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anaz015 Forms Personalization Get While Its Hot! (Oracle E-Business Suite Techneogy) © Oraste Blogs Home Products & Services Downloads Support Partners Communities About Login Oracle Blog Oracle E-Business Suite Technology The latest news directly from E-Business Suite Development « Introducing Jim Van... | Main | Oracle Critical... » Forms Personalization - Get It While It's Hot! By Jim Van Heel on Jul 18, 2006 So, it's all about J2EE, right? Well, it will be - and we're all excited by the move to the Fusion Applications platform, and its early form, Oracle Applications Framework But we still live in a world with Oracle Forms, and we will continue to do so for Release 12 Importantly, you can stay on these releases as long as they provide you business value, so you can move to Fusion Applications on your timeframe, not ours. (Close your eyes and say ‘Applications Unlimited’ Feels good, doesn't it?) So it's important for us to let you change your business practices at the lowest cost of ownership on the Forms stack, and Forms Personalization lets you do that. It's a feature that's been out just under 2 years, but this is a great venue to highlight it to make sure you're taking maximum advantage of it What now? Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw 1n0 avs Forms Personalizaton- Get n Whe ts Hat (Oracle E-Business Suite Tectncany) Forms Personalization takes the Custom Library (CUSTOM . PILL) concepts and makes them much easier to implement, Like much easier. Like going from your VCR to a Tivo easier. CUSTOM. PLL coding is all hand-tooled PL/SQL which is controlled in a single source file, by default. It allows implementers to trap various Forms triggers and take actions based on them All Forms Personalizations, on the other hand, are stored as metadata, and so they are all seamlessly upgraded without needing to be re-applied or addressed - just like Flexfields or Folder definitions! Forms Personalization provides tools to perform the same configurations, in the form of a Form. (Say that fast, huh?) Open any Form in 11i10, and go to Help->Diagnostics->Custom Code-> Personalize. This brings up the Personalization Form in the context of the Form and Function that you were in. This is where you build the Personalizations specific to that Form or Function, The page has two major tabs: Conditions and Actions. Forms Personal then statements that can execute because of various events that take pl ion is basically a big set of if- ce on that Form, It... Conditions determine IF a personalization executes after a specific event or Forms trigger (including MENU or SPECIAL triggers). Triggers (WHEN-NEW-ITEM- INSTANCE, WHEN-VALIDATE, etc.) can be attached to objects, such as this example - when the user tabs out of the Purchase Order Type field into the Supplier Name field. Note that Conditions include conditional logic (only if the PO Type is ‘Planned Purchase Order’, ¢.g.), and scopes (only for Purchasing Superuser responsibility or Vision Operations organization or Joe the useless intern). Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw ano anaz015 Forms Personalization - Get it While i's Hat (Oracle E-Business Sute Technology) Function Nan [PO_POXPOEPO———=S~*S*«S Na PORPOKPO—Datag Mace (OH) oq_Des Ln Enties Gee) (TR Ge] ED Then... Actions are the list of specific things that you want to have happen. ‘The major actions are: + Builtin: Form or PL/SQL built-ins like executing a procedure, mimicking a key stroke, navigating to another function, opening a URL, ete. Very powerful indeed + Property: Set the Forms property value of a form item (If it's a Planned Purchase Order, set the Required property of the Description item in the PO_Header block to TRUE, e.g.) ‘© Message: put up a prompt warning like an OK box (cool because you can populate the message with data from screen variables, lookups, or calculations) ‘+ Menu: Enables a special menu entry, defining its label, icon name and blocks to which it applies Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw sno anaz015 Forms Personalization - Get it While i's Hat (Oracle E-Business Sute Technology) Finan P,PORPOEPO Femi POIPOEPO Oday oe OF 5 tet I “rjc PO HAGE COMMENTS Ga) [awe How now? (.... !brown cow?') ‘Those are the basics, and I think you can see how much more accessible this power is now, It's easily managed, as well. For example, there are delivered FNDLOAD scripts for migrating these personalizations