Gien Fy 1707 V Applying Nem equation, Fran Peay, 18102 V 0+ 00591 log (HT 18+ 109 V = D491 fg Jog tH") ~ 03046 TW] = antiog (0.046) - 202 2.0 (a: AK, ea 3° KL RP Ti asy = as (Hand ae sat fnctions but Hand ee not state functions From the oguaon, af = all + ap [Ab constant pressure AH = all Pav [At constant Folume, AH = all VAP [At constant presse. AP =0, AH = 5, its'a sate fenton 12, 03, a0. At constant volume, a= 0, atl = g, Work done in any adiabati process state ausyew eaeo aust ‘Work done in ctecesl proces i ot 9 state function. wens (at =0,440) (+ Greater the valeney ofthe focclating fon, greater I its flocelating power. 6 Strength ing Wal S, os i For endotharmie rection, eos) 2054 = 3041 (8 Volume strength = ® (a): CF= CF; IC Cah, “Teflon is used for norsticking cookware (a): Bond dissociation energy 6 F< Clybwcnse of elatively large electroneleton rpalion fmongthelone pals in molecule where they Ste much coer each her than Cl (aye As in sold state, PCy exists a6 3 onic slid [PCLIPCI in which the cation, {PC} {nterahedraland hearin [PCI ed Pl in gaseous sate has trigonal Npyramidal stricture in whlch thee eater tons are ‘gual wie the to antl bonds ate longer than equatorial bonds de to more bond pale repulsion. (G) EDTA is» hexadentate ligand 1 fore emplex with central mal nthe ratio 1:1 in twhichit binds through two nitrogen atoms ana four oxygen atoms G):Ca" F200" —> CAENL (CAC, + 20 —> [CAEN [CA(CW),f iscolouresecompound and et toe sb When hydope sulphide ae ie ium selpie preipted {Cater +s > Cal = 2H + AON Bt nee of Ca Ga 20N > CHOY acuta acuent + (eat GueNS + 2en —> [CMD ‘This comple is 0 stable, [Cu] sto fore) that Hs cannot precipitate Cu) sulphide (cus) @? fea, ong 4c Icey +8440 According to Le Casta’ principle, on ding ‘one: HC, the eguiltriam shifts in forward ‘iron giving Be colour And when tis ae ‘ours lute egllbrium shitsin backward “iran leading to pink clout cae crty-C iy, +4KOR—>CHNE #K:CO, “2K 24,0 107. (a): This isa Clasen Serna rection eon sfavc m5 a cme oem es GCE Cost b-cH0 er bs = cig 108, (by: Acenonistrubecasce ural oracyie psa ane Jeomars are more sabe than ‘mars. Ti is due to increased wavoutable Steric interaction othe sats in cise Reason iealz toe bese generally te ciple ‘moment of trneform zero (ores) pening ihe hecubestunteonbotsderof duke bond ae same or not while cforms repost innature with ceva vl of diple moment 710 109 0. 1m, ms. us, ne, m7, oe Ow “This i nucleophilic aromatic eubsttation sos" OOS senction and occurs ithe limination mechanism with $0; leaving group (All erayimes are made up of proteins 2nd al proteins do not have dimensional Structures ar proteins are classified into fimery, secondary, teary and quaesnary Festus and nly tty has dnesionl Steactre: The sequence In heh the amine ‘cids are arranged im > protein is called Drimory structure of protein (6): When an atom ora one mein fom its norma [ttc ste, lace vacancy ‘efec rented, thc bs called Scotty ‘eft. Due to msn density of eystal ll be lowered, (6) + For an lslaed system, Wea dusgew Hence tl = se W209, AV «0 (@ Temperature at which the real gas eit ‘deal behaviour for considerable ange of pressure is known af Boyle temperate, =f sand are van der Waals constant Chel temperate the temperate above ‘whi he gs annot be gush Bow 20 eer igh presure may be applied 7. =, 8 69:35 ie wo and a ve fora sponds cation at all temperatures, (a): Catalyst have no effects on Gibbs free ‘rea of tam an proxy fe (0 Wrmay involve inrense or decrease in femperaore ofthe system. Systems in which ‘such process occur, nce thestaly insulted from the surrounlngs (0 sFor jrorital number of radial nodes eat Wis es execonee Number of angular nodes == 1 ur of radial end angular nodes depend on bath and (2° of CaCu + 0.34 V and postive means that the redox couple fe'9 weaker fdutng agent than the 7H, couple (2 : NaCl and CaCl are added 10 provide eniuctvity to theless also lowe the fasion temperature of anhydrous Nghe (G) Phosphor acid tea troosie seid S hydrouyl groupe are present. an BAL (9: Stinging calle (eidocyes or enidaosts fr nematablate) are ued for offence and ‘ofoce These have nemotoryst (he atnging ‘nga, composed of caps, shalt ard tend tuber The thread tube cll around the prey for attaches to itor injects 8 toxin sled Ihypnotoxin whic parlyzes the victim They fr found in cnidabans” sea pon (Ponte Sea fan (Gorgon, ee ():THEDNA wed a cari for ranstesng {Fagen of freign DNA info = tabs hart {sealed veticle DNA or losing restore gone fier The 7) plasmid (tumour inducing plasmid) Ie. prosent in olgrbscteriea Lume, Gram negative sol Bact ‘hat infects wide range of pant nd cases tumorous geowth specially a he root ttn Junction (ctown gall) Th Miplasmid comprises the gene esposible or tho tumors growth ts incorporate into the genome of iit Plant cells. This property ts of intrest for ene enpinecing st plas can be weed SSDNA vector by replacing the turnout Inaing genes with the gene of interest srl ah matker gene to enable selection. of transformed cells The 77 plasmid, edly ‘wed in plant genetic engineering a8 vere, ove plant gener Being spliced nto the plasmid sequence by gene manipulation and {hue carried! into the host plant calle Tae provides the opportunity 0 develop new and Benen specien a, a, 6. (2) The total numberof pei etna is Shout 174ilion Ostof there the umber of oom species in dia 8 14200 or roghiy 1% ofthe ol though ina hy only 24% are. Tia with bout 3000 specie of | pints and twice any spats of anima | one of the 12 mogpdivtaty counter f the wor | (©): Nomaatve or alien species are often troduced inadvertent for thet economic and other ure. Thay offen Become nvanve tnd drive away the local species, These Species are conatered to be fecond major Shure of extinction of apis Ge at Bag | Hobterdestaction. Coton samara feplaced many species in forests of Central Indio. Porton ystearphora has pushed | aut several hts and shrubs fom ope paces | inthe pains, Water hyacinth (iebhrwe ‘nip wa ntodeed in indian wate Io feduce pollution. clogged water bodes | inlig wan t many pcs resin | imathf svc aqutic ts sna elute (tas ib 94 an invasive species (0): Candie moss foes ae found inthe wall of hare They have dark fntereatsted {ies at intceies Those are spesalived tego fcr menial trosdpeent ibe, | “They peri the wave of muscle comtacton to {transmit rom onceardac beet another, (0: When erization secs ose tbody | ofthe organism, hi typeof gamete fuson 4s called extemal feriization or external ‘yagamy- Tho vernal media uch Sa | fs regled for this typeof ferrin. Ths | fn most sgt organises such so maj | Gt alge, shes and amphibians, etc | fertoation secre, | (+ Seovinal vesicles produce an alkaline | section which forms 60% of the volume of | feimen The secretion of the seminal vse fontens fructose, prostaglandin, frost and coting protene, Prostate glad recs ay ad ight aikaline secretion ‘which forms 25% of the vale of semen. It possesses calcium, phosphate, bicarbonate, | Enzymes preibrayin coting ena ad Prosiglandins. Bulbourethral glands. o¢ Coveprs sande alo serete an aliine had | Which neutaizes acide from tine in the | ma 10, a2. a ster. Th anton conte he ast tovrmen bt very important (0): All th options ate examples of itor Serio contratptive devises QOD) Tse fre pte o metal objets whch are sere iy doctrine es oagh sie. Lipps loop is nonmediated {UCBs Cal tad Malton be copper rlessingFICDe, ch approve most and feta copay sf {pum Progestin iss Rormte rening {UCD which non the ators Unable or Inplnatin sn evs bote tthe spn @ (01s toside ther ood cls, asap Imerozlte slop prceding wh eytnyic ‘ele to nce sine abet ed Enmeteeyie Mol. "gametocytes or Inirogametocyter a stor and contain ‘Tipe dfs suces, Fale gms isrmegs gametes) ae anger th sal ‘Sompact