between instances (DEV > TEST > PROD), as well as entering them in version control systems. Also, there is a central form for identifying the personalizations and turning them off! Pretty good if you completely hose up the WHEN-NEW-FORM- INSTANCE event... (Not that I've done that. Not that I would tell you, anyway.) Couple of last notes Forms Personalization receives events before CUSTOM. PLL does but then passes them normally to CUSTOM. PLL... Your existing CUSTOM. PLL logic will continue to work, but you can introduce these Personalizations first Forms Personalization was tested for performance and has been found to have very low impact. So don't worry about using this on heavily trafficked forms You need FND 1.5.10 minipack (FND.H), patch 3262159: alternately, it's included in AVG Family Pack Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw 410 anaz015 Forms Personalization Get While Its Hot! (Oracle E-Business Suite Techneogy) HH with additional niceties. In all, its great stuff, and while many folks have already done a bunch of CUSTOM. PLL library work, some may have shied away from it, or might have other small tasks that can now be trivially done. Of course, if you're just implementing, you'll find this very valuable. References * Customization and Development for the E-Business Suite * Oracle Forms Personalization: Change without Coding (James Nurthen, OpenWorld 2006, 628K PDF) Forms Personalization in Oracle Applications Users Guide (Metalink Note 279034.1) Category: Oracle Permanent link to this entry « Introducing Jim Van... | Main | Oracle Critical... » Comments: HiJim, Thave been using the CUSTOM pll for years but recently stumbled across Forms personalization, what a great addition to the EBS customization and extension toolbox. Maintaining and documenting an ever changing CUSTOM library has been a support nightmare, but forms personalization solves all those problems Best Regards, Andries Hanekom Posted by Andries Hanekom on July 21, 2006 at 01:04 AM PDT £ Great stuff, isn't it? Please let us all know, in the Comments section, if you guys are doing really clever stuff with Forms Personalization. We'll all benefit, 'd love to share your stories with the customers I talk to. ap tegs. race comistevenChanerryarms personalization of sno avs Forms Personalizaton- Get n Whe ts Hat (Oracle E-Business Suite Tectncany) Thanks, all the best, Jim Posted by Jim Van Heel on July 21, 2006 at 09:34 AM PDT ¢ Was anyone able to attach an LOV to a text field on the form? Will appreciate any help Posted by Steve on September 22, 2006 at 09:40 AM PDT it Hi, 1 Want to understand, if a Form is ‘personalized’ and a Patch is applied which touches that Form. What will be the impact? How we ensure that after the Patch application the Form Personalization are OK. Rajib Posted by Rajib Pramanik on January 03, 2010 at 02:51 PM PST # Hi, Rajib, Ifa form is personalized, subsequent patches that update the form will preserve your personalizations automatically and transparently to you. No additional steps are required to preserve your personalization Regards, Steven Posted by Steven Chan on January 05, 2010 at 03:29 AM PST # Hello Steve, 1 look for Form Personalization information OTN and to my surprise everything is gone. All the links are dead and the search page is not that useful. hitp:/ html Any ideas on whats the new home base for Form Personalization? Thanks, Hitesh Posted by Hitesh on March 07, 2010 at 10:17 PM PST # Hello, Hitesh, I'm not sure what happened to that site You can find lots of information about personalization in our EBS Developers Guides. For example, for Release 12 see’ Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw a0 anaz015 Forms Personalization Get While Its Hot! (Oracle E-Business Suite Techneogy) Check out the guides in the "Standards" section. Regards, Steven Posted by Steven Chan on March 09, 2010 at 03:06 AM PST # Thanks for the great blog. We have used personalization to personalise the Service Requests form on version 1.5.10, Because of the nature of our business we have had to hide a number of unrequired fields, extend the widths of some fields and rename some to reflect our own context. This has result in 73 actions in total being created to personalize this form. The form is now fit for our purposes but this has had an adverse effet on performance. It is now taking considerably longer to load but is a lot faster when the personalisations are disabled. Can you advise on how this