peripheral muceut Thess do not ‘ideal somnin a nto prases Shite ont lod orp etl hy ‘iter ior ae ingested bythe vectors. They le ie to gomete in oe {0 Endosperm the food den tase whlch Iemeot fornourshing the embry in tod Plante Ingymonern epee hele Eametophyte end hur i hopoidey tn igeepeens th endeperm i» Spc sue ‘hc formal sacl fs» male {sole wa Siplokd secondary maces the ena cl eegetve flat tiple {eaten The fast. produst i pritaey sprang een (a): Sscondaey metabo are dreatives of Primary metabolite which hve no deat [incon i growth nd development of plans ‘Roe tompourds se sesso re than eval oti anconing nggin clone, ums. itorpenee croonids, crcumtn, Sina ate Atgnite esi gyn ene tnd phonpllnine ae amine ads, which ate plimoty metabo (a): Siphan is known 3 symhetc phase tn the sage splaton of DNA takerplee on the fomplats ofthe essing DNA sa tos the amoont sf DNA pe cl dob the inal sunt of DNAs Jest 36 thon nites Ams exeuoner tra when we ead inthe 33 retin 1s thick and smooth and culticularised. SS GAATTC~3 paintomic sequence She tin calet sporpetenn, Rival | | YTCTTARGTS Regaded ty meanest seed | gore brig epertoe song ed or arong | Ron endorse ees rege alkali, Thus, it is resistant to chemical and pal seu Tete arcoenantt Serta | 19, ld + Pownce of photrcapiaion wocBSitnntpslengs we welpesened | Sonaiered’ an watt nd enetsy se microfossile, Senauming practi cop plats whith P[psaeaan serene "lmately heeds to reduction i ftal yield of 198.) Pon vinbiliyis the prod for whieh | Rey east educon al yield af poten graia retain the ality to germinate eres Polen laity i tle im Bowers hich are plinated in bud condition. tf 30 minutes Price and wheat. It depends” upon vironmental eoptions of temperature ad iy ‘sky on account of photorespraton which 136, (9): Double ertization i the fasion of two | ie sbaearn Cy plants ad ene hey hove ‘al gametes brought about bys poten tabe | better productity ametophye in oder o produce to diffrent | Flstres its found only in ngioepers- Inanglosperma, the pollen tube Drs open in one of the to synergids to relense the {Sea male gametes. One male gamete fses ‘wth the egg or oosphere to form a diploid Zygote or toepore, Is called genersive feritzation. ‘The. second. male. gamete descends daven and fase with the diploid Secondary nucleus ofthe centzl ello fort pled primary endosperm cll ison Se vogettvefertiiontion. Thos after double Fectilzation, a mater anglospermous ovale contains one diploid cell (2¥gole) and one tripod cll endosperm) Tne haploid ees (@ + Oxytocin Is released by posterior pltitary Vasopressin decesse the amount {fern by Increasing rexbeorption of wat from DCT and collecting tabuls. Te also “himlater the contraction of walle of Blood ‘sels, thereby raising the blood pressure ‘Glucagon stimulates iver to convert stowed alyeogen into glucose and thus falses the ‘lded sugar level. Tyme tleaes thymosin ‘which ade in proliferation of lymphocytes 61. (@): Aseria niger eatin out fermentation to form eitric_acie. Fungus ‘Tchoderam pelysporam produces cyclosporin through fermentative activity. CyclesporinrA. has fsofangal,anaflamayatory and mmo: Suppresiveproprtes. Snclufomses cine ‘ofthe ove such as entipedls and syserpds | {SSbers yeestoretcss yeast is used fh Segenerate after feilztion | prouctsn of bresd/sleoho!. Methanogenie 187. (a): Transgine plants or genetically moti |__bveterin eaey out microbial decomposition {Gde)erope are om plane Inwhicha forign | of organie matter and aids gobar gas [fen hos boon todd and inlagrte ito |___ preston. The DNA irecombinantDNAtecoology. | 182. ‘The taster or introduction of a foreign game | 149, @): Parietal cells (or oxyntic cells secrete evel inthe production of desiable ta roche ach (C1 ond Cates neat ike dcasefesistancey insect Tetons, | Zeon Chet ee fr peptic ert) sterete herbie rsa fae cigative cymes bs promaymes = 138, (@ + The ptindromesn DNA te bre pt | __PuPeitogen and prorennin NE fps sSguence tot are the some when ead | Somerting ppsinagen to pepsin obit alt forward (eto sigh) or Gacwaré (ght | sete mur whch ely fo quali wid Ish) from a conta ans ofsymmety The | stomach and protests stomach wll gust following toquence reads the same onthe |__| HCl ation two strands in => 3 ditetion Theis azg | 144 (2: En family A, if both the parents are Solitons 2019 M6, aw. 180. homozygous secessve then both should be diseased and should have 100% direaeed progeny, in family B, if both parents are Fomenygous dominant they would rot have sgt the recessive incase iFirst place. 18 Family Bf oth are eteroaygous recessive, then aso thy wo nt have got he disease neither 80% of progeny Would be diseased (0): Glucose and amino ai ae enborbed In PCT by sorndary ative taneport. Water odin and chloride fons ace resorbed ‘Bet, hi permeable to water: Maximum Fesbrorpton taker place within the PCT. Hans are urcoilé and excrete out 25:0 igmvot ures per dy. (b>: Inbreeding. Tends to increase ia homozygosity. Tis, i recessive alleles, may hate expeeaion of harmful tte Alo, Inbreeding depression may lesa 0 ios of Htgess in progenies, thas decreasing productivity n some cises {+ The given floral diagram is of fm Fabactue’ Flower - ygomerphic,bsene Spe, ure. Petae= five, polyps, pepilinaceous corolla, Andcoeeum = ten, Sindelphous. Gynoecum » ovary superior, ‘monocarpellary,unllecelae, marginal plscantation ith many ove (2):A- Tove cantealie: Sharpest vison occ here 'B- Blindspo : No imoge is formed ere. | (CCl bey: hp to Bold helen in postion, = ine: Visible coloured portion of ee (0) :A-Z tne : located at cents of bon 15 Thin filament: ecu in both Land and Abad (C-Thick filament: occurs in A-band. D = #zone~ present af the centre of - bond! {AIT plant families end with -ae sults, However differs for division, case nd (©): RBCs contain haamoglebn, thas fur pelypeptide chains and four haem groupe Stacked to tor atoms of in in ferzous ere (Fe) ths eam eat wth 4 moles of oxygen to form oxyhaemogioin, | 13 352, (0: News incl under Phy Anes, ee unionl anne ands reproductive pes ie call Hotness weal called [ibe worm or sond-acm or ag ort which is found on the sen shore it the tubular burrows. ‘Except the. perstomium (ist fegment) and Tast anal_rogment, exch egment bens laterally one pair of lesby projections, the parapo, bod in sinning (a): The yearly growth of secondary aye is ‘istint nthe Sven whieh experiences to fearon, one favourable (epring er tiny Ecason) andthe oer unfavourable (outa, ‘vie nd dey summer The Wood fom 2'Snge year conse of two type 9f 00K, pung wood ad utuan wood The spring oF rly won fs mich wider than the suf Inte weed. i lighter i colour and of Tone ens Spring ood consis of Larger nd ‘wider tle cement The autumn or ate woos irdavk coloured and of higher density. Tt contains compactly arranged smaller nd Savrower clement whack have compiatively thier walls In astumn sod, tachi an Fives ae nore abundant han has ound i the sping woo {a} Both mitochondria and chloroplast are sembautonomous orgsnalies as they possess theirowmDNA, RNA nd 709 ribosomes hate Suisen functional independence from celor ‘machinery. Chloroplasts DNAs bigger than Iiitochondvial” DNA.” However, genetic FRlormaton contained in these Das iad [DNA snaked without histone pron) in both (9) Bod i the diam of trameprt of Op and (CO, Nesey 20.25% of CO, te tanepoced by [RACs a cabominohauogibin wheres 70% Otitis cried ae biarbeate tough pees ‘About 7% of Oy is cased i dsaived sate tarough plasma, Te ares faction of CO ‘onverted to Bicarbonate lone {HHCO") and ‘Easaportd in plain, When CO, dfs ino the RBCS, it combines with HO, forming ‘ntboni aid (HCO). HCO, is unstabie and {icky aiseoiater into hydrogen fone aad Breatbonate ions. 156.) pone (a (an (show rete ‘cop osngphl snd nonayle especies [ewrophle