can be optimised Posted by Cynthia Dzikiti on August 04, 2010 at 06:32 PM PDT # Hi, Cynthia, Hmm, Interesting question, Our standard response to performance issues that have been introduced by customizations is to recommend that you remove the customizations Note that "customizations" != "personalizations" So, this falls into a grey area; personalizations are supported, and indeed, encouraged. I think we should investigate performance issues resulting from personalizations Can you log a formal Service Request via My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) with the details? Please forward your Service Request number to me so that I can get one of our OAF developers working with the Oracle Support team assigned to your SR. Regards, Steven Posted by Steven Chan on August 05, 2010 at 01:27 AM PDT # Hello Steve, Here is the service request number Service Request Number 3-2104278401 Many Thanks, Posted by Cynthia on September 12, 2010 at 07:56 PM PDT # Hello, Cynthia, Thanks for your SR number. Reviewing your SR, it appears that you and your Support Engineer have isolated the issue to your own custom code that you've created for this form. The problem does not appear to be with underlying Forms personalization functionality If that's the case, you will need to spend some time optimizing your custom code for that form. Oracle Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw mo Forms Personalization Get While Its Hot! (Oracle E-Business Suite Techneogy) in a limited way, but I would expect that this will quickly go beyond Suppor's scope Support isn't really geared up to help debug customizations. If you need in-depth assistance with this, Oracle Consulting may be a good option to consider. Regards, Steven Posted by Steven Chan on September 13, 2010 at 01:58 AM PDT # Hello Jim I was researching on HRMS Form Personalization information and find your materials useful, but in the future could you include some screen shots. Just one question, will the form will have any adverse effect on performance? But, every little helps. Best regards Kuha Kumaran .K. Posted by Kuha Kumaran. K on June 05, 2011 at 09:45 PM PDT # Dear I want to personalized on Po Lines item LOV which show only item code and description and i want to show another field Inventory Organization, Can anyone help me in this matter Faisal Khan Posted by guest on January 29, 2012 at 05:20 AM PST # Hello, Faisal, I'm afraid that we don't have any Purchasing specialists on this blog's panel of authors. I'd recommend asking this question in one of the Purchasing forums on the Oracle Technology Network Regards, Steven Posted by Steven Chan on February 09, 2012 at 10:33 AM PST # hi how can i make a validate on an item when we leave the item Posted by guest on February 27, 2013 at 06:02 AM PST # Post a Comment: + Name: (guest E-Mail URL: Notify me by email of new comments . Remember Information? Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw ano anaz015 About Search Forms Personalization - Get it While i's Hat (Oracle E-Business Sute Technology) Your Comment: HTML Syntax: NOT allowed Please answer this simple math question 4+90= Preview Post [Preview Blog Authors Certificatio Upgrade Recommendations FAQ Webcasts & Training Subseril Email Enter search term: @ Search only this blog Recent Posts Third Recommended Patch Collection for EBS 12.1.3 Now Available Reminder: Upgrade EBS 12.2 to FMW 11. 1.1.7 E-Business Suite Technology Sessions at OAUG Collaborate 15 Oracle Database Certified with EBS 12.1 on HP-UX Itanium, IBM AIX March 2015 Updates to AD and TXK for EBS 12.2 JRE 1.8.0 40 Certified with Oracle E-Bu ile Remin ipgrade Database to by July 2015, How To Be Notified When MOS Notes Are Updated EBS 12x certified with Apple Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite! Tutorial: Publishing EBS 12.2 PL/SQL APIs as REST Services Archives Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu F' « April 2015 at Inipstbiogs orate comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw a0 anaz015 Forms Personalization - ett hil i's Hot (Oracte E-Business Suite Technology) te 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Today Menu * Blogs Home + Weblog * Login Feeds ‘omments The views expressed on this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle. Terms of Use | Your Privacy Rights | Cookie Preferences Inipstbiogs.oracte comistevenChanlentrytorms_personalizaton et ILw 110

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