ee the ont bunt la (55) ‘ofthe otal WECs and basophil are the fost {05 '= 3%) among them. Neutrophils and Mo monocytes (6-8) are phogociic cls Which ‘Eitroy fovegn organisms entering the body Bacopis sree Nitamin, sect, heparin ‘ce and ee nwo in in lsmatery ese Enis 2-23 reset nets ah ae to ‘soc with lee reasons 15): Nucleus contain nleol and evomatin ewan Chromatin contains DNA a some Bessie proeine alld histones, some none tone protins and ako RNA. 158. )athen sewage, having Modegradable rgonte matter fs stesed in water body, ‘reargeiams vowed in bodegeadaton of Srganic mater in the receiving water Body Sonsuime'a [ot of oxygen to decompose the ‘Svoge sd a. es there would ben aap ‘erin in soled oxygen donmstcam frm the pin of sewge dacorge, and baloga ‘onygen demand. (BOD) would inctese Presene of are amount of ties in wate faves exces growth of plankton (eee Footing) lected sg bso. Ag! Boos use dtetration of tater quay a eh moray. 158, (b): Aviins promote root ination at a encerration whch oterie fibbry fot frowth of intact Took, Auxing are often ployed for inducing flowering in te ae inespie Aplston of unis upolinated pts ake he devdop int soln uso pacthnocps| 60: sandy ar olan ate ptoshrically rode fm primary plus and ae tho {Ealed photochemical oxidants Onone pronpayt itt aldehydes and phenols sre Produced due to photochemtea reactions Ectwen nitrogen Oxides and unsaturated hydrocarbons 461. (8): The earthoorms are bisexual or hermaphrodite or” monoesous. and protandos. Te seta ot pesible Bethe earthworm because of the Flatve position of openings of mole and female eprouctive organs, hae eros fertieation takes place ‘uring mating vo worms atach themselves with the seta sufces become opposed Tbe ater In opponite directo o exchange pocket of sperma called spermatophores | «Mature spr and gg cls and rite tid | 18, 1a. Mec ams Exronee ae deposit in cocoons, produced bythe gland fells of it, The ova gs) are eto by ‘hep alsin the conson hie tents ff the orm and deposi Ino on thes ‘Thecocnon holdsthe worm embryor. Alter about 3 weeks, each cocoon produces oto twenty aby worme witha aero of foe (a In arithmetic growth, elloing mitotic al {Sivistn, only one dager cll eontinacs #0 {vide while the other differentiates and atures The simplest expeesion of antec [roth ecmpiied by 9 rot longing 2 Sat aes Ompleting the length of orp puna ing Hose curve ie obtains. (@: Absorption of substances takes place ia Aiforent parts ofthe alimentary canal ike ‘mouth stomach, small intestine and large Inertine. However, mentum absorption fovars ithe small Intestine. Hence, sal Intestine the principal organ for absoeption of nutrients The digestion Is completed ere Sod the final products of digestion such a lucose, fructoro,fsty acide, glycerol and lino sds are absorb through he macs in the Blood stream and Iymph. Absorption ‘of wate, single rupee ad sleohol ete takes plac in stomach nner ntti abepton ‘Sretar seme mils and drgs takes pce (by: Patse isthe thythmie contraction and fslznation inthe ora ante msn aro TE [a replat fk ofa atery Te pale rte ‘ally the same a the art rate Bora a ‘tery plsos every tie he hao Beats. Pulse [seawall taken an the radial ary the wre bor it can te Faber on any avery that flows teat enough tothe sutlace ofthe Body to be Fete The heart beat originates from the Sinoatal nade (SA Nove = pcerak, which, Tes In the wall ofthe right atrium near the ‘pening of th superior ena ents. The A ode Ina mats of neuromurclar tise. Another maser of neuromuscular issue, the rtoventicule node (AV todo) 5 stuated in the wal of the ght trun The AV node pick tp the wave of contraction propagates by SA node. A mass of specialized fibres, the bundle of Hi eiginates from the AV node ‘The bundle of Hs vides int two branches, fone going 20 each venteiele, Within the ‘Soutone 2019. ts ‘myocar ofthe venirices, the branches of | 168 (@ Protest isthe simplest and consiered to Tunaleot is dvidesinoanetvort of neice | be te most primitive typeof le eons of ‘ted'inePurkng Hors, he bundle of ieand | sssidcoreo xylem sounded by Be yiner {he Pukije bvescovay Impulse otra | plum, enclsing no ith Al ether ype of ftom the AV node to the myocerdium of the | __stles have evolved frm ii the course of venti. Crolutonar spelization Protests may be 115. Onof tc hormanes eles by the plcents | fd Segre, Lyman, Genin and Te human chorionic gonadotropin (Ce). Ts | __ [4g among present day forms, Torment screed bythe rope etsever | 169, (0; Te human digestive sytem cre about Screg Became he hin and ihe | tin moors ing be ot Hormone assayed in the pregmancy tot Besse | aking an amazing ecosystem that hive Sian jal dentol ota offing | opener in harmony tn ths content nan hormone (LH), RCG maintains the mothers ‘orp tou, The corpus lteum, 19 (Un nines to mere dstrognsand progesterone Instn sd to Be ich nla an fa. “The microorgaiams perform 2 host of eta factions, such at fermenting unused energy Uhorey peoveting menstaston and arte eee eae Ohadh trencreten ot | substrates, training the immune system, Truman chorionic gonadowopin (SC) by | Preventing growth of harmful, pathogenic flsconte declines, and the corpus Tutewm | bacteria, regulating the development ofthe egress asa result. However, ensostion | Su producing vitamins forthe host (such as thes ot ceca Beas plac self secsis | Satin and vilmin Kj and producing hormones ‘oestrogens and. progesterone. In fact, the| to diet the het to sore fats mounts ofthese two hormones secreted by | Fehclture ir sometimes doce in combination {he plicnta far exeed the amounts at are | witha sae cop, so thal fia ate grown nthe stor seteted bythe ovaries The high levels | yer in the pd fel. Ths wld ean Stcertrogens and progesterone in SEarng pecgoaney, contin to fl {alee OF FOE an, thereby preventing Tralnon Thy abo hup atin tran | 70 Ror ne 156 “ronuly prepare for Iter and delivery and | 171; Te wong ocderted ates of pecs ‘rample of ecosystem inhabiting bot plans ‘nd animals they sumulstethe development of Uwe mammary | extinctions, largely du to human interference fad in the preparation for lactation afte: | Tyayeareourtajor causes (Rabat oss faivery and fexgmentaton, (i) overoxpotation, (i) 166. (et Alcsander Fleming while working on | ten specs invasions sn ()eoexineions Stptylcci bacteria ence observed 8 Mould | Negative of sen spades ae oe noguced ‘ting inne of his unwashed eultare pate | navertently for their ennomle and other ‘round whch Stepylowe! coud net grote {fund ou tat twas eto achemial proces | SEE. TOY olin becomes invasion ee say the loeal species. The exo species ar Uy te oul and mind i Fsein sr ‘the mould Pewicifinr notatun. However, its full considered to be second major cause of folenal oro lfc sntsoic was | tein of spe he Hest Being hblat unned meh ster ty tems Chan ond | Soon. ied fey 172 Noon con of isons, ter. dh eb (ucinonys cm i wed for |e I. Te ft son os eae tec x ioeine | lied mrp orton son Daring flat spon Anfch setae sn| the dvson te numberof cromoromes imoncugpresie agen ngenrspont | redosed fo hall, The to chvomaids of 9 Wie tues hayes Meheiear | Gono bomen Ail do apo. ‘cowsng ote These chvomatds ae separate in 116. the second division of melosi, The second meiotic division Is known a8 omotypie ‘juntionat division, because the chromosome ‘number rman the smo ae prodced eho nd of the fest division. Thowgh melon I ioe tomiosis meso tenet mins bese (pit aly xcs pl elle ip tm nt preceded by DNA replication, (i) the tom | ‘hromatids ef achromoroni ae often demi, {t)the dager cls formed after mois are Petr sim ech ther ori the | parent cl 173. erodcabstinnocs onstrated ofbieth ‘ntl inwhih Be coupe avoitor aan om ‘itis copulation ointreurse om day 1010 17 of the menstaa eycebeeune orion can becur during this period. The chances af Feritztion are very high during this ping therfore cle the fle porn 174. (0 The cerebrum x the legs an est compen ‘ofl ne parts ofthe human ean cones of Tet an eght hemispheres cule! by» ge | ‘undef myst is the np clos Assocation aes interpret the np, stor the | input ond tate a rspons in Tip of sar pst experience Tus he ssocaton aes | Involved in memory learning and eso, 175 (Sickle cell anaemia isan autosomal recessive | horditary disorder in which te eythrocytes | apg become scheshaped under oxygen deine | 8 during strenuous exercise and at Righ | tudes The disorder or disease sensed By | theformetin ofan sora nemogobincald Iemiogisbin. As found ut by Ingram (1958 haemoglobin’ alifes feom normal IaemopiabincA in only one amina seid serio dof chain, gam ae, apace | by valine duc to mabafon (eames) of F | by Aimthe sc postin ofthe elt codon | (CTC) whieh ie changed t9 CAC inthe P| seroglbin gee situated on chromosome t| 196.10) Theafceney of C pantie more thn those of, plansbecase(Cplantsaremorecticnt | ‘picking up CO, een wh i fod in ow | cenertation ceo thehigh any of PER {i concentric aerangement of meson cll produces a ser aes in reaton vom for | ‘ote utztion of availabe water and tse | the intensity of sla tolerate exes ats beaut the prosenoe of ‘xgaic ais) nore oxygen cancetaton Ist ihbitory for he growth in conta fo Cy pln, (thy ace adapted to high temperate nd intense radiation of topes (3): The alles, baloes gots, sheep, dee and ‘amelssroherborous animated pln eaves, tis te Thee stomach cont of # chambers” rumen’ (paunch),eeticaum Goneyeomb), omasum (psalterivin) and abomasum (cennet) In the ramen, food Undergoes mecanial and chemi beso, Mechanical Brnkdoven sels from through ‘humingbroghtabout by mascla contractions and aida by ernie seace of wil: Chemica breakdown is caused by symbiotic micro fonganisms bacteria sud ax Rann nd clliate such a2 Entdini enutatum. Those ‘miconganisns ive as aymbiots nthe rane fel retical of the strach ofthe rina (eg cows and bulfaloes) and in the lorge Intestine of eter hebivroue mammals horses and donkeys) and release enzymes ‘alla, ohich con clslose and spy it to shortchain fatty seid. Cellulose ot ested in human bing (©) Te secondary structure of pot the evelopment of new steari rationships of min is presere the ines sequenced the plypepidas. Some of thee satonship ao of rgulenatre and give porodty to he Structure: There are tes typeof secondary stractrs —echeb Depleted and fallagen hele, They ae held ie 2 prtcolae Structure due hydrogen bonds btn open ‘of eaboxyie group CD grou) of one ana fd residue and NH grup of sneer amino aa. ‘The prot enzymes have atest wih ae capable of attracting and holding partcaar Susatemateclesy eepeiccharge sized hope ao a to allow the chemical change. An Sete ste consist ow amino aks sn te side groups which ae Brough together in & pthc fashion due to Seondary an tetany Solutions 2013 folding ofa protein alec nd its association | withthe cofactoy, any. Tertiary stractare i bending and folding of various types to fort | 180, sper, rode oF bres 1 arth brings new steal relationships of amino aeds specially those which ae far pact the ins sequence “Tera stretore estab by several ype ot bande iydeopen bods, onion vn der Waals inversions, covalent Sands, hy ropa ond Tary stature gts the protein tee dimensional confonration, 1): Glatamine fone of he 2 ino acs. ‘de chin san ane formed by ceplaing the Sie cain ydeony! of glutamic acd with 35, mie farina group, making itt amie of ‘tame ain human Blood gltamine ste | 11 ‘ost abundant se amino a6 The ice | 196 poitisthe pH at which portly motel or | Oo mm surface carees o net clectical charg. The Isak point (pH) af latarine i (a): Princip organ fo ston on abuorption {or nutes is slitting Sl isin ltinguishble nto three region, 2 U